Chapter Nine: I love you

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Why does my head hurt sooo bad? UGH!

I tried to crack my eyes open. The small sliver of light that got through was straight from Hell.

I mean, Heck.

I heard something beep and a whoosh.

I opened my eyes more, time to take inventory of where the heck I was.

Plush leather couch, IV bag connected to my arm- ick!, multiple screens showing different Jaeger specs, tall brooding blonde...huh?

Raleigh was checking a digital clipboard that hung off the IV bag. "Can we take out this torture device?"

He turned to look at me as I tried to sit up, he came over and helped me up. "Well, I don't know. How're you feeling?" He looked me up and down, sitting in the edge of the couch.

"My head feels like Cherno Alpha fell on it. Then proceeded to break dance and have prom on it." I subconsciously put my hand to the back of my head.

He gave a charming smile. He slipped some sterile gloves on, quickly. He pulled out the drip and placed a piece of gauze with med tape on the back of my hand.

I could see why so many women would fall at his feet. Mako kept to herself as did he now. I honestly had no idea if they were still together or not.

"Why don't I see you anymore, Raleigh?" Came out before I could truly think it through.

He gave me a thoughtful look. "Well... when we found Chuck, the research and testing we were doing became really important to me. I was trying to... maybe find something... to help my brother..."

He was quiet for a few moments, "When I failed at that... I tried my hardest to be there for Chuck. I think we even started to see each other as brothers."

He looked back up at me. "I'm sorry I was gone, during everything. I didn't mean to just leave you after... and lie to you. I think that's why I stayed away... so I didn't have to lie to your face..." he finished rambling and looked down again.

"It's okay, Raleigh. I just missed you. You were... are my friend." I grabbed onto his hand and gave it a squeeze. He looked up at me with a small smile again. He was still as handsome as ever, just added lines in his face from worry and perhaps disappointment.

I heard the door again, a clunky set of boots came into my peripheral vision.

A throat cleared and I looked up, still holding Raleigh's hand.


Chuck's jaw worked itself. Uh oh.

"Hey, Chuck. Raleigh and I were just catching up..."
I released Raleigh's hand and sat up more.

Chuck gave a curt nod, "I was hoping to check on you. See how you were doing...after your fall." He shifted his weight from foot to foot. Obviously uneasy.

I turned a little red, nodding. Raleigh cleared his throat- must be a man thing- and got off the couch. "She's all yours, man. I'll see you both later."

He left with a nod to Chuck and a small wave to me.

"You know I haven't seen him in three years. I call him on holidays and stuff like that..." I looked at the door while I spoke, slowly turning to face him.

He slowly sank into the spot Raleigh was in. He was watching my face, clearly something was on his mind.

"Chuck?" I spoke softly.

He slowly took my small hands in his large ones. "I can't believe I get to hold your hand again...I had thought of doing this so many times." he said quietly.

I held them tightly, bringing them to my lips. "I did too."

"I felt so many times that I was going to lose myself. That since you were gone that there really was nothin' left to hold onto. I can remember feelin' like I was being pulled apart, tortured and just cryin' your name. Like you were the only thing that could save me..."

My eyes teared up listening to him. I had felt the same way so many times.

"At one point, I just decided that layin' there pining after you wasn't going to do me any good. I took off for awhile. Had a good walkabout, really. Drank a lot. Thought about killing myself a time or two..." He chewed his bottom lip, staring off a little bit.

He chuckled mirthlessly, "I just knew how disappointed you'd be... if I did." He looked back up at me.

Tears were freely falling down my cheeks. A quiet sob escaped me.

He came back from wherever he had gone, and instantly grabbed me and pulled me to him.
I broke down, sobbing into his chest.

He held me tighter, "This is all I wanted... for so long."

I looked back up at him, eyes blurry from tears. I held his face in my hands and brought my lips to his.

Damn, I missed this man.

The intensity that he kissed me back was like a starving man offered a feast.

"I love you, Chuck Hansen. I can't believe I get to hold you again, but damn if I'm not going to take that for granted. I love you."

I felt a chuckle vibrate through me.

"God, I love you, Little One."

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