What does he want?

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Later that Evening...

After Husk finally sobered up Brisk was able to start on dinner. She made some steamed vegitables, mashed potatoes and a meatloaf. The latter had been in the oven for about half an hour now and so far everything else was coming along nicely. She sprinkled in some various spices and herbs into the pot as she stirred it some more then covered the top to let it simmer. The cat then put aside her ladle before putting on some mitts and opening the oven door.

She carefully pulled out the meatloaf while Vaggie sat nearby on the counter. She watched the chimeress cook with interest while Allison was standing by the fridge, cataloging and checking off the recently finished desserts. All of the confections were done and accounted for and after today Angel and Niffty would be cooking the food.

While Allison finished going over the list the moth continued watching Brisk cook. She was use to observing Alastor while he cooked but she only watched him out of distrust in case he tried to poison everyone or used some poor bastard for his recipes. She however believed Briskette wouldn't break her promise to Allison and add anything extra to the food. So the chica only observed out of anticipation to eat. "Is it ready yet?" She asked. "Hold on..." The cat said as she stuck a meat thermometer into the main course. With a satisfied smile she proclaimed. "Okay it's ready!" Vaggie sighed with relief before sliding off the counter. "Finally. I wonder if Charlie and Niffty know yet." She said to herself. The blue doe snapped her fingers and made the clipboard disappear before walking over to help Brisk with serving the food.

As she helped fill the plates she contemplated how she was going to get out of eating with everyone. It would be unorthodox if she ate two dinners in one night but she couldn't just say she wasn't hungry. Brisk looked over and noticed her friend was still looking a bit upset. "Allie do you want the first piece of meatloaf?" She offered hoping that the taller woman would feel better being given the best piece of the main meal. Allison struggled to give a response as her friend held out the plate to her. "I-I..." She said before a loud voice butted into the fray. "Hello my dears! What seems to be on the menu for us tonight?" Alastor questioned as he emerged from a shadow and pulled Allison close to his body.

The doe looked down in fear hoping that the demon wouldn't do anything reckless. "We're having mashed potatoes, veggies and..." Brisk was unable to continue as Alastor interupted her. "How drawl! I'm afraid I'll have other plans for dinner tonight!" He exclaimed before pulling away from the blue lady his arm lingering a bit as it slowly uncoiled from around her waist. A shiver went down Allison's back at the touch it was uncomfortable and tantilizing all at the same time.

"Have a lovely evening ladies!" The radio demon called as he made his way out of the kitchen. "Weird-ass creep." Vaggie mummbled. Brisk tilted her head silently with wide expressive eyes as she said in her usual cheery tone. "I don't like him." She stated much to Vaggie's agreement. "That's probably the most sense you've made since you got here." The moth said. Soon Brisk felt like something was amiss as she looked around in confusion. "Wait where did Allison go?" She asked. The shortest demoness also looked around finding that the doe woman was gone.


Outside the kitchen Husk sat at the bar where everyone would soon be eating. He rubbed his face but not just because of his hangover it was because of his burning embarrassment from waking up face-planted between Briskette's boobs-- her fucking boobs! Why did it have to be her? God he wanted to crawl under the booth and die a second time if it meant escaping enternal shame. "Hey Husky♡~!" Called the obnoxious voice of Angel Dust as he walked into the bar. "Get lost Jackass." The cat grumbled in annoyance as he tried to ignore the idiot spider. "Calm down Puss'n Shit! What's got your asshole pegged?" He asked.

Husk looked away with a low growl like hell he was telling this piece of shit anything about what happened between him and Brisk. "Fuck off." He said. "Jeez okay? Anyway you seen hide or hair of Charlie or Nif? I hadn't seen 'em since earlier." The spider asked as he took out a cigarette. The chimera sneered in disdain at the mention of the two pests who got him all flustered over Brisk in the first place. "Nope and I don't care." He stated while resting his chin on his folded arms. "Good evening gentlemen!" Called an extravagantly loud voice from a few feet away. Husk ignored the cheery greeting and instead focused on the fact that Alastor wasn't going to sit down for dinner. "Where the fuck are you going?" Husk questioned as the deer walked by toward the elevators. "I won't be dinning with you all tonight! I have other arrangements to attend to." He said ominously. "Oh~! Hot date?" Angel asked suggestively. Alastor just gave a smirk and a half lidded glance before walking off down the hall humming a tune to himself.

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