Breaking the spell

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(Haileys POV)
We were all in Jay and Carlos's room planning out how to get the wand on coronation day.
"Okay we all know what this looks like.  So it'll be up on the Dais under the beasts spell jar and we'll be coming from here. I will be up in the very front. You all will be up on the balcony" I explained
"Okay, Carlos?" Mal said
"Okay so I'll find our limo so we can break the barrier and uh get back on the island with the wand" Carlos said
"Perfect, Evie?" Mal said
"Yeah?" Evie turned to her
"You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he will be out like a light" Mal said handing her a bottle
"Okay" Evie said. I grabbed my spell book and started reading of the anti-love potion. "H? You wanna break Bens love spell?" Evie said to me reading over my shoulder. Everyone looked at me.
"Yeah you for after. I don't...I've just been thinking when the villains finally do invade Auradon and they begin to loot and kick everyone out of their castles and imprison their leaders and destroy all that is good and beautiful, Ben still being in love with me just seems a bit extra...cruel..." I said closing my spell book.
"H?" Evie said but I was already gone
(In the kitchen)
I was mixing up the batter of the anti love potion
A million thoughts in my head should've let my heart keep listening. I know it's time to say hard to let go...
A tear fell from my eye and into the bowl. I had to leave I had to help my dad even if that meant leaving Ben.

(Sorry about the short chapter 😂)

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