Oh Good Grief!

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In the evening...

"Oh wow it looks so much better now!" Squealed Mimzy as she gave herself a quick twirl in the mirror. The gown she now wore was a simple black dress with a slit on the side. It was very beautiful and you would never have known that it was torn and stained in several places before Rosie worked on it. "Well I do try!" The doll demoness responded. All the while, the women conversed as Alastor was deep in thought. He paced the parlor back and forth like he was contemplating a life and death situation. His brows were deeply furrowed and his smile was a little strained, like it was caught between being a grimace and a sneer, but still present. However you could definitely tell something was amiss with the deer, even if you didn't know him. His aura was glowing red with ancient runes surrounding him, his arms were clenched tight behind his back, and his hair tufts were laying flat against his head in irritation.

He grumbled and cursed under his breath, causing the ladies to acknowledge his strange behavior. They'd hardly ever seen Alastor in such a strange mood. Few demons got under his skin so it was a bit worrisome to see him like this. "Um...Alastor dear is everything alright?" Rosie asked. Mimzy then pitched, in hoping a different topic would break Al's strange discordant silent ramblings. "Al sweetie! How do ya like the dress? Ain't it the bee's knees?" She asked showing off the gown. Al's tufts perked up and his expression appeared shocked. He snapped his head toward the two's direction, giving the smaller woman a dark threatening look that made her gulp in fear. "My apologies dear I was a tad distracted by a most detrimental dilemma, in which my entire being is at stake. But no it's a fine dress it is clearly infinately more inimical at the moment, the center of the whole fucking universe!" He animatedly gestured as he released his frustrations out on the shorter woman. "Alright what's the problem Alastor?" Rosie asked nonchalantly while Mimzy hid behind her. It wasn't common but, the older demoness has dealt with her friend's tantrums before. It was more annoying than it was dangerous to her.

Alastor grunted as he held his head trying to think straight. "That...THAT LITTLE..." his voice was starting to take on a more demonic tone as he tried to explain his situation. "Was it Vox again?" Rosie asked. "Ha!- No not even Vox is worth the amount of trouble I'm dealing with, dear." Alastor scoffed. "I think it has to do with his new lady friend." Mimzy said from behind the taller demoness. "She is not...I mean maybe...*growl* what the hell is wrong with me?" his growling was accompanied by garbled static as he put his face in his palms. Rosie tilted her head in confusion. "What lady friend?" She questioned. "He was having tea with some blue deer dame at the café when we met up." Mimzy explained.

The older woman's hollow socket-eyes widened at the description. "Deer dame? Did she look like him but sadder?" She queried.

"How did you know that?" Asked Mimzy.

"Sounds like Allison. She's one of my best customers!" Rosie revealed. "As you know I preside over all the dress and fabric shops in Hell, she frequents them quite often for her business. I've met her a few times for a few soirees of my own, she was the one responsible for planning my Bloodshed Ball!" She explained happily.

"I remember that! It was the most exciting evening I'd ev'a had! The blood fountain, the amazing food! And she planned all that?" Mimzy mused.

"Oh most of those requirements were my idea but she added the special touches to really bring the vision to life!" Rosie said.

Alastor stared with deepened brows, he was very bothered by being ignored. "Yes, yes that's all quite riveting but can we please get back on topic? This is about my plight!"Alastor exclaimed earning an unamused stare from Rosie, and a confused glance from Mimzy.

"Of course Alastor. So she's got you all in a tizzy. Is there any particular reason why?" Rosie asked. "Do you think I'd be here pulling my antlers out if I knew that! It's as if my common sense escapes me whenever I'm around her, even if it were only for a moment! I've been trying to foil her pathetic attempts at coordinating that party, but she somehow... distracts me! Like some kind of wicked temptress!" He growls. Alastor then looks up when he feels eyes on him. Not only were the two ladies looking at him with smug knowing grins, but a few patrons of Rosie's parlor were watching with mixed emotions ranging from interest to heartbreak. "You're obviously in love with her." One of them said. Alastor immediately summoned a tentacle to coil around the customer, prompting all the others to scatter away into hiding. "Don't kill any of my customers Alastor." Rosie said. He obediently put the fearful demon down and moped. "But he does have a point dear, it sounds a lot like you're very found of the girl." The older demoness said as she walked over to some fabrics.

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