Chapter Seventeen: Family

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After the weirdest day of work ever, came my day off.

I hadn't seen Lucie in a few days since our schedules were now opposite. On purpose or not, I wasn't going to complain.

I woke up early, hit the gym and got looked at by recruits and vets alike like I all the sudden turned purple.

I couldn't be sure how Lucie was dealing with this. Either the compassionate way or the bratty 'it's my sister's fault' way.

Pretty sure it's the latter.

I headed to the cafeteria and found a spot near Emmie, who also had the day off. We chatted about where we came from and fast food we missed.

Carlo briefly stopped in and grabbed something to eat, saying a quick hello to us and a shoulder squeeze for me.

Should I read into that? Nah.

I hadn't seen Chuck all day, but of course he came in with his father not long after Carlo left. He glanced at me then continued talking intently with his father.

Pretty soon a shadow fell over my tray. I looked up, weary of whoever it could be. I didn't have the best luck.

To my surprise, it was my dad.

I hadn't seen him since when we first got here. Everyone was being worked to death.

His goofy lopsided grin always got me to smile. Just as it was now. Emmie smiled and introduced herself.

"So you're the famous 'Smoke' I've heard of." My fathers gravelly voice finally spoke.

I looked at her like she decided to change her name to Double Crispy Mcchicken.

"You're Smoke?!"

She smiled shyly. "I don't really like being called that. I'm just quick and quiet. It was that or Mouse and a few people got bruises callin' me that." She grinned.

I laughed and my father followed suit. "Well either way, it's real nice to meet you. And know my baby has someone real good on her team." He smiled and ruffled my hair.

"You mind if I steal her Sm- I mean Emmie?"

She smiled good naturedly. "As long as you give her back." She gave me a quick wave as I followed my father out of the caf.

We walked a little ways before he began talking.

"I'm sorry I'm just getting to see you now. Your mother and I have been real busy with everything going on here. She's off with the Marshal right now." We continued walking.

"We've already talked to you sister. Shes always the more fragile one in my mind." He chuckled lightly.

I nodded and looked at my feet as we walked. I didn't share in his lighthearted comment.

"So. How are ya?"

I shrugged. "I'm alright. Crew isn't bad. Emmie is nice, obviously. Carlos, too. You remember him right?" I looked to my father.

He laughed heartily. "How could I forget your sidekick in every misadventure you had? My grey hair came from you two."

I smiled finally. Those were good times.

"So how's working with Hansen?"

I paused for a moment, blushing a little. "He's uhh... he's something."

He nodded and continued walking. "I know he and his dad can be real pains in the ass. Especially Chuck. Don't let him ride you. He doesn't know his hat from a latrine."

I choked for a second then chuckled, agreeing whole heartedly. Guess he doesn't know about Lucie and Chuck then.

My father was quiet for some time.

"I know it's going to be hard for you when your mom and I go out the first time. Hell probably every time."

I chewed my lip. That was my worst fear. Come to life.

"Yeah, but you and mom are some of the best. You'll be alright without us. Especially how we were..."

My dad nodded sagely. "You're right. We'll be careful. I promise you."

We ended up near our living quarters.

"So... they're bringing in new pilots for Sovereign this week. Two guys. Real hotshots from Spain."

I whirled on him. "But Sovereign is a US Jaeger. That's ridiculous. They can't do that. What if they don't even speak English? They can't read any of the controls-"

My father held up a hand. "They're good, gem. They'll make adjustments if they have to. Sovereign will be taken care of..."

He fidgeted with his keycard first a moment.

"Can you...can you tell me why you and Lucie aren't drift compatible anymore? She didn't... really have an answer."

That was Dad for 'she blamed you'.

I shrugged noncommittally. "We grew apart. She interested in things I'm not. We don't see eye to eye on anything...take your pick really."

He nodded again. "You know your mother and I love you, right gem? No matter what you do. We love you."

I smiled brightly. "I love you too, Dad." I jumped and gave him a big hug. He gave me one of his back breakers right back.

I may not get along with Lucie, but at least I'll always have the best parents.

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