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(Hailey's POV)
Me and Mal are spray painting on a wall she was spray painting a silhouette of her mother and I was doing one of my father both saying "Long Live Evil". We both finished and she jumped down off the boxes she was standing on.

(Cause I'm lazy and don't wanna write all the lyrics out 😂)

Mal takes a lollipop from a child in a cart and turned to the others laughing. I rolled my eyes at her poor efforts. The rest of the isle villagers ran off as we all saw Maleficents knuckleheads appear.
(3rd POV)
"Hi mom" Mal says after she turned to her mom
"Stealing candy Mal...I'm so disappointed" she said
"It was from a baby" Mal said
"That's my nasty little girl" maleficent said taking the lollipop from Mal and spitting on it "give it back to the dreadful creature" she said giving it to her knuckleheads
"Ugh mom..." Mal said
"It's the deets Mal that make the difference between mean and truly evil! When I was your age I was cursing entire kingdoms..You. Walk with me..See I'm just trying to teach you the thing that really counts 'how to be me'"
"I know that. And I'll do better" Mal said not wanting to disappoint her mom.
"Oh, there's news! I buried the lede!" Maleficent said going back to the other VK's "You five have been chosen to go to a different auradon" Maleficent said Evie, Jay and Carlos tried escaping but the knuckleheads stop them while Mal and Hailey froze staring at Maleficent.
"What? I'm not going to some boarding school filled to the prim with prissy pink princesses!" Mal said to her mom Hailey nodded in agreement.
"And prefect princes" Evie said dreamily until Hailey and Mal looked at her in disgust "ew" she corrected herself.
"Yeah I don't do uniforms, unless it's Leather ya feel me" Jay said Hailey agreed once again
"I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon...Mom says they're rapid pack animals who eat little boys who don't behave..." Carlos said sounding scared out of his mind Jay barked and scared him Hailey laughed at Carlos. Carlos hit Jay in the arm.
"Yeah mom, we're not going!" Mal said
"You're thinking small's all about world domination!" Maleficent said "oh and you!" she said pointing to Hailey "your father wants you down in his lair" maleficent said to her.
""Ok bye guys!" Hailey said to the other VK's "good luck" she said loud enough just so the other VK's could hear but no one else. Hailey walked off towards her fathers lair.

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