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When I woke up, Tate was still sleeping. I pulled her to my chest where she sighed contently and rubbed her cheek a little before relaxing again. With one hand I moved my fingers up and down her back with my other hand running through her hair. The sun was barely up so I laid in bed holding Tate close to me. Over the last three years I've become used to late nights and early mornings running on three to five hours of sleep, sometimes even less. There has been them days I didn't sleep for days at a time.

Taking my hand from Tate's hair, I grabbed my phone seeing that it was only 5:22am. I had a message from Warren and Chandler. Since we were all busy with our packs we haven't really been able to talk to each other as often as we used to.

Warren: Guys this is getting on my tits. We haven't spoken and need to meet up. I have today off if any of you are free.

Chandler: Hell yes! I'm down. Let's do something and bring the mates. Tyler is down to.

Me: Yeah. I was going to take Tate ice skating she's been wanting to do wanna tag along?

Before I could put my phone down and have a few seconds with Tate, my phone dinged again.

Chandler: YESSSSS! I love ice skating. Tyler has been wanting to go for ages so we're definitely coming. I just need the time and where the rink is.

Warren: Isla can't ice skate... but I've talked her into coming.

Me: Neither can Tate, she's never been but she wants to go. We're going around lunch time and eating out.

Warren: All good. We'll meet you there. Just need the name of the ice rink.

Chandler: We'll be there.

I told them the name of the ice rink then put my phone down. Carefully, I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. I ran a hand down my face then rubbed my eyes.

"What's wrong?" Tate asked groggily while rubbing my back.

"Nothing. Get some more sleep before we leave today." I told her.

"Ok. Who was you texting? Is everyone ok? Mama and the guys? Cara and Rick?"

"They're fine. We'll be meeting up with Warren and Chandler with their mates. Get some more sleep." I replied and kissed her head.

"Now I'm awake, maybe we could have some fun before we leave." Tate sat up with a smile.

"Shower with me?" I smirked.

"Hmmm." She hummed and nodded.

"Hey bro long time no see." Warren smiled.

"Hey. Warren this is Tate, Tate, Warren." I told them with my arm around Tate's waist.

"Nice to meet you Tate. This is Isla, my mate." Warren smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you." The girls smiled at each other.

"Look who's here." I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Chandler and his mate there as well. "Hey guys, this is my mate Tyler. Tyler this is Theo, Tate, Warren and Isla."

"Nice to meet you." We all smiled at Tyler and the girls at both of them. We all went in and got our skates and paid to get in. I helped Tate put her skates on then mine and got up. Mama loved ice skating so him and dad would take me and Cara a lot when we were growing up.

"Ready?" I smiled at my mate. She nodded and I stood up helping her as well. Carefully I walked us to the ice holding Tate's hands so she wouldn't fall.

"This seems a lot harder than it looks." Tate mumbled.

"I was like this my first time ice skating. Dad had to hold me because I would stop crying." I chuckled. "I was convinced I was going to fall."

"How old were you when you first went?" She asked. Even three years later we're still learning things about each other.

"I was three when Cara and I first went. The last time I went I was fourteen. Feels so long ago." I smiled.

"What was it like? How good are you?"

"Not that good. I know the basics but don't expect me to do leaps and jumps because I can't." I chuckled.

"Damn. I was expecting some yuri on ice shit." Warren laughed.

"Don't start. Cara watches it all." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't dis anime bro. It's good." Warren growled.

We got on to the ice where I kept hold of Tate's hands. Her legs were spread and her body a little hunched over making me laugh at her.

"Beautiful relax." I told her. "Stand normally and let me do all the work."

"Like you always do." She smirked at me.

"Don't start something you can't finish beautiful." I shook my head with an amused smirk. "Come on, stand normally."

Tate managed to stand normally but she still wobbled a little. Slowly I started skating backwards pulling Tate along with me, gradually getting faster. Tate giggled making me smile at her cuteness.

"Alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She smiled. I carried on skating while pulling Tate along with me watching my friends do the same with their mates. Isla looked like she was about to cry until Warren held her to his chest.

"Are you happy we came?" I smiled down at my mate.

"Yeah. It's fun." Tate smiled back. "I want to get really good then I'll be better than you."

"Whatever you wish for beautiful. We can come as often as you like. I know I'm busy a lot but I'll try and get more time off for you. So whenever you want to come back I'll get a day off and I can teach you." I told her.

"You'd do that?"

"Of course beautiful." I smiled a little and pulled her to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist and nudged her nose with mine which she did back. As I went to kiss her someone shouted,

"There's kids here. No sex on the ice rink."

I pulled away and looked to see Warren laughing.

"Dickhead." I called out.

"Thank you very much." Warren bowed.

"You're friends are funny." Tate laughed.

"Their dicks." I chuckled pulling her close to me again and kissed her.

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