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I stood at the edge of the bed where my mate lay close to. Careful not to wake her, I gently move her over to the middle of the bed more so she wouldn't roll and fall out of the bed. With a small groan of pain from my sides, I was able to get the satisfaction of my mate being safe and not hurt.

I laid on the bed gently so I wouldn't hurt my sides. My hand raised to play with a piece of my mates hair with my other hand in hers. All I wanted was for her to wake up so I could see her beautiful blue eyes, to see her smile again. No tears, no screams and she'll be sleeping better than she has been. She looked after me by staying by my side in that house now it's my turn to look after her.

It didn't take long for Tate to let out a small moan and her eyes flutter open. A small smile came to my lips once again seeing the gorgeous blue eyes I have grew to love more and more with each passing day. Tate turned to look at me, a confused look came across her face before tears started falling and she hugged me. I held my crying mate to my chest ignoring the sting on my sides. I'd go through any pain just to make sure my mate is ok.

"I thought you were going to die. I-I was so scared Theo. Never do that again, please. I can't lose you." Tate sobbed.

"I'm not going anywhere." I kissed her head. "I'll always be here with you, I'll never be too far away. I will never leave you." I promised her.

Tate looked up at me, more so my left eye. Her fingers hovered over my wound shakily. I bit back a wince so she wouldn't worry more about me. The need to focus on her and her well being was sky high, I just want to hold her and make sure she gets enough sleep, enough food and make sure she's not dehydrated.

"I'm ok." I whispered to her. "It doesn't hurt. I'm fine." I told her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry. If i never invited you this wouldn't have happened." My mate cried. "Why was I so stupid?"

"Hey." I said sternly yet lovingly. "You're not stupid, you hear me? Never call yourself names again. You didn't know, I didn't know so what happened doesn't matter. I got hurt, so what? Never, and I mean never call yourself names, Tate. I won't stand for it."

"Sorry." She mumbled with a sniffle.

"Nothing to be sorry for beautiful. It was my fault, I should have stopped but I'm too stubborn to submit to anyone. And I sure as hell am not going to bare my neck to anyone but you. Only you have that power over me." I smiled at her to try and lighten the mood.

"Bow to me fowl beast." Tate giggled using a posh accent.

"Anything you wish your majesty." I chuckled and bared my neck to her showing my mark. Tate ran her fingers over it before pressing a kiss to it.

"I love you Theo. Nothing will ever change that." She smiled softly at me.

"Are you talking about the scars my wounds will leave?" I sighed a little.

"Yes. Nothing will ever change how much I love you. Especially a scar that would look so hot on you." She smirked a little.

"You're to cute." I laughed and pulled her on top of me to lay on my chest. "I love you to. Nothing will change that." I nudged my nose on hers before connecting our lips.

A soft moan came from my mate making my member stir in my shorts. Oh god not now. The kiss got more heated and the more I didn't seem to care. I just want-no I need my mate. Another moan came from her lips making me even more hard.

"Stop moaning beautiful before I can't control myself." I mumbled to her as I kissed her neck with small feather kisses.

"I can't help it." Tate breathed out. "Ever since I had my heat I just want you again. Then feeling like I was going to lose you made me really think."

"About what baby?" I asked her making my kisses more heated on her neck.

"That we should spend more time like this. Not just once in a while. I want us to be satisfied together and I know I can't get that from anyone else. I just didn't want to lose you and not have something left of you." Tate pulled away as she straddled me. I placed my hand on her hips rubbing my thumbs.

"Where are you going with this?"

"I don't want to fear losing you, but if I ever did I'd want to have something of you. Not just something, but someone." She whispered.

"Tate." I sighed. "I-I'm sorry." I shook my head.

"W-what?" She looked at me.

"I don't want a pup. Not now or in the future. I don't want to be a fuck up." I told her.

"You won't be." She shook her head. "You'll be a great dad, Theo."

"No I won't. I couldn't stop myself from getting this hideous thing on my face, I couldn't stop Cara from being in an abusive relationship. If I can't protect me or my sister, what makes you think I can protect you and a pup?"

"Because you love me, you'd love our baby. I don't want to lose you and not have anything of you, I want to be a family." Tate cried.

"Baby, I can't. I don't think I'd ever be ready." I whispered. Guilt weighing heavily in my chest.

If I can't protect myself, an alpha then how can I protect a pup. A tiny little wolf that has no clue of the world and the dangers. If I couldn't stop myself from being hurt how can I protect anything?

I know, call me a dick, an arsehole, call me any names you want. But I want to be able to protect Tate, I don't want to choose between my mate and pups if it ever came down to it. So it's settled,

I will never be a father.

A/N: Too harsh? I'm not sure but I kind of like this chapter. Don't worry, the good stuff is coming soon

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