More Headaches!

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In his office Alastor read through the mundane rules that Vaggie left for them to incorporate into the itineraries. He would mark the ones he believed should be allowed in then relay his choices to Allison, who would then put them into the panflets. Unfortunately the demoness wasn't as cooperative with Alastor's choices as he would have perfered. The previous day he kept turning away her attempts to offer suggestions for allowing enough of the rules on the guides to please both him and Vaggie. The reason why was because it annoyed him that such a meek, soft-spoken demon would try to convince him to rethink anything he set his mind to. For a creature like her being so seemingly weak and emotionally fragile, to try changing his mind so persistantly was just infuriating and unheard of for him.

He couldn't decide between being annoyed or impressed. The woman was either brave or foolish for thinking she'd have any say in how he did things or what rules he should allow. This awoken a certain frustration in the demon which confused him and irritated him. As he took a sip from his glass of liquor he scrunched his brows when he heard a soft knock at his door he knew who it was.

"Come in!" He nearly sang trying to hide his indifference. The door opened and in came Allison looking a tad worried and scared. She worked up a lot of nerve to be there at the risk of being put out again but this needed to be addressed. "Umm M-Mr.R-Radio D-Demon sir I..." The loud transatlantic accent of the Radio Demon interrupted her as she walked in and suddenly she found him next to her. "Ah! Miss Blue what can I do for you?" He asked leaning into her face uncomfortably close. "U-uh I wanted to a-ask about..." the demon just continued making her feel unsettled as he circled her like a shark studying its prey.

"About what my dear?" His voice lowered bordering on dark. The doe would have turned away by now but this was important. "I w-wanted to know why there's no restriction on the drinking?" She stuttered. "My dear I strongly believe that there should never be a restriction of any form on entertainment!" He exclaimed heartily. "Besides I doubt we'll have to worry since my dear friend Husk will have the less desirable vagrants under control." He finished before summoning his glass of liquor and taking a sip. Allison's frown turned into one of unconfident defiance. "W-well I think we should..." She was cut off by Alastor pulling her to his side for the umpteenth time since they met. "My dear I would love to hear your nauseating concerns but I'm afraid I have other important matters that require my attention." He said dismissively as he shoved the woman towards the door.

He then turned with his arms behind his back as he walked back to his desk. "Do close the door on your way out." He instructed as he strode back to his papers. Allison looked discouraged as she looked at the list Vaggie gave her. She didn't want to disappoint her again. She was a coward before but she couldn't just let it go this time. With that in mind she let out a deep exhale and turned to face the demon as he had his back turned to her. "I'm n-not leaving." She said as bravely as she could. The red haired man stilled midstride as he registered what he heard. "I'm sorry...what was that?" He questioned rhetorically, his tone shifting and sounding more threatening as his head turn ever so slightly to follow the woman's voice.

An audible gulp sounded from the frightened doe but she stood her ground. "I'm not- leaving until we discuss this. We've already lost too much time on this...and I-I can't let this go unchecked." There was a pregnant pause before a shrill ring of angry static was heard throughout the room. Allison covered her ears then looked up into the dialed eyes of the Radio Demon. "Perhaps you didn't hear me...Do close the door. On. Your way. Out!" He repeated menacingly as his voice dropped several octaves. God she was terrified but she couldn't give up. Against every instinct that told her to run away she ducked her head and walked pass the monstrous cannibal to sit in the chair that faced his desk.

She folded her arms and refused to leave though deep down she didn't want to play with fire. "I'm not leaving. There needs to be a boundary set for this rule and I won't go until we discuss it." Alastor was surprised by the blue haired woman's defiance. He hadn't expected her to be so unabating when he'd found that to not be in her nature the previous day. "Besides you'll have to talk about it at some point and it would either have to be with me or Miss Vagatha. Which would you prefer?" She asked seriously. There was conviction in her tone and she even spoke clearly but inside she was sure she'd be dead in a matter of seconds.

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