What Happened?

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The next day...

Alastor hummed happily as he prepared to leave for the morning. He wanted to get an early start after the very lovely evening he'd spent with Allison. After dessert they talked for hours before nearly daybreak, until Allison decided that she should get to bed soon. Oh his heart raced as he remembered how he embraced her body, how she stared into his eyes so cautiously. He relished in her fearful hesitation the blush of her cheeks and her scent...Lucifer her scent was now forever ingrained into his mind. The beautiful scent of mint would always remind him of his doe. He was becoming a tad obsessed he had to admit. The more time he spent with the lady deer he became more and more enthralled with the idea of having her around. The embrace they shared was brief. It went no further than a slight hug but he made sure that it was a very memorable one before Allison left all in a fluster at how brazen the deer was. Her reaction was flawless.

His mind reeled with every scene as the echos of the night corrupted his thoughts. It was the most intimate he's ever been with anyone in either lifetime. It must've been the alchohol but he didn't regret a thing.

As he got ready to leave for his typical morning routine music sounded from his aura as he fixed his tie. He had long since sobered up from his slight inebriation and all he was left with was a joyous smile as he gleefully planned out his next move to hinder the blue doe's progress in planning the celebration. He didn't mind waiting until after today to put his plan into motion but that didn't mean he wasn't going to mess with his lady today.

He soon summoned his staff and left his room looking rather smug. He just needed to adjust his strategy, utilize his new 'relationship' with Allie, then strike at the perfect moment when everything was at its peek. It would all come down hard like a ton of bricks leaving Allison with nothing to fall back on, nothing to make it better and nothing to show for all that hard grueling work put into the coordination. "Prepare yourself my dearest. This game is far from over." He said to himself before he strode off toward the kitchen.

In the bar...

Vaggie didn't let Charlie and Niffty out of her sight for a second. After the events of last night she was not going to allow her girlfriend to get off that easy. Everything about that situation could've gone awry. Who knows how Alastor would've reacted if she hadn't stepped in? Then there's the very fact that Alastor and Allison were even on a date at all. What the ever-loving-fuck was that all about? If things were a nightmare before they were turning into full on insanity now but one problem at a time.

Currently Vaggie stood behind her lover's stool as she watched her and Niffty eat their waffles somberly like a warden keeping an eye on a pair of inmates. Husk and Angel watched in confusion wondering what Charlie of all people could've done to make Vaggie this pissed off. "Should we ask?" Angel Dust questioned. Husk just shrugged before drinking his beer.

Briskette then walked in from the kitchen with two plates stacked high with more waffles fresh off the iron and still steaming. "Who's ready for fourths!" She announced happily as she placed the plates in front of everyone. "I think everyone's had enough Brisk." Vaggie said. "Speak for yer self!" The spider chimed in as he filled his plate with the freshly served breakfast. While Angel was greedily endulging in his food the happy little baker looked around the room for any sign of her absent friend who was normally always punctual to breakfast. "Has anyone seen Allison this morning?" Asked Briskette as her face took on a more worried look. Husk hummed in response as he too surveyed the bar in suspicion. "No In fact I haven't seen Alastor either." He said. Vaggie darted her eyes slightly knowing well what the potential reason for the two not being present was. Though she knew Alastor well enough that he probably wouldn't have done anything with Allison she couldn't help but wonder: what if? On the one hand Alastor was a ruthless serial killer but on the other hand he was also a gentleman. He wouldn't cross any unseemly lines with the doe if she wasn't inclined to play along. No that just wasn't his style plus he was ace, sex wasn't even his scene and she didn't know where Allison stood on the matter but her shy timid demeanor probably made her sex life very uneventful. "That's fuck'n weird that bastard never misses a meal." Husk concluded. Charlie looked like she wanted to verbally burst but Vaggie's glare of disapproval was enough to keep her silent. Thankfully she wouldn't have to say much because Alastor soon appeared out of nowhere happily greeting everyone. "Good morning dear friends!" He cheered in his loud staticy voice. Everyone was taken aback by how gleeful the man was. He looked as though he had come back from his most successful kill yet with the way he was smiling. It really put Vaggie off as she shuddered. She didn't even want to think of what the two got up to after she had left with Charlie and Niffty.

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