Who are you?

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The girls looked to each other curiously then back at the lady now called Allison. Seriously what kind of fucked up reality were they living in? It was hard to process the situation but Charlie continued trying to be optimistic. "So...Allison um...what exactly brings you to our hotel?" Asked Charlie. The timid doe looked around letting her eyes fall on anything but the two girls trying to word what she wanted to say. She remembered her pitch from outside the door then took a deep breath to calm herself. She paused for a bit before finally speaking trying to be as professional as possible. "Well you see...I-I noticed one of your flyers before coming here and...well I got... intrigued." She admitted softly as she brought out her own flyer for the celebration. She was a tad nervous when she saw Vaggie give a distrusting squint while Charlie raised a brow. Allison gulped but continued on as she walked around the lobby adjusting her glasses while observing the place and inspecting the decor mentally envisioning every detail she had planned, to help her focus on her speech rather than the looks the two demonesses gave her.

"I w-work as a freelance coordinator a-and I haven't had...well the best of luck with my p-projects." She stuttered remembering her last failed event ending in a bloody orgie due to the Lustlorne cycle. She then used an index finger to inspect for dust on the bar counter, there was a lot, much to Husk's annoyance. She cringed at the dirt and the memory but still tried to smile kindly.

"Since the day I first manifested... I've only ever heard a handful of stories about some of Hell's more...millennial events and found that th-there's no commemoration for the survivors, no...show of compassion for their loses and feats." Allison started to sound more passionate about her reasons for being in the hotel as Niffty swept the bar counter and the newcomer's finger. Charlie became spellbound by her speech while Vaggie just listened carefully for any falsehood in her voice. "I think a celebration at your hotel could be the start of something revolutionary for Pentegram City!..." She then paused and saw the wide surprised looks on the girls' faces.

Allison's timidity returned she blushed realizing she was assuming they'd go along with her vision. "O-of course if t-that's alright with you both." She placed her hands against her lap respectfully her perked ears going limp again as she looked toward the ground. Vaggie noticed the five-point stars in her girlfriend's eyes then quickly grabbed the princess and gestured with a finger and a painfully faux grin toward Allison. "Give us one moment please." The moth demoness then pulled the blonde aside and whispered to her as the taller girl fought to contain her excitement. "Okay serious dejavu." She began. "Y-yeah in more ways than one." Charlie responded. "She doesn't seem to be that bad, I mean she just wants to help with the party." Said the optimistic demoness as she calmed her strained elation and observed the quiet blue doe who looked around aimlessly.

She noticed how sad the woman seemed whether it was just in her nature or not Charlie wanted to bring a genuine smile to the timid woman's face the poor thing didn't even smile to herself if she didn't need to. Not to mention Allison and her seemed to be kindered spirits when it came to their passion projects she wanted to celebrate the survival of the lustful sinners just like her, how could Charlie turn that away. Just as she was mulling over the thought she was brought back to Hell by her girlfriend's voice. "Hey Charlie, look I know what you're thinking but we need to be smart about this. She's not Alastor but she could still be a problem." The Latina said.

"I know, I know but...She genuinely seems to wanna help us. What's our modo?" Charlie questioned smartly. Vaggie folded her arm annoyed as she knew the answer but wasn't really thrilled about it. "*sigh* Everyone deserves a chance." She recited like a tired mantra. "But this isn't someone looking for redemption this is some random Alastor look alike offering--yet again-- to 'help us' and it could all be part of some plot to destroy us or something!" The moth reasoned with air quotes and animated gestures. They both took one last look toward the demoness assessing her a bit more for a final decision.

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