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Theo POV

I walked the halls of the school, people looking at me, muttering how i'm a freak. I wish i could change that, but i'm no freak. I'm different. No one should ever be called a freak when they're not, i'm not a freak. People just have their opinions but won't take it into consideration on how that person would feel, but all i get called is freak. Being sixteen and a werewolf is one of the hardest things, i haven't adjusted to my wolf yet considering it's been three years since i first shifted.

Mama and dad help me control Darius, he's my wolf. A strong headed, angry wolf who likes to get us into trouble. Not that i mind, i like Darius, he reminds me we are normal just like everyone else, we're just unique, not a freak. But with the people in this school it's kind of hard to keep my cool when i'm pushed, tripped, yelled at for being a freak, I just get angry and hit them back. I've lost count on how many times I've been suspended for punching people and getting into fights.

Mama and dad always scold me for it, but it's worth it to have two weeks off where i do nothing. Cara has her friend group of popular people, my sister is very liked in our school with her kind personality and she's friendly to everyone. Unlike me, i don't talk or look at anyone. I mostly fall asleep in class, which of course i get in trouble for but i can't help it.

Darius likes to sneak out and go for runs. I like it to, there's no one out in the woods at night and it's more peaceful to be on my own. I go to a lake that's in alpha Zach's territory, my aunt Evie's brother. It's relaxing there where i can lay and listen to the water or swim for a bit before i go back home. Mama and Cara go there on their runs when i'm at home sleeping while dad runs with them.

"How does Cara live with a freak like him?" I heard a girl laugh to her friends. I stopped in my tracks supressing a growl, trying to calm myself so i wouldn't yell at them. I took a deep breath and carried on walking down the corridor to my class hearing more comments about me, some worse than freak but i chose to ignore it before Darius thought it would be fun to rip people's heads from their shoulders.

All of a sudden i was tripped where i fell on the floor. My face smacked the floor with a grim cracking sound of my nose. I groaned but ignored it, i'll reset it in class where it'll heal while i sleep. A kick went to my ribs before i could get up making me wheeze a little, then kick after kick came from all sides of me.

"Not the big bad guy after all are you?" Brad smirked darkly at me. The kicks stopped at the biggest bitch at school spoke to me kneeled by my head.

"Fuck you." I spat out while Darius worked on trying to heal my now broken ribs from the harsh kicks.

"So he does talk." Brad laughed. "You think you can fucking walk around this school hitting my boys and get away with it. I don't think so. Now it's the last four months of school, this is how it will go. Every day me and the boys will hit you for the last five years of you hitting them. And everyone else you have hit."

"They deserved it. And you will to." I growled a little.

"Deserve what? All i see is a freak that is all bark and no bite. So lay still while we all get our daily dose of beating the freak." He stated. Before i could even get up, Brad and his goons started kicking me, punching me. All of them surrounded me and hit me while Brad kneeled by my head and punched me.

"Brad stop!" Cara yelled running to him, oh yeah he's my sisters boyfriend.

"Go away Cara. I don't want you to see this." He smiled sweetly at her then went back to punching me.

"Stop Brad that's my brother." She cried. I tried to tell her to leave but couldn't from Brad's punches. Cara held on to his shoulders trying to get him away from me. Only Brad didn't and pushed Cara, she fell back hitting her back on the wall with a harsh thud and fell" to the floor. Whimpers left her lips with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Without hesitating, i got up and pushed Brad so he was on the floor. I punched him and gripped his hair to bash his head. "You fucking touch my sister again and I'll rip your spine from your back and gift it to your parents. Am i understood?" I growled at him, i'm sure my eyes were dark showing Darius was present to.

Brad's eyes widened as he looked up at me in fear. His head nodded making me get off him and tend to my whimpering sister. I picked her up bridal style and carried on walking down the corridor. The crowd that formed parting so i could get through, every single pair of eyes on me with fear in them.

"I swear to god Cara if you don't break up with him you'll be getting his head as a birthday present." I growled to her. She whimpered baring her neck to me in submission. I nudged her hair with my nose, a sign of affection we do with our father when we're in wolf form but when one is upset we do it in human form.

"Am i understood?" I asked her in a softer tone this time. She nodded and hid her face in my chest. "Good." I mumbled and planted a kiss on the top of her head. I walked to our class we had together and sat her down before leaving and going to the boys toilets where i saw Brad and his goons helping clean his face. They all watched me cautiously as i started cleaning my face free of the blood.

"What?" I glared at the group making them look away and going back to whatever they were doing. Once my face was clean, i reset my nose making me groan a little but used to the pain due to having a broken nose at least once or twice a week. Darius had already healed my ribs so i was good to go and he started on my nose. In the end i just had a busted lip and a black eye which would heal by the time i went home, perks of being a wolf.

"Freak." The boys all mumbled making me tense and them freeze. The fear rolling off them in waves making me smirk as i left the toilets and back to the class.

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