Where are they?

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Back at the hotel Briskette finished cleaning the lobby of all the unneeded fabrics. She had folded them all up and put them into a closet nearby. After packing the items away she threw out the packaging boxes and put up the now beautifully set decorations. It looked perfect and now all that was left was to let Allison know. However she paused when she remembered that she'd left to get some more flowers from Devon but that was hours ago, why wasn't she back. It was nearly dinner time now. Where was she?

Worried and curious Brisk left the lobby to find one of the staff members, in hopes that they'd know where Allison was. She ventured toward Husk's bar knowing he'd be there as always. She didn't hold much hope of him knowing anything but she had to start somewhere. The counter appeared empty but she knew he was there. She climbed up kneeling on the stool as she leaned over the counter looking over it and finding a brown fluffy mass sleeping on the floor.

"Husk?" The guy was still other than his breathing. She jumped over the counter and shook him a bit. "Husk?" She repeted but still got no answer. Damn it. Brisk then huffed in refusal to give up. She lifted one of his ears then shouted. "Husker!" Her shrill voice finally got through to him as he shot up and hit his head on the shelf. "Ow! Fuck! What the hell do you wa-..." he was cut off by Brisk instantly lunging at him grabbing him by the scruff of his collar and pulling him toward herself urgently. "Have you seen Allison?" She asked. Husk stared for a moment in shock then glared before answering. "No. Now would'ya-..." Brisk dropped the drunken cat then leapt back over the bar counter calling out for her friend.

"Allie!" She yelled in worry while Husk looked up from the bar rubbing his throbbing head from both his hangover and the impact he sustained just seconds ago. He staggered to his feet and out from behind the bar to follow the nut who nearly blew out his eardrum. He didn't know why he was following her but at the moment he just wanted to know why she was going all mom-mode over that deer bitch again. "Hey what the fuck is up with you now? I'm sure you're all worked up over nothing." He said. "It's one of the most dangerous days of the cycle and she's all by herself out there. How can that be nothing?" She snapped. Husk was taken aback by the sudden outburst. God it was always so weird to see the feliness get upset. She really seemed to care about that sad-sack. "Alright fine look maybe those bitches know where she is." He suggested gently grabbing the lady cat's shoulder comfortingly.

Soon voices could be heard from the hall. "Come on Vags let us go look for her!" Cried Charlie. "Yeah it's already been over three hours since she left. We should..." the pleas of Niffty were suddenly interupted by Vaggie's stern response. "I said no! If anyone is gonna go looking for her it's gonna be me! I'm sorry but you two have been really out of control with all this matchmaker nonsense. It's not safe out there and we don't have time to goof around." The two chimera walked into the café finding Vaggie scolding the princess and Niffty. They all looked up simultaneously to see the two elder cats walking in. Brisk looked devistated at what Vaggie had just explained to the girls she might as well had heard her say that her dear friend and colleague was dead.

"I knew it! Allison still hasn't come back yet, has she?" The cat almost whispered in shock. Vaggie looked conflicted while the other two seemed worried and a little ashamed. They were once again trying to push the two deer together but the gravity of the situation just became a little more serious due to Briskette's reaction, because now someone who cared for Allison's wellbeing was involved. "N-no...she hasn't- but that's why I'm going to look for her." She proclaimed. "And we're..." Charlie's own proclamation was instantly silenced by a warning glare from her crossed girlfriend. "...going to stay here and keep an eye on things." The princess finished. The moth then manifested her spear and made her way toward the door.

Briskette looked downward when Vaggie walked pass her imagining every awful scenario that her friend could be in. However she wasn't afraid of her getting hurt Brisk knew Allison was very capable of taking care of herself she was afraid that Allison would hurt someone or rather the result of Allison hurting someone was her concern. Of course she'd considered the doe to be sweet but if she was ever cornered or in danger she'd likely snap, then go into a deep depression for weeks over it.

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