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(Hailey's POV)
"I'm back!!" A voice was heard and green smoke came in. That's not good. Maleficent appeared in front of us.
"Go away mother..." Mal said
"She's Funny! Oh! I'm're very funny. Flames wand me! Chop chop!" Maleficent said and I acted like I was gonna through the wand
"No!" Ben said I through the wand to Fairy godmother and she caught it
"Bibbidi bobbidi...." fairy godmother started
"Boo. Psych.." maleficent said and everyone except me and the other VK's froze "ooh ooh in another time in another time. Evil like me don't you wanna be mean...oh!" She said taking the wand out of the frozen fairy godmothers hands "oh no someone needs to pluck their nose hairs...where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this!" She pointed the wand at me and Bens ring flew off my finger and onto the wand "perfect fit! Oh excuse me pardon me excuse me. The horns the horns! Aw falling in love is weak...and ridiculous. It's not what you want" Maleficent said
"You don't know what I want!!" I said
"Mom have you or any of the other villains ever asked what we want! We're not you!" Mal said
"Oh obviously. I've had years and...years and...years of practice being evil. But you'll get there" maleficent said
"No I will not and I really wish you hadn't gotten there yourself" Mal said
"Love is not weak or's actually really amazing!" I said looking at Ben who was frozen.
"I know one thing young lady. You have no room for love in your life!" maleficent said to me
"And I now I command wand to my hand!!" I said. My eyes glowed blue and the wand got sent to my hand "ha it worked"
"I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!" Maleficent said
"Hold on H maybe good really is more powerful then evil" Carlos said
"Oh please! Your killing me. Arf!" Maleficent said and dude ran and jumped on top of her "oh oh the breath! The breath! Get off of me" she got Dude off of her. Jay ran up to her and tried grabbing her sceptre. "Gaston should be jealous" she said before flicking his head and pushing him back
"Jay!" I said going over to him
"Enough! You all will regret this!!" She said before turning into a giant dragon. She blew fire towards me and Jay
"Jay, H! Watch out!" Mal said Jay stood up quickly and grabbed my hand and we barley avoided the fire. We were running from the dragon before Evie grabbed her mirror
"Magic mirror show your bright light!" She said as her mirror lit up and started blinding Maleficent.
"Behind me E. Leave my friends alone! This is between you and me mother. The strength of evil is good as none when stands before four hearts as one!" Mal said I saw my ember glowing and my hair and eyes started glowing. I took Mals hand and stood next to her
"The strength of evil is good as none when stands before four hearts as one! The strength of evil is good as none when stands before four hearts as one!" We both said. Soon Maleficent shrunk down to a tiny lizard.
"What just happened?" Evie asked
"I have no idea" I answered
"Did you do it?" Evie asked
"I don't know" Mal answered
"No no no. Your mother did it she shrunk to the size of the love in her heart which is why it's so itty bitty" fairy godmother who was unfrozen said and I slightly laughed.
"Will she be like that forever?" Mal asked
"Well forever is a long time. You learned to love. So can she" Fairy godmother said
"Oh I believe this belongs to you" I said handing her the wand
"And I believe this belongs to you" She said giving me bens ring and I put it back on my finger. "You all have earned an 'A' in goodness class, bibbidi bobbidi boo!" Fairy godmother said unfreezing everyone. Ben ran over to me protectively
"Oh Okay we kinda already got this wrapped up here" I said laughing
"Next time I rescue you Okay?" Ben said
"Yeah lets not let there's be a next time okay?" I said before seeing Fairy godmother talking to Jane "I will be right back" I said to Ben
"I love you. But you are in major time out" fairy godmother said to Jane
"Don't be too hard on Jane I was the one who put all that crazy stuff in her head. You are beautiful inside and out. Your mom got that right" I said to Jane
"I guess I did get pretty lucky in the mother department
"Yeah I guess so" I laughed
"Hey!" I hear Mal say "that's my mom" she said to a man who was trying to put and glass case over Maleficent.
"Well let's get this party started!" Jay said
"Ohayohay! Hey!" We all said

Me and Ben were up on the balcony.

"Oh I was having so much fun I almost forgot. You didn't think this was the end of the story...did you?"

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