The date

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(Hailey's POV)
I was at my locker putting stuff in my locker when I see Ben come up and lean on the locker next to mine.
"Hey" He said smiling and I turned to him.
"Hey" I said back closing my locker and leaning on it.
"I have a question for you..." He said
"For me?" I asked
"There's no one else around so yeah" he said and I gave him a tiny laugh.
"Ok what's up?" I asked
"Do you want to go on a date today?" He asked and I widened my eyes.
"What?" I asked
"A date...I mean if you don't want to that's-" he started
"No no no! It's fine I was just shocked but I'm yeah I'd love to go on with you" I said to him
"Ok I'll pick you up at your dorm at 5:00?" He said seeing if the time was good
"I will be there" I said smiling
"I should get going" he said smiling
"Ok bye" I said as he walked away
"I'll see you later" he turning around towards me and I just smiled in response. What did I just do? I need Evie. I looked around everywhere until I found her at the picnic area with Doug.
"There you are! I have been looking for you literally everywhere!!" I said going up to the table she was at.
"What's wrong?" Evie asked me concerned.
"Ben just asked me out on....a date" I said
"Nice" Doug said and I glared at him.
"We can handle this. Bye" she said standing up and grabbing my arm
"Bye" Doug said
"You're looking a little pale" Evie said as we walked to our dorm.
"Yeah of course" I said
"I can fix that with some blush and gloss" she trailed on
"No!" I said
"H, I can use the..."
"No no no"
(At their dorm room)
Okay. Easy on the blush I don't wanna scare him away...not that I could" I said as Evie applied blush onto my cheeks.
"Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush since before I could talk. Always use upwards strokes" Evie said.
"I never really knew my mom and I never had a sister" I said. I had always learned makeup tips from Evie or her mom when I was around them.
"Well now you do. We're gonna need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off. My mother's not a barrel of laughs when she doesn't get her way just ask Snow White" Evie said.
"Are you afraid of her?" I asked
"Sometimes. Are you afraid of your dad?" She said
"I just really want him to be proud of me. I mean he never really gets mad at me but I'm afraid that one day I'm gonna disappoint him so much that he just blows up. And he's my dad so I know he loves me but" I said with a slight sadder tone
"Moving on. Come see" she said standing up.
"Are we done?" I asked standing up
"Yeah" Evie moved over to the mirror and I went over with her.
"I know"
"I look..."
"Say it"
"Not hideous..." I said looking at myself in the mirror. There was a knock on the door so we both turned and I went to answer it. I opened it up to see Ben there.
"For the first time, I think I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful" he said and I gave him a small smile "I hope you like bikes" he said holding onto two bike helmets.
(On the date)
"Tell me something you've never told anyone before" Ben said as we crossed a bridge.
"Well...okay you seriously can't tell anyone this only the Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay know about this...." I said and I stopped on the bridge and he came up to me "this necklace it's kinda like my dad's ember ya know Hades ember" I said holding onto my ember
"So it's a Hailey's ember" he joked and I slightly laughed
"It's more important then my dads though. It's kind of like my life source if it gets taken off or wet I'll start to loose my magic and then soon be dragged into the underworld and never be able to leave" I said looking down at my ember.
"Wow..." Ben said
" yeah...I'll basically start getting really sick and then I'll be gone. My dad said that I was cursed when I was younger by someone who he never told me who it was" I said looking him in the eyes
"I'm so sorry" he said
"It's fine really" I said turning around and I continued walking off the bridge.
"Alright close your eyes" he said so I did and he lead me somewhere.
"Open your eyes" he said to me. I opened my eyes to see a beautiful area with a picnic set up. I turned to him and smiled.
"Is this your first time?" Ben asked me
"Well we don't really date on the isle it's more of gang activity" I said
"Um, I meant is this your first time eating a jelly doughnut?"
"Is it bad?" I asked and he laughed.
"You got a....just a....I mean, yeah do this" he said and I did what he showed me.
"Can't take me anywhere I guess" I said laughing.
"You know, I've done all the talking. Your turn. I really don't know much about you" Ben said to me
"Well I'm 16, I'm an only child and I've only ever lived in one place" I said
"Me too. That....we already have so much in common" Ben said
"No. Trust me we don't. And now you're going to be King" I said
"Yeah..." he said with a uncertain tone
"What?" I asked him
"A crown doesn't make you king" he says looking at me
"It kinda does" I responded with a tiny smirk
"No, it....your father is the god of the underworld and I've got the poster parents for goodness. But we're not automatically like them. We get to choose who we're gonna be. And right now, I can look into your eyes and I can tell you're not evil" Ben said looking into my eyes "I can see it" I looked away quickly
"Um..." I said
"Let's go for a swim" Ben said standing up.
"Um I think I'm just gonna stay here" I said nervously
"No no no come on" he said trying to get me to stand up.
"I think I'm just gonna stay here and try a strawberry. I've literally never tried a strawberry" I said eating the strawberry "mhm. Mhm!"
"Don't eat them all" Ben said before leaving
"No promises" I said eating more strawberries before standing up and looking towards a big rock that Ben was standing on "are those little crowns on your shorts?" I yelled at him
"Maybe!" He yelled back and we both laughed before he jumped into the lake. I turned away from him and clutched onto my ember necklace. What am I doing?

I looked back into the lake but I didn't see Ben anywhere.
"Ben? Ben? Ben!" I said before quickly taking my necklace off and putting it down before going into the water "Ben?" I said again before I lost my footing and tried my best to keep my head above water. Soon I felt myself being lifted up by Ben and he took me back to the platform and sat me down "You scared me!" I said hitting him.
"You can't swim?" He asked
"No!" I said angrily.
"You live on an island!" He said
"Yeah with a barrier around it! Remember!" I said still angry
"And you still tried to save me..." he said
"Yeah. And do you thank me? No! All I get is soaking wet!"
"And this fancy's yours. Make a wish and through it back in the lake" he said handing me a crystal.
I wish my father was off that island
I through it back into the lake still angry. I stood up and walked over to the picnic blanket and Ben ran over and put his jacket over me and we both sat down across from each other.
"Hailey..." Ben said as I looked at him "I told you that I loved you...what about you? Do you love me?" Ben asked
"I don't know what love feels like" I said looking away from him
'Do whatever but no boys'
I remembered my dads words from before I came to Auradon
"Maybe I can teach you" he said putting his hand on my chin so I looked at him. We stared at each other for a few minutes. I started coughing. "Are you okay?" I started coughing more before trying to grab my ember but I realised it wasn't there. I looked over to the edge of the platform and saw it. I quickly stood up and grabbed my necklace and quickly put it around my neck. I started breathing hard and I stopped coughing. I closed my eyes trying to calm my breath. Ben went over to me putting his hand on my shoulders. "Hey it's okay" he said comforting me. I looked at him and gave him a smile
"Well now you know what happens when I don't have my ember" I said.
"Do you still have your magic?" Ben asked so I held my hand away from him and a blue flame appeared and I smiled and he smiled as well.
"That's really're really pretty" he said looking at me.
'Maybe boys aren't as bad as I thought' I say in my mind

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