Why the Hell?

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Allison washed her hands at the bathroom sink somberly as she made her usual sad worrying frown. This wasn't going well at all. Yes she's fixed the mess that was in the lobby but what about the patrons. After that shitstorm the celebration was guaranteed to be a failure. No one would dare attend a party where the Radio Demon was present to make something like that happen.

The doe feared this from the moment the deer monster called all of this a game. She turned off the faucet and leaned forward her hands on the counter as she shifted her weight a little to the left. Hesitantly the demoness looked up at herself in the mirror seeing not a replica of the radio demon, nor an ambitious coordinator but a God damn failure. She couldn't even coordinate a single fucking celebration why? Why did it have to be on the fucking Radio Demon's turf? Tears soon fell from the woman's eyes not like when she thwarted Sir Pentious. They were her own tears of sadness. She was becoming extremely overwhelmed by all these random problems. 

No matter how hard she tried something always went wrong. Whether it was because of Briskette, or Alastor or just bad luck. It's been one conundrum after another just like all her other projects and she tired of it. She'd have this perfect vision in her head this image of prestige but every time she tried to execute the best course of action possible she'd end up with a figurative and literal mess whether her clients were satisfied with the outcome or not. God she just wanted to quit not just this current project but the job all together nothing she seemed to do ever came out right. Why the Hell did she even believe in this? The planning alone wasn't working out at all so what hope was there that the celebration would even succeed?

She slightly turned away from the mirror with a curled hand to her quivering lip. As the demoness leaned her hip onto the counter she heard something crinkle in her skirt pocket. She reached under the tattered tail of her coat and pulled out the flyer she had kept. She looked at it pitifully wondering if all this was her punishment for something in her past life. She may have been sacrificed to Lucifer by her kin but was she really a true sinner?

On a whim she waved a hand over the paper and reverted it back to its original style; all cutesy and glittery like a 2nd grade Valentine's day drawing. It was so childish, so fluffy, very inappropriate for getting sinners to attend an afterglow celebration yet it caught Allison's eye as did the millions of other flyers stuck to many buildings. She remembered two days ago...

She had been trekking through Hell sulking over her last failed project at a gala for a wealthy client. The planning and direction for everything was going perfectly at first until it got later in the day.

The beginning stages of the Lustlorne cycle had gradually taken effect by the the time evening came around and the soiree was in full swing. It started with guests getting handsy and even a tad rapey with each other or with her. Then she would find people in the backrooms, closets and bathrooms having sex. By this point it was getting strange as the number of couples were increasing. Still she didn't think much of it at first until guests started forming orgies in the middle of the ballroom. Things then turned violent as the party goers began eviscerating each other while fornicating it was typical demon behavior but not on this level. 

The intense smell of blood mix with the sounds of moaning and the rising temperature of the room almost made Allison wanted to join in as well but she fought the urge and rushed off to lock herself inside an unoccupied powder room where she pleasured herself to the sounds all night.

The next morning her client paid her extra, satisfied with the turn of events even though the most active part of the evening was not scheduled, he was still pleased by it and thanked her immensely. The doe weakly grinned trying not to seem ungrateful but inside she was confused and disappointed in how all of her hard work pretty much went to waste because of this strange phenomenon that she would later find out via the 666 News, was because of a millennial cycle that she had read about during her few years after manifesting; the Lustlorne cycle. 

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