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After a long day, I walked back to my room sweaty and feeling disgusting. I put my bag by the door and slipped off my shoes before going to the bathroom to shower. After a long relaxing shower, I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist then went to my desk to call Tate.

After a few rings, she answered looking sleepy with bed hair that made her look even cuter.

"Hey beautiful. I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" I smiled softly at her.

"No." She yawned. "You didn't."

"Don't lie to me Tate. I know I woke you. Go back to sleep if you want to baby. You can call me later." I told her.

"No." She yawned again. "I should be waking up now anyway so I'll sleep tonight. I just didn't get much sleep last night."

"Bad dream again?" I sighed a little to which she nodded. "Do you want me to come home for a while? I'm sure I can. I'm worried about you Tate."

"No, stay Theo. I'm fine. Just Willow being worried and silly. I'll be fine. And if I have a problem I have many people to go to." She smiled.

"I know you have them, but I can take some time off if it means you'll be better than fine. I don't care for this school anyway so missing it won't be a problem." I told her.

"I love you Theo, but if I see you I won't let you go at all. I'll cling to you like a koala." Tate giggled.

"I don't mind that." I chuckled.

"How was training?" She asked.

"Bullshit." I sighed. "No one wanted to be my partner because of how I look. I don't blame them, if I saw me I'd stay clear of me as well. It doesn't help being twice the size of all of them and having this damn scar on my face."

"Baby that scar makes you look sexy as hell. Don't let others bring you down. Their just jealous they can't look as good as you."

"You think I'm sexy?" I smirked.

"I don't think I know you look sexy." She laughed. "It doesn't matter what you look like, they're all dicks anyway."

"You got that right. The teacher was willing to put me in a three but it'd be two against me because of all this." I gestured you my body knowing Tate would look no matter what.

"I'd take that on by myself." She commented.

"What has happened to my Tate?" I laughed. "Where is my innocent, sex free talking Tate gone? I don't mind but damn, I miss my little innocent mate."

"Don't blame me. Seeing you makes me horny all the time. I might just have to sneak in and live with you for the next ten months."

"I'd love that, but no. The others will smell you and when you're aroused they'd try and get you. I won't risk you like that." I told her.

"You're so protective. That's what I love most about you."

"I love your eyes the most. Blue is my favourite colour." I smiled at her.

"Mines still teal." My mate laughed.

"Gathered." I rolled my eyes. "How is everyone else?"

"Good. Of course they miss you. Cara has been in the medical house still practicing, Tommy has been helping patrol, arlo has been with the pups as he's now a carer for them in the nursery. Kolby has been looking after Xander a lot, Elias has been doing whatever alphas do. Ryan and Eli are being kids and playing with Thomas. Sofia and Claire are being the barbie bitches like usual."

"Im glad everyone's alright. Don't care about Sofia and Claire, but I'm glad everyone's ok." I sighed a little.

"What's wrong?" Tate asked.

"I hate it here. I just want to come back to you and the others. I hate to admit it but even the pack. It's better than this shit place." I replied.

"Two months down, ten more to go. Counting down the days until we can hug each other again." Tate smiled.

"Counting down the days."

Tate and I spoke until late in the evening. I could see her getting really tired around 11:00pm so I told her to go to sleep. She said no but ended up falling asleep anyway. She was laid on our bed with the laptop facing her so I had a clear view of my sleeping mate. So me being me, I didn't hang up.

After I had got some work done, I laid in bed with my laptop by my head so I could still see Tate. Her lips were parted a little, her eyelashes casting a shadow on her cheeks. Damn this girl has me hooked.

"I love you beautiful." I mumbled before going to sleep. I hung up and placed my laptop on the bedside table and closed my eyes.

She really has me deep with her.

A/N: So for the next chapter I'm thinking of going a different POV. More specifically Arlo, Tommy, Kolby or Elias. Comment which one you'd like to see because I have a pretty spicy idea of what to do 😉

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