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It's been two weeks since the council came. Tate and I have settled into a small house while mama, dad and Cara have been given a nice house next to sonny and Angela's house. Mama is still very pissed off at sonny but is slowly getting over it. Every day Elias and Kolby have apologised to me as they couldn't get me from being alpha.

We've got close over the two weeks, they spend as much time with me and Cara as they can. Today is the last day I'm here before I get sent off to alpha school. So we're telling Ryan and Ej that in their brother and Cara their sister. So here we were, in the pack house with mama in the kitchen making us some snacks, he said he needs the distraction so dad and him are doing that. I can hear them laughing together as they cook.

"What did you want to talk about?" Ryan asked Kolby.

"Um, well Cara and Theo are your brother and sister. Half siblings." He told them.

"Both of us?" Ej asked confused.

"Yes." Elias nodded. "Before we met your mums, we found our mate, Arlo. We had stupidly rejected him and got him pregnant. But that's all behind us now, and they are your siblings."

"That's cool. I've always wanted a sister." Ryan smiled

"I've always wanted a little brother." Cara smiled back. "Since my dad is a vampire he can't reproduce so it's always been me and Theo."

"So what does that make Xander to me and Thomas?" Ej looked between Kolby and Elias.

"I, we," they stuttered.

"I thought we agreed to keep it a secret?" I looked at them. "No one else needs to know, especially your mums. It's none of their business so keep it hush hush alright."

"Yes, sorry Theo." They looked down.

"Don't worry about it. Now get to know Cara, she's practicing to be a pack doctor." I smiled.

"Really?" Ej smiled widely. "I want to be a doctor to. Or a warrior."

The kids and Cara went off and spoke while I leaned back on the sofa with Tate next to me.

"Thank you." Elias and Kolby looked at me.

"They have no right to say anything." I stated talking about Sofia and Claire. "You should tell them, if it means them leaving then good. But the kids need two parents that love them, not mums that had them for convenience."

"We were. But we didn't know how Arlo would feel." Kolby said with tears in his eyes. "Being beta means pleasing my alpha and doing as he said. I had begged Elias not to make me reject him, but my wolf and me had no choice wanting to please him. I hate myself and him for it but to have Xander was probably one of the best things I ever did. I regret doing it, but it's worth it now seeing how happy my mate is with Tommy."

"Thank you Kolby." Mama smiled at him with tears of his own.

"I'm really sorry Arlo. If I could go back and change it I probably would. But I can't do it's not that bad seeing you so happy." He smiled back.

"It's the least i could do after seeing him so heart broken. I just wanted him to smile as much as I could make him." Tommy smiled down at mama.

"Come with me." Tate whispered to me. I nodded and stood up following her out of the pack house. She held my hand as she pulled me back to our little house at the edge of the woods.

"What's wrong beautiful?" I asked her.

"I just want some alone time before you leave tomorrow." Tate shrugged a little.

"Is that code for something?" I smirked.

"Shut up." She rolled her eyes with a smile. We went into the house and up to our bedroom where Tate jumped at me wrapping her legs around my torso and her hands going into my hair. I caught her with ease with my hands holding her up, one on each of her arse cheeks making my smirk widen.

"What do you want to do? I was thinking of-," I started but was cut off by my mates lips against mine. I was caught off guard a second but then composed myself and kissed back just as forcefully. I turned around and closed the door then pushed Tate against it. Blindly i locked the door hearing the click while i kissed Tate passionately.

My mate let out a small moan as i pressed my hard on to her core. I pulled away from her lips and take her t-shirt off then attacking her breasts with kisses. A wet trail from her chest to her neck was made from my kisses. I sucked and nibbled on her skin making her moan and arch her back, rubbing her core on my hard on. With every thrust of her hips made me growl and grunt getting me more hard for her with every second.

"I'm going to fuck you against this door. So rough and hard it's all you'll think about. When you think of me, you'll remember this and get wet." I growled. I dropped her legs so she stood and went over to the bedside table to get out the condoms we had gotten. Not my best moment but whatever.

I stalked back to Tate as she looked at me with lust filled eyes. I got a condom from the box then threw it on the bed holding the wrapper in my hand. I took off my t-shirt and threw it somewhere on the floor then picked up my mate again. Her back once again to the door with her legs around my waist. The door held her up while i unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down throwing them on the floor, next to go was her panties then her bra.

While holding her up, i managed to take off my jeans and boxers. I ripped open the wrapper taking out the latex condom and sliding it on my manhood.

"Are you ready?" I looked at my mate.

"Make me forget. I don't want to think about you leaving in the morning." Tate shook her head a little with tears forming in her eyes. I attached my lips to hers and widened her thighs a little more to thrust in. I slowly entered her making her take an inch every few seconds until i was all the way in.

"I love you." I mumbled against her lips.

"I love you more" Tate replied. After that, I went all out. We didn't stop until the box was empty and Tate was close to passing out.

After a long day of making love around the room, we came for the last time making me still in her as we panted and came down from our highs. I pulled out and laid down next to my mate, taking off the condom I threw it in the bin next to our bed. Once i did that, I pulled Tate to my chest and cuddled her in wanting to be as close to her as I can before i have to leave.

"I can't believe you're going to be gone for a year." Tate sniffled making me look down at her to see the tears falling down her cheeks.

"Don't, don't think about that now beautiful. Let's spend this time together while we can." I told her. I put my hand on her cheek wiping the tears from her cheeks. "I'll be back before you know it. And then we'll do that stupid ceremony, become alpha and luna. Then we can think of what to do after that."

"Ok." Tate nodded. "Love you."

"I love you to." I smiled and kissed her softly.

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