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Today I woke in a fairly good mood. Mika is allowed to come home, Ryan is helping me set up the last preparations for her nursery. Tate and I had started, but we never got to finish it so Ryan helped me out. Mama also sent me a list of everything she needs or will need as she gets older.

Aunt Reggie and uncle Harry are staying with me for some time so if I need help I'll have them and also a doctor if I feel like Mika needs anything. Doctor Lee told me she'd be a little short of breath but it's nothing to worry about unless it goes down drastically. Even then I'd have Reggie with me in case of an emergency.

"Are you ready?" Ryan asked me. I nodded and took a deep breath before leaving the house. I had a small bag with me full of the essentials I would need for taking Mika home, clothes, a blanket and a hat. Ryan suggested taking the pram but I declined because she's so small, I'd rather have her in my arms than swaying about in a pram.

"How're you feeling about this?" Ryan started conversation as we walked to the medical house.

"Nervous." I admitted. "I'm not ready to be a father let alone a single one. I thought if I had Tate we'd get through it, but I don't have her with me."

"You'll be alright. You have us all here to help, especially me since I have nothing better to do." He sighed.

"Still shit with Eli?" I asked wanting to change the subject.

"Yeah." My little brother sighed. "He just doesn't understand that it's ok. I told Tommy about it, he said pretty much that same thing as you. I don't know why Eli doesn't see anything wrong with it."

"What about mama, your dad and Elias?" I questioned.

"They don't know. At least I don't think they do. Eli doesn't talk to anyone, I mostly talk to you. I only went to Tommy was because you were grieving, I wasn't going to take that time away from you just because of my selfish needs. I just hope he knows I love him and will accept him, he just needs to see that we're ok."

"He will. Sooner or later he will and Eli is the biggest fool for even rejecting you. You're amazing, thank you for all you've done for me since..." I trailed off not being able to say it. When Tate died.

Soon enough, we got to the medical house. Ryan and I went inside seeing my baby girl awake and looking around. Doctor Lee helped me get her out of the incubator and on to a change table where I had dressed her in the clothes. The material swamped the small body of my daughter making me smile. It reminded me of Tate when she'd wear my clothes, the small girl in my massive clothes looking so cute and cuddly. And I did just that, I pulled my daughter to my chest and held her gently, hugging her.

The warmth of her skin seeped through her clothes and my T-shirt. To keep her warm, I radiated my body heat to her seeing as she couldn't control her body heat like other pups.

It didn't take me long to get home with my pup in my arms. Mika had looked around like any curious pup seeing the outside world for the first time. Now being a month old I could see her eye colour coming through, you could tell she has her mother's eyes as well as her features with a head full of curls like Tate but my colour. She's perfect, everything you'd see in a little alpha pup.

Her small body swaddled in the blanket was enough to keep her warm especially with me giving pretty much all of my body heat to her. Mika squirmed a little making a cute noise before settling again. The small tubes in her nose helped her breath, doctor Lee said of all went well she wouldn't need them this time in a month. Even with the damned thing, she's the most beautiful girl just like her mum.

I didn't know what to do with myself. Ryan had gone for his border patrol, after Tate rogue attacks went down so I allowed my younger brother to do his usual beta duties with Eli. Harry and Reggie were with mama and everyone else, it was just me. So I sat on the sofa with Mika in my arms. She peacefully slept, the sound of my heartbeat and warmth lulled her to sleep almost immediately.

For once my mind was blank. It was strange, I never thought I'd have pups yet here I am holding my very own little girl. Yet it never occurred to me I'd never have my mate doing this with me. I loved Tate, I still do and always will love her, but now my love doesn't go to her but our pup, her pup she had left me to remind me of all the good things. To which I will forever be in debt to Tate for.

Because she gave me Mika.

A/N: Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I've had to go back to school so it's harder to write which pisses me off as much as it does you. But here is a chapter and it might take another couple days for another to come out depending on my shit hole of a school.

Thank you so much for reading I hope you enjoyed this one.

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