Easy way out

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(This is after Jay and Carlos's tourney thing)
(Hailey's POV)
Me, Mal and Evie were all standing at our lockers both mine and Mals were spray painted with our parents silhouettes with 'long live evil' on them. I overheard a conversation happening behind me between Chad, Audrey and Ben.
"Those kids are trouble" Chad said
"Bye Mal, bye Hailey"Evie said
"Bye" I said back Evie left.
"Come on, Chad. Give them a chance" Ben said trying to convince Chad
"No offence Bennybear but you're just too trusting" I heard Audrey say I cringed at the name 'bennybear' ugh she's annoying. "I know your mom fell in love with a big nasty beast who turned out to be a prince. But with my mom, the evil fairy was just the evil fairy. That girls mother" she continued talking about Mal.
"I got to go H" Mal said before leaving.
"And that girls dad is the literal god of the underworld how blind can you be" Chad added to Audrey's statement.
"I think you're wrong about them. I'll see you later" Ben said as he walks away. "Hey!" He said leaning up against the locker next to me. I gave him a small smile as a response "how was your first day?" He asked
"Super" I answered closing my locker and revealing the silhouette of my father.
"You should really think about taking this off the locker and into art class. I could uh sign you up what do you think?" He said. I saw Jane walk by and go into the bathroom.
"Way to take all the fun out of it" I said walking away towards the bathroom.
I walk into the bathroom and see Jane looking in the mirror as I walk in she noticed me
"Hi! It's Jane right? I've always loved that name! Jane!" I said to her
"That's cool" she said and started to leave.
"Don't go!" I said trying to stop her but then I thought about what to do "I guess I was just hoping to make a friend. You probably have all the friends you need though, huh?" I said with sadness in my voice.
"Hardly" I hear her say.
"Really? I mean with your mom being Fairy godmother and headmistress? And I mean not to mention your own...personality" I said
"I'd rather be pretty. You have great hair!" She said pointing to my hair.
"You know what I actually have just the thing for that!" I said pulling out the spell book my father gave me and flipping through it "ah, here! 'Beware foreswear replace the old, with brand new hair'" I said holding onto my Ember necklace. Her hair completely changed "wow! You almost don't even notice your other features anymore!" I said as Jane looked into the mirror before turning back to me
"Do my nose!" She said pointing to my book.
"Oh I can't, I've been practicing but you know I can't really do big magic yet. Not like your mom with her wand, one swoosh from that thing and you can probably have whatever features you want" I said
"She doesn't use the wand anymore. She believes the real magic is in the books and not the spell books normal books with history and stuff in them" Jane said
"What a rip.." I said.
"Yeah" She said with a hint of sadness.
"You know she she used magic on Cinderella, who wasn't even her real daughter. Doesn't she love you?"  I asked. I was so glad she's so naive that she couldn't tell I was manipulating her.
"Well of course she does! It's just tough love you know. Work on the inside not on the out. You know that sort of thing" Jane said reassuring herself but she had a sad face.
"That's the face! Yeah and you just look at her as if your hearts about to break....'oh mother I just understand why you can't make me beautiful, too" I said acting out what she should do.
"Think it would work" she said
"Yeah, I mean that's what old cindy did right? And your mother bibbidi bobbidi-booed the living daylights out of her. And hey if your mom does decide to break out the old wand...invite me!" I said. I was gonna get the wand and set my dad free.
"If I can convince my mom, your so there!" She said
"Yay!" I said giving her a smile
"Bye" She said leaving.
"Bye" I said before smirking at myself in the mirror. "You are too good" I said to myself.

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