Chapter Twenty-Three: Meet the Fan Pt.2

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So apparently during this time of trials and tribulations, everyone in the dome was a damned tea spilling bunch of losers!

I grumbled under my breath as I trudged to Pentecost's office.

We were all ratted out, with video and all, by some crew members of Sovereign's. Poor girl, no respect I tell ya!

I was walking alone when I started hearing raised voices the closer I got to the Marshal's office.

Well that's not good.

I turned the final corner to see Lucie glaring at Gael with Chuck hanging back, leaning on the wall closest to the Marshal's door, which thankfully was closed.

"What do you mean it's my fault we're here?! It's...hers!" She pointed at me and literally looked like she was losing it. I'd never see her pupils so small.

Trouble in paradise it seems.

Chuck pushed off the wall and shouldered his way past the two bickering.

"Hey, darl'. Fancy meetin' you here." He smiled and kissed my forehead. I leaned into him without even realizing it.

"What're they going on about? I thought it was us versus them not them versus...them?" I looked at him with my eyebrow up.

He shook his head. "Seems the Spaniard is pissed off at blondie for gettin' him called to the Marshal's office. Somethin' about reputation... not that he even has one yet, the newbie." The cockiness rolled off of Chuck.

I laughed. "You sure have a big head, Hansen."

I realized my mistake before I had even finished the sentence.

He stood much closer and pushed himself fully into me causing a thrill to shoot through me instantly. I could feel his hard chest muscles pressing into my bicep and something warm and throbbing pushing against the tips of my fingers.

"Darl, you haven't even seen it yet and you know it's big." He whispered while kissing my ear. The cheeky bastard.

I found myself panting without realizing it. He would be my undoing. I swear.

Before anything more interesting could happen, the Marshal's door whooshed open. He stood there looking both intimidating and fatherly all at the same time. Disappointment wafted off of him in waves.

We had made a grave mistake.

"Come inside." He said bluntly and turned back towards his desk.

Immediately the Spaniard began talking, trying to give his side of the story as fast as he could.


We all sat simultaneously.

"I have watched the video of this...situation... too many times now. What I see are children who need to be disciplined. Not pilots. Not crew. Not even teenagers. Toddlers. The four of you acted with little grace and restraint." He took his hand and dragged it over his face.

"Why? Why did this happen?"

We all looked to each other. Chuck squeezed my hand from the chair next to mine.

You could hear a pin drop.

"I said... why did this happen? Lucie Blackwell. As I have known you your entire life...I did not expect this from you... or your sister." He looked at me pointedly.

"Gael, I don't know much about you, so the fact that you're involved in this and haven't even been here a month... does not bode well with me." Gael immediately tried to speak but Pentecost held up his hand.

"Chuck, I can say while I am surprised that you out of everyone here handled yourself the most respectfully, in the same breath I can say I'm not surprised you're involved at all."

Chuck looked down, it was my turn to squeeze his hand.

Pentecost stared everyone down. Gael looked away. Lucie looked away. I stared back. I knew I had acted like an ass in the bay but I felt justified as to why.

He stared at me for a few more moments thoughtfully. "Times now are not so innocent. Children must grow up quickly. There is always danger. I understand that, for the most part, you are still children." He looked back up from his desk. "I am disappointed. Should we have more time...more finite plans...I would punish you."

He looked us over. "But for now, all you have is my disappointment. Dismissed."

We all slowly got up. Unsure if it was really over.

Pentecost began working on some paperwork on his desk. "I said dismissed!"

We all hightailed it's out of there.

Gael went out in a huff, leaving Lucie behind. She whirled on me but was met with Chuck.

He stared her down until she finally decided to leave.

He turned back toward me. "You alright, Little One?" He ran a hand over my cheek. I nodded. I felt gutted but that was beginning to be the norm now.

"Do you you think we're going to make it?" I looked at him as tears started to form in my eyes.

He gave a sad half smile. "I don't know...but I have to hope we will, darl'. I've got a lot of plans for us...I'd like to see them through."

I gave a small chuckle and pulled him in for a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe. Briefly, but it gave me the smallest slice of solace.

And then the alarm rang. It was time for another bogey.

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