Answer Me!

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Alastor stood before the sinister apple themed gates of the Magne family home, silent and perplexed. He wasn't scared or nervous, just not looking forward to seeing the king himself. Lucifer could be...difficult at times, don't get Alastor wrong the guy was pleasant enough, when he wasn't torturing the souls of the damned. However his more appealing energy was a lot like his daughter's, only it left you more drained. His goofy persona seemed to be a low-key form of wearing down everyone around him, like a one million-year old manchild.

The deer demon was normally met with the dark calm version of Lucifer. The kind of demeanor that irked him greatly, as though the king were somewhat mocking him. Being talked down to was not how he wished to spend his evening. Therefore he planned to pop in, get his answers and be back at the hotel for dinner, the sooner he got out the better.

So the demon sighed, opened the gates and walked in while his tentacles coiled around the trapped guards behind him, as he made his way up the dark cobble stone path toward the large palace at the end of it.


In the palace the goat-like imps that served the family, cowered and covered their ears cringing in torment, as Lucifer loudly played polka music from his accordion. He was really suppose to be going through soul contracts but [as he put it] it was break time even though he hadn't so much as touched the papers all day.

Instead he fooled around, doing literally anything else, other than what he was suppose to do. He'd even have to thank Vaggie for giving him a reason to leave earlier, answering prayers was important after all.

He'd been playing his obnoxious instrument for hours without rest, driving his entire staff insane as he polluted his home with discordant music and maniacal laughter. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Screamed a servant as he ran toward the front door. He needed to get away, to be free of the monstrous noise. Lilith wouldn't be back for days, so there was no one to stop this madness. He couldn't wait that long, he had to escape! And he was so close too. The minute he touched the gold handle the door swung open inward, splatting the pained creature against the wall like a fly being swatted.

Alastor strode into the foyer swinging his micorphone like a baton, apparently breaking and entering another's home had no baring on him. He kept up his smile though behind it he was highly annoyed. He followed the sounds of - what he believed might've been- music and found himself in the large, lavish living room. The king was standing upon the velvet sofa, pushing and pulling the headache-inducing music, from his accordion smiling and jeering like a mad man.

Alastor stared at the scene with a tiny smile, accompanied by a disgruntled expression. 'This is not going to be an enjoyable visit.' He thought. However, he remembered why he came there in the first place, he needed answers so he could put his ridiculous feelings for Allison aside. Since the king was the one whom the doe was sacrificed to, he must have some information on her that he could share.

Alastor took a deep exaggerated breath and walked up to the powerful nut. "Excuse me! Your Majesty!" The king kept on playing, not even acknowledging the demon. He seemed to have not heard him. "Lucifer!" Still no answer. Alastor then growled before summoning a tentacle from the floor, in front of the sofa. It pierced the instrument stopping the king's musical tirade, then dragged it into its eldritch depths.

Finally the servants were free of the accursed noise, much to Lucifer's disappointment. He looked over to the demon responsible for ending his fun, and pouted childishly. Alastor was unamused by the look however.

"Now that I have your attention sire, I need to have a word with you." He stated.

"Oh my the Radio Demon! What brings you here?" The serpent king greeted. He then fell off the the couch, like an imbicile then got up and proceeded toward the deer happily. He had his hands splayed out in a welcoming gesture but Alastor held out his cane to him, stopping the king just within his five foot comfort zone. "Hello King Magne." He said.

The royal chuckled then replied. "Oh you funny Fawn, it's King Luci." He said. Alastor's eye twitched slightly before sighing for the hundredth time since making his venture toward the palace. "Your Majesty I have some questions to ask you, about..." He was then rudely interrupted by an arm around his shoulder. "You want to know about Allison Blue, right?" He deduced.

Alastor was almost shocked by the King knowing of his purpose, until he remembered who he was talking to. "Yes... I am curious as to who she was in her past life and to what the extent of her powers are." He explained. Lucifer pulled away summoned his own apple cane, before transporting them to a large dark descending staircase.

"Right this way." The Apple royal said. He lead the way down the steps which, almost seemed like they went on forever. The clownish man then began making small talk with the crimson buck. They talked about trivial things, trying to one up the other with their conquests of murder and torture, which was met with a tie. Lucifer then asked about his daughter. "So how is my little Apple pit doing these days?" He asked in general concern even if he didn't sound like it. "I haven't spoken to her since she left to open that little motel of hers." He somewhat mocked.

Alastor kept his grin firm as he answered. "I suppose she's well. Vagatha has her on thin ice, so to speak. Other than that everything's quite dandy!" He informed. "I see, oh that little moth is such a cutie. I just want to eat her up sometimes." Lucifer mused. It was hard to tell what he meant by that statement or how it was meant to be taken, either way it left the cannibal a bit uncomfortable.

They reached the bottom of the steps and were soon walking through a stone hallway. The walls were covered in staring, blinking eyes that watched everything. It wasn't anything the deer wasn't use to, since nearly every place in Hell had them. He just walked on staying close enough to not get lost but far enough away from any potential tricks. In an instance a wall of spikes shot up from the floor between the two powerful demons, barely nicking Alastor's nose. The buck was not amused by this stunt as he eyed the dangerous barbs, and then the smiling king suspiciously. "Oh my, I nearly forgot about the traps." He said sarcastically. "No worries dear friend I'll just fix that." He said before snapping a finger. Soon every other trap was set off; a wave of fire coming from the walls, a pit of snakes in the ground, more spikes cashing together from either side of the hall, and finally a large bone crushing sized mace from the ceiling. With a clench of his fist, Lucifer then reset the traps making the path clear for them again.

"My bad." He giggled innocently before continuing to lead the way. Alastor wore an annoyed, tight-lipped grin as he cautiously followed. After a bit more walking the two reached a door. The snake on Lucifer's hat uncoiled itself from its resting place, then slithered against the door tracing the etched grooves of the stone, until it matched the pattern perfectly. The door glowed a sickly luminescent green, as the king took his cane then twirled it playfully, before sticking the Apple end into a hole next to the door. He turned it several times; once to the right, once to the left and finally three full right turns. The sounds of locks clicking and tumblers coming undone, resounded throughout the door, making it rumble and slide to the right revealing a hidden room.

In the center there was a large book. It was thick and had a cover made entirely of mortal skin. The eyes that slept on the cover were placed ornately like jewels, with one much larger than the rest sitting in the center.

"This little guy should give you all the answers you seek." The king said. He then poked the larger eye in the middle, making it wince and open. "Wakey wakey my friend! We need Allison Blue's page." He said. The demonic eye glared and rolled its pupil before opening all of its other eyes. The book flew open, the pages flipping rapidly until it came to a stop on a blank page. It was blank until words began to form from seemingly nowhere.

Lucifer stepped aside and regally gestured for Alastor to take a look at the chapter. The deer was almost hesitant but he immediately quelled whatever doubts he'd been having, to turn himself away. This was what he wanted; answers and a reason to put away his foolish infatuation. Love was a weakness to Alastor and even so much as a hint of it needed to be squandered in order for him to be himself again.

He approached the book and read its contents from the very beginning.

"I'll leave you to it old friend, good luck." Lucifer said as he made his way outside the room, before the stone door closed again. The king could then be heard screaming in pain as a deafening crash was heard outside. "Damn it, why did I put these traps here?" He whined. However Alastor ignored the other man's cries of agony as he was too fixated on what he was reading about Allison. With every word he read his smile faded into a shocked, incredulous frown.

To Be Continued...

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