The musuem

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(Hailey's POV)
We were all running at the museum of cultural history trying to steal fairy Godmothers magic wand to free our parents and everyone else from the isle of the lost.
"E, check your mirror" Mal said to Evie
"Is my mascara smudged?" Evie asked looking in her mirror I rolled my eyes at her.
"Yeah. And hey while your at it why don't you see if you can find us the wand" I said sarcastically
"Sure. This way" she started running ahead and we all followed her. We came up to a big set of doors inside was the guard watching the security cameras and Maleficents spinning wheel in the middle of the room.
"That's your mothers spinning wheel?" Jay said
"Yeah, it's kinda dorky" Carlos added
I hit the two of them
"It's magic it doesn't have to look scary" Mal said defending her mother. She started flipping through her spell book before she landed on one spell "magic spindle, do not linger. Make my victim prick a finger" she said the spell but nothing happened
"Impressive" Jay said sarcastically
"I've got chills" Carlos said. I hit them both again.
"Okay, you know what?" She said as she went through the book again landing on another spell "prick the finger prick it deep send my enemy off the sleep" she said as the man got up from his chair and pricked his finger on the magic spinning wheel "not so dorky now huh?" Mal said closing her book before trying to open the doors but they were locked.
"Stand back" Jay said backing up about to run and kick the doors open.
"I've got this" I said clutching onto the ember on my necklace and closing my eyes. I opened the door with my ember and Jay ran and tried kicking it but it was already open so he just fell on the floor.
"Impressive" Mal said to Jay sarcastically
"I've got chills" I said imitating Carlos and Evie just laughed at the boy. We all went up the stairs before we got to the hall of villains. All of our parents were there and we all stared at them.
"Mommy?" Evie said staring at the statue of her mother
"Killer" Jay said
"I'll never forget Mother's Day again" Carlos said I knew he was terrified of his mother. I just stared at the statue of my father with his ember in hand I felt guilty like if I didn't pull this off he would never be happy again. Even though that wasn't true my head wouldn't get the thought out of my mind.
"Well the wands not here let's bounce" Jay said interrupting my train of thought as he started leaving "let's go" we all hesitantly left all except Mal.
We started to go and find the wand. We finally found it when we noticed that Mal wasn't with us.
"E go find Mal" I said to Evie and she nodded running off. They both came running back to where we were
"Jay don't!" I yelled at Jay who was about to try and grab the wand.
"Jay!" Mal said but Jay tried grabbing the wand but he was flung back and a siren went off.
"A force field and a siren??" Carlos said covering his ears.
"That's a little excessive" Jay said
"Let's go!!" I said we all rushed out trying not to get caught. We got down to the doors as the phone started ringing and Carlos picked it up
"Hello? Uh, uh just give me one second. Uh yeah yeah false alarm. Malfunction in the uh 714 chip in the breadboard circuit. Yeah okay. Say hi to the missus" Carlos said to the person as the siren soon turned off.
"Nice going Carlos" I said in a sincere tone "you too Jay" I said more sarcastically"
"Nice going Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow!!" Mal said angrily.

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