Hades Lair

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(Hailey's POV)
I walk into my dads lair he was sitting on the couch with his sunglasses on.
"Hello?" I said. He sat up and took his sunglasses off.
"Hello Princess" my dad said to me
"Maleficent said you wanted me" I said
"Yes I do..I'm sure the witch told you what's happening" he said "about you going to Auradon with the others"
"Wait that wasn't a joke?" I asked. I had really hoped it was a joke.
"Now I don't want you to go but the old witch insist on you going to help the others" he said
"Helping them?" I said confused on what he meant
"The witch has a plan to steal fairy godmothers magic wand so she can get off this island. But if you don't want to get the wand you don't have to you just do what you want ok?" He said giving me a small smile. I knew he loved me unlike all the other villains with their kids he really cared for me and wanted me to be happy. I smiled at him knowing that I was gonna get that wand to free him from this prison of an island at give him his power back.
"Ok dad" I said to him giving him a smile.
"Now go pack your stuff you're leaving soon" he said.
I went into my room and packed my stuff. Some clothes, jewelry that Evie made for me, and a little bit of makeup. I walked back out towards my dad.
"Ready to go?" He asked me
"I guess" I said getting ready to leave.
"Wait!" My dad said. I turned around to look back at him "remember everything about your ember?" He asked
"Yes dad" I said confidently. He looked at me like he was saying 'well?' "Don't get it wet and don't take it off" I said listing the things he told me when I was younger.
"And remember you can use magic in Auradon so be careful with the ember" my dad said "oh! And I have this" he said grabbing a book out of under one of the couch cushions.
"A book?" I said confused
"A spell book. It'll be helpful in Auradon weather you're stealing the wand or not" He said and handed me the book. I smiled at him and he gave me a smile back "come on let's go" we both left his lair and went to the limo that was taking us all to Auradon.
"I'll miss you dad!!" I said hugging him
"I'll miss you too Princess" he said hugging me back. We broke away and I started going to the limo. " Wait one more thing" he said I turned around again. "Do whatever you want but no boys" he said being the protective dad he is since he knew what happened with my ex boyfriend.
"Ok dad" I said smiling
"Go on!" He said and I ran over to the limo and got in before Mal got in and closed the door.
"Bring home a puppy!"
"Bring home a prince!"
And with that we were off

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