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Hailey's outfit

(3rd POV) Hailey and Ben say in the carriage next to each other

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(3rd POV)
Hailey and Ben say in the carriage next to each other. Hailey was looking slightly nervous and Ben noticed.
"Don't be nervous. All you have to do is sit there and look beautiful. No problem there" Ben said smiling at her.
"Thank you..." Hailey said smiling back
"Hailey, would you wear my ring?" Ben said
"Um....not now. I think it would probably just fall right off of me. I'm I have something for you!" She said turning to him holding up the white box with blue ribbon.
"For me?"
"Well I mean there's no one else around so yeah" she said smiling "it's just for later when you need strength. Some carbs to keep up your energy" she said as he opened the box seeing a tiny chocolate cupcake.
"Always think. But I can't wait" he said eating it
"Oh no!!" She said
"This is really good" he said
"Uh, do you..." She started
"Do you feel okay?" She asked
"You bet" he answered
"Would you say that you're still in...that...that you still have very strong feelings for me?" She asked
"I'm not sure. I mean, let's give the anti-love potion a few minutes to take affect" he said
"Yeah...okay" She said turning away before she looked at him again "wait what? You knew?" She said as he laughed at her
"That you spelled me? Yeah I knew" he said
"I'm...I can explain" she said
"No look it's fine. I mean you had a crush on me I was with Audrey and you didn't trust that it could happen on it's own. Am I right?" He said
"Yes. You're so right. So, then, how long did you know?" She asked
"Since our first date. Your spell washed away in the enchanted lake" he said
"So then what. You've just been...faking it since then?" She asked with a hurt voice
"I haven't been faking anything" he said sliding his ring onto her finger. She looked up at him and he smiled.
(At Hades lair)
"Well if it isn' daughter looking like some kind of"
"Princess! Now let's see who this beauty is wearing...Evie...someone named Evie designed her gown" Snow White said from the TV. Hades smiled at his daughter she looked happy with the prince
(Back at the castle)
(Hailey's POV)
We got out of the carriage and to the entrance. Outside was Bens parents and a few royal guards.
"About the other day" I started
"I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy" Beast said to Me
"You also told me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy" Ben said
"I did? very wise of me" Beast said and I slightly laughed
"Ben we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart" Belle said and for someone reason those words stuck with me
You keep listening to your heart
I wanted to listen to my heart. But everyone was counting on me to get the wand I couldn't let them down.
"Thanks Mom" Ben said
"You're gonna make a fine king" Beast said
"Wish me luck..."
Ben walked in and me, Belle and beast walked over in a different door.
"Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?" Fairy godmother said
Just grab the thing already! I thought to myself.
"I do solemnly swear" Ben said
You keep following your heart....those words.
"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king" Fairy godmother said before someone grabbed the wand. It was Jane.
"Child what are you doing??" Fairy godmother said.
"If you won't make me beautiful I'll do it myself! Bibbidi bobbidi-boo!!" Jane said trying to make herself beautiful.
"Take cover!" Beast said. I ran over to Jane and grabbed the wand out of her hands
"Hailey, give me the wand" Ben said as the other VK's ran down to me
"Stand back" I said warning Ben
"It's okay" he said inching closer
"Ben I said stand back!!!" I yelled louder
"I told you so!" Audrey said. I pointed the wand in her direction.
"Let's go" Carlos said
"Revenge time" Jay said
"You really want to do this?" Ben said
"We have no choice! Our parents-" I started
"Your parents made their choice...Now you make yours" he said
"I think I wanna be good..." I said slowly dropping my arms
"You are good" Ben said
"How do you know that?!?" I said pointing the wand at him.
"Because...because I'm listening to my heart" Ben said
Keep following your heart...
"I...I wanna listen to my heart too" I said before turning to the other VK's "and my heart is telling me that we are not our parents. I mean stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy" I said to Jay "and you, scratching Dudes belly makes you happy who would've thought" I said to Carlos "and do not need to play dumb to get a guy you are so smart! And Mal being evil doesn't make you happy art and magic make you happy! And I don't want to take over the world with evil it doesn't make me happy. I wanna go to school" I said before turning back to Ben "and be with Ben...because Ben makes me really happy" I said with tears in my eyes "us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good you guys" I said putting my hand in the middle of all of us.
"I choose good too" Jay said putting his hand on top of my
"I choose good" Evie said putting her hand on top of Jays
"Me too" Mal said putting her hand on top of Evie's
"So just to be clear we don't have to worry about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really mad" Carlos said
"Your parents can't reach you here" Ben said
"Ok then good" Carlos said putting his hand on top of Mals
"Come on" I said signaling to Ben.
"I'm back!!"

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