He's up to Something!

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Day three of the cycle was an apocalyptic sex storm among the streets of Pentegram City. By this point no other denizens who were not sinners of lust dared venture from their homes and hiding places, as people were being pulled into the fray forcefully if they were caught out in the open. Some were into it while many others just weren't.

Because of this radical turn of events people would actually seek out the Hazbin Hotel for safety while the more tame lust sinners were just looking for a place to find unsuspecting targets. Charlie couldn't always tell who was genuinely seeking refuge or who was a threat unfortunately, which led to some issues with a few patrons.

"Get lost you fucking prick!" Yelled Vaggie as she kicked out a demon that was trying to screw her leg like some horny dog. Charlie watched her shamefully feeling guilty for allowing the guy in thinking he was legit in his reasons for being there. Vaggie was pretty good at sensing bull shit but then again she hardly trusted men anyway and few women. After getting rid of the creep who assaulted her leg the Latina walked over to a sofa in the lobby and sat next to her guilt-ridden partner as she was offered a cup of tea.

The moth was too emotionally exhausted to deal with anymore antics she truthfully wondered if this celebration was even worth it. Vaggie took a drink from her cup as Charlie fiddled with her fingers nervously thinking that her girlfriend was mad. "Oh- I'm really sorry Vaggie he seemed nice when I talked to him." She apologized. "It's okay Charlie..." The moth groaned rubbing her face.

Charlie's intentions were good but things were getting worse out there even Angel Dust was becoming more insatiable with the patrons to the point where the girls would have to tie him up or confine him to his room until he calmed down. They couldn't afford to let just anyone into the hotel but they also couldn't just turn people away if there was even the slightest chance that they were truthfully seeking asylum. Sadly there was no way to know for sure. "Look let's not dwell on it too much alright we'll just tend to the guests here and get back to planning the party." She said hopelessly before taking another sip. The princess put a hand to her lover's shoulder comfortingly trying her hardest to lighten her mood.


Angel sat at the bar tied up with a muzzle on his face pretending to listen to Briskette's tale of her latest acid trip. "So I told him to go down a jug of bleach if he was gonna use language like that in front of me!" The chimeress said. Angel sighed as he dropped his head onto the tabel in boredom. "He was pretty fowl-lipped for a clown!" She said excitedly remembering the previous day. Unbeknownst to her during this venture, Charlie and Vaggie had fended off some unsavory characters trying to get to their stoned friends and the "clown" she spoke of was Lucifer who just sat and watched the show. There was a long pause before Angel spoke up. "So you had weed, right?" He said for the third time since the cat started talking his ear off.

Said cat just tilted her head in confusion. "Hm weird Vagatha asked me that too!" She wondered aloud while Angel just sighed to himself in defeat before he noticed an unfinished glass of liquor on the other side of him probably left behind by a patron. The bound spider reach for it with his head but it was no good since he had very limited mobility and his mouth was obstructed. Just as he'd drawn back to rethink his strategy Husk walked over and took the half empty drink away and finished it up before cleaning the glass. A single pitiful tear rolled down the whore's cheek as he watched the alchohol fix that would've been his being taken away from him, before he could even hope to taste its bitter caress on his tongue.

"Aw don't be sad Angel." Cooed Briskette as she patted the aracnid's head. "I ain't sad just...thirsty. Think you could get this off my face so I can at least drink properly?" He asked hopefully. Brisk cocked her head still smiling innocently as she purred like she was thinking if whether or not she should do it. "Forget it kid the bitches said ya gotta stay like that until your hormones are under control." Husk said. "But they are!" The spider whined. Brisk just watched the interaction with interest as she licked a pastel blue and lavender jawbreaker that was about the size of her palm. Before she could bite into it the male chimera snatched it away from the female.

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