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⚠️Warning Graphic depictions of violence ahead. Not that good at writing gore but I'll try my best enjoy! You have been warned.⚠️

A demon screamed begging for his afterlife as two massive black tendrils held him by the waist and torso in the air. Alastor paced around with a menacingly dark smile as he spoke into his microphone delivering his gruesome broadcast throughout hell for all to witness. "Dear listeners it's a swell day out here on the streets of Pentagram City [in spite of the debauchery]. The air is stagnant, the weather is sweltering and today's scum seem to be coming in quite the variety of flavors! At this moment I have a rather rockyroad-type chap! What are you called dear boy?" This question was answered by screams of terror and please for mercy. "Let me go man! Come on!" He begged. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance! Tell me what do you call a cow with no legs?" This comment caused the now crying sinner to sob muffled weep and obscured please as the tentacle around his torso coiled all the way up to his mouth blocking out any coherencies and the one around his waist coiled around one of his legs. "Ground beef AH-HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Alastor laughed as the sound of a snapped bone could be heard. This just envokes more sobs from the demon's captive. To be fair the male was caught literally with his pants down trying to rape a demoness who was now forced to watch the scene in horror. She obviously did not enjoying being forced upon but being made to watch the Radio Demon at work was a dangerous chance that she didn't really want to take. However despite the voice inside that told her to run she observed every cruel act with terror-filled eyes. Alastor found sexual assult deeply reprehensible therefore he took it upon himself to be rid of the filthy creatine while all of the Pentagram listened in.

After the announcement followed by the first injury a tentacle shot through the demon spilling his innards all over the street. One of his abdominal organs burst out with the impact causing him to scream in pain and shock under the tentacle holding his upper body. The demoness was in shock as the blood splattered all over her face and torn dress.

"Such a shame for the lad I don't think he has the 'stomach' for this brodcast! Ahahaha!" Al joked as a laugh track sounded along with his own laughter. The organ in question laid a few feet from the well dressed demon like deflated bagpipes. The fluids leaked from the detached tubes in a sickening way so much so that the multi-eyed girl gagged at the sight of the throbbing thing. Alastor however was quite amused by the sight. He smiled down at the mass of smooth muscle chuckling as he gave it a mocking jab with his staff before looking up at his victim. "Hm..." he hummed feigning thought. "I think this one is more of a 'liver' than a fighter!" He said into his microphone as another tendril was summoned and shot through the previously made wound and pierced through the demon's liver. The guy was miraculously still holding on as he was able to get his arms through the spaces of the coils and bringing his hands up to pull the tentacles from his mouth. "Oh God please stop! I can't die listening to these stupid fucking puns!" He begged close to tears in both emotional and physical anguish, blood gushing from his mouth every time he talked or coughed.

"Oh come now my friend show some 'backbone' Hahahaha!" This joke was then followed by the poor bastard's spine being ripped out brutally. The howls and groans of his pain echoed throughout hell and could be heard through Alastor's microphone.

Unfortunately for the bloody douche his torment was only getting started.

Allison flinched at every rip and tear that could be heard from the radio on the front desk of the florist's shop. Apparently the owner was a fan of the Radio Demon's work and even had a vintage radio so he could listen in on all his broadcasts. Hell his love for the tyrant was one of the reasons he gave Allison such a good deal on flowers for her events, because she looked so much him. "Alright hon! That's the last of it!" Said a strikingly effeminate male voice from behind a large vase of black-stemmed red roses. "Thank you Devon. I-I'm sorry for making s-such a large order a-at the last m-minute I hope I h-haven't inconvenienced y-you." The doe stuttered gratefully.

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