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"Theo!" Tate screamed.

"Go." Elias, Kolby, dad, Eli and Rick all shouted through the mind link. I was quick to take down one more rogue before running in the direction of my mate.

"Keep Brad alive as make sure he goes into the cells." I ordered then cut off the link.

As soon as I got to Tate, she was against a tree holding her bump protectively. Ryan was on the floor trying to get up from seven rogues on top of him. Before they could do anymore harm to my little brother, I was helping distract the other so he could get back up.

Ryan and I fought them, only taking down five rogues.

"Theo." Tate whimpered. I turned around to find one rogue holding Tate with the other holding her neck with his claws out.

"Stop." I yelled after I shifted. "Don't, don't hurt her."

"What are you going to do about it? We have her and all it takes is one swipe." The one holding Tate's neck smirked darkly. To prove his point he dug his claws into her skin, piercing it making blood trail down her neck to her chest.

"Stop." I growled with a small whimper, fear of losing my mate. "Just let her go, please."

"Why should we?" The one holding Tate down spoke up.

"What if it was your mate? What if I had your mate with me and I threatened to kill them?" I asked. Thinking of anything to make time let go of her.

"Do something." Darius whimpered, eager to have our mate in our arms.

"I'm trying." I whimpered back.

"I wouldn't care. I killed her myself." The one holding his hand to Tate's neck growled.

"You don't have to do this. Please, I beg you. I'll give you anything to not harm her." I begged running out of ideas.

"Anything?" They looked at me skeptically.

"Anything." I nodded.

"We want," they started. "Her gone."

My heart sank, I froze. My body went numb. Everything went like it was in slow motion. His hand sunk into her neck and ripped across. Blood spewed out of my mates neck as she fell to the floor.

"No!" I yelled and ran to them. I snapped their necks before they could get away. Ryan licking at Tate's neck to try and stop the flow of blood as she struggled to breath.

My arms wrapped around her and ran to the pack. Members gasped as I ran past them to get to the medical house to make sure Tate lived. If she dies I will rip Brad limb from limb. And if I could do the same to the fucker that dared to put his claws near her neck, I would do the same thing to him.

"B-beautiful." Tate whispered with her hand running down the scar Elias gave me. From my eyebrow down until it stopped.

"Stay with me baby, you stay with me. Ok, you hear me? Keep them damn eyes open, keep them on me." I growled showing my distress and fear of losing her.

When we got to the medical house, the doctors took her from me and ran her into a room. Ryan had to hold me back from going in there.

"You keep her alive. I swear of she dies I'll kill all of you." I yelled. Ryan hugged me as I cried to him.


That's all I felt.

The fear of losing Tate came at me head on, full force. My hands were shaking as my arms loosely hung around my younger brother.

"Is she going to be alright?" Darius asked.

"I don't know. Willow? Is she talking?" I questioned my wolf.

"I can't get to her. It's like she's not even there. I'm scared Theo." He whimpered.

"So am I. They better not let her die." I growled. Darius didn't reply to that. Both of us on edge about our mate and her health. The pup, if we lose Tate we lose the pup. No.

More tears fell down my cheeks. If lost one or both of them I'd lose my fucking mind. I can't go on without them, Tate or my pup. My heart heart for both of them, I know I can't lose them, they better survive. Tate is strong, she's so strong and our pup will be the same. That little bean will be so strong like his or her mum.

"How is she?" Mama asked entering the house with Elias, Kolby, dad, Eli, Rick, Cara, sonny and Angela. I'm guessing they left the kids with the neighbour Mr Hughes, an elderly man who enjoys the pups' company. The 96 year old man likes having them around to smile as he lost his mate a few years back from old age.

"We don't know." Ryan answered for me. "I tried to stop the blood but it was to deep." He sighed.

"You don't think." Angela started with a small gasp. I just felt Ryan nod making me squeeze my eyes shut not believing my mate would leave me.

All of a sudden, a pain ripped through me. Darius howled in pain but not for us. I could no longer feel the mate bond between Tate and I. Like the invisible string keeping us together was cut as it was never there before. I fell to my knees clutching my chest as Ryan held me.

Sobs sounded as I knew Tate left. She was gone. Everything went in slow motion again, ringing in my ears as my family gathered around me talking to me. But all I could do was hold on to my younger brother as he held me. My hands in fists against Ryan's back needing something to hold on to.

The door opened revealing one of the doctors with his head hung low.

"I'm sorry alpha. We did all we could for Luna. We are working on getting the pup out safely and into an incubator." She said, sadness in her voice like she was trying to hold back tears.

A low, deep growl came from my chest as I got up. Anger replaced the sadness as I walked away from my family to the cells below the pack house. When I got there, Brad was sat in one of the many cells.

"You killed her." I growled angrily. "I will tear you limb from limb. I hope your family will love a gift. Your spine will be gifted to them as you slowly die in this cell." I spat out.

"You don't have the balls." Brad smirked.

"Kill him. KILL HIM NOW!" Darius growled.

"Oh I do." I told him. "But it won't be today, and it won't be tomorrow. I will let you live in fear, awaiting the day your parents get your body parts as presents."

Fear flashed across his face but left as soon as it came as he tried to put on a brave face.

"Let's started with a leg, yeah?" I smirked at his fearful face.

Screams could be heard from the cells as I beat Brad. Then the grim sound of his leg being ripped from his body.

A/N: Anyone else cry like a baby? No? Just me 😭

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