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"Um, what?" I stared dumbfounded at Sonny.

"Ej is not next to be alpha. You are." He rolled his eyes like talking to a child.

"I'm sorry. That's not right. I am not cut out to be an alpha, especially of a pack." I scoffed.

"You're Elias' oldest son. No one else can take over other than you. If you don't this pack will fall." He growled a little.

"That's not my problem. I don't know half of how to control a pack let alone be in one. Do you know where i grew up? A fucking apartment building, with my two dads and sister. How can me, a fucking rogue take over a pack just like that?" I pointed out. In werewolf law mama, Cara and I are all rogues since we don't belong to a pack, never have and i won't start now so this pack can carry on going. Even if i did take over, I wouldn't have anyone to pass it on to because I'm not getting Tate pregnant.

"That's why I called the council Yesterday. They'll be here at 11:00am to talk about sending you to alpha school and when you'll be ready to do the ceremony and have Tate as your luna." Sonny said.

"Hold the fuck up." I raised my voice. "I'm not becoming alpha, that can be left to someone who wants it."

"Please don't shout." Kolby whispered. "I don't want Xander to wake up."

"Did you know about this?" I looked at my 'dad'.

"No. I was with Xander and Ryan all day yesterday. I don't even know if Elias knows about this." He replied.

"Does he?" I turned to Sonny.

"No, but his father does. Bentley and I agreed that we would all sit with the council as civilised people to figure this all out."

"All, as in who exactly?" I asked.

"Me, Bentley, Arlo, Kolby Elias and you. Because Kolby and Elias rejected Arlo there has to be an agreement between former mates and their pup." Sonny responded.

"There is nothing to agree about. I'm not being a damn alpha of this pack." I growled deeply.

Mama, dad, Angela, Claire and Tate all came down the stairs.

"Why are you shouting?" Mama asked me.

"Sonny called the council to make me alpha of this pack because Ej isn't good enough." I growled again.

"What? Why? We're not staying long anyway." He stated. "What has Elias said about it?"

"Elias doesn't know. He will find out tomorrow when we're in a meeting with the council." Sonny told him.

"Sonny, what did you do?" Angela asked in shock.

"I did what was right for the pack." He told her.

"How is this right for the pack?" Kolby joined in now free of his pup. "You can't force Theo to be alpha. He has lived his whole life with just three other people, I'm sure a couple others but not hundreds of people to look out for. He'll fall behind at the school, he's not cut out to be alpha. I don't mean that disrespectfully but because of mine and Elias' actions he didn't get the feel of growing up in a proper pack. It will effect not just him but his family, Arlo has a life elsewhere, where Theo is happy, he has Tate, he has his parents and his sister. You can't take that away from him just because it benefits us and the pack. I regret my decision, but i did it and I have accepted that. This isn't going to happen, so call the council and tell them not to bother."

"Theo what's happening." Tate came to my side. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face in the crook of her neck.

"What happened to leaving after Theo's healed? We can't stay here." Mama said sternly.

"What's going on?" Elias walked in.

"What are you doing here?" Angela asked him.

"I needed to talk to Kolby. Wait am i missing something?" He looked around the room.

"Sonny wants me to become alpha after you not Ej." I growled.

"Sorry what?" Elias asked like i had when i found out.

"Ej isn't the next alpha. He's not your first son, Theo is. So me and your dad called the council to come and sort everything out." Sonny told him.

"Dad did you not hear anything i said? You can't force him. He's never been in a pack, he'll be like a rabid animal. Once again no disrespect but that's how it'll be." Kolby raised his voice.

"Theo isn't like any other wolf, because of mine, Kolby's and Elias' blood he's stronger and struggles to control himself. It's a miracle he's still sociable with me, Tommy and Cara. Before he met Tate he hadn't smiled in at least five years. He can't have the stress of this pack on his shoulders. It's better for Ej since he's only dipshit there and barbie bitch number two wherever she is." Mama used a stern tone as he spoke.

"I agree with Arlo and Kolby. If he can't do it then we'll find someone else after me, or it'll go to Eli. If Theo doesn't want this i won't make his life more miserable than i have. It's the least i can do after what i did. I will not have him take place as alpha." Elias stated.

"We'll take it up with the council." Sonny shrugged.

"I will not be alpha for this pack." I growled deeply, glaring at Sonny. Everyone in the room was on their knees with their necks out to me. I looked around seeing my family and mate on their knees in submission. My chest rose and fell quickly making me run out of the house with mama shouting my name with Tate.

All i could do was shift and run.

I just ran.

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