School at Auradon

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(Hailey's POV)
We all sat in class, remedial goodness 101 taught by fairy godmother. Evie was looking at her reflection in her magic mirror, Mal was drawing pictures of the wand and I was trying to think of a plan to get my dad off the island and who knows what the two boys were doing...
"If someone hands you a crying baby, do you A) Curse it? B) lock it in a tower? C) give it a bottle? Or D) carve out its heart?" Fairy godmother said pointing to the choices on the chalkboard "Evie?"
"What was the second one?" She asked and I just rolled my eyes.
"Oh, Okay. Anyone else? Hailey?" Fairy godmother said.
"Um C give it a bottle" I said not even looking up from my paper.
"Correct again" Fairy godmother said
"You and Mal are on fire!" Carlos said with enthusiasm
"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun..." I said acting like that was an obvious thing. Mal nodded to my answer knowing that's what she was doing as well.
"Oh" Carlos said
"That makes so much sense" Evie said
Soon a shy looking girl entered the room frightened by me and the other VK's.
"Oh hello my dear one" Fairy godmother said.
"Hi. You need to sign off early dismissal for the coronation" the shy girl says looking back frightened.
"You all remember my daughter Jane" Fairy godmother said
"Mom no!" Jane said
"It's okay! Jane this is everyone" Fairy godmother said. I looked up at her and gave a small smirk.
"Hi. That's okay don't mind me. As you were" Jane said before running out
"Let's continue! You find a vial of poison do you A) put it in the kings wine? B) paint it on an apple? Or C) turn it into the proper authorities?" Fairy godmother asked
"Oh oh!!" Carlos said "get off me" he said to Jay who was forcing Carlos's arm down.
"Jay" Fairy godmother said
"C you turn it into the proper authorities" Jay said
"I was gonna say that..." Carlos pouted and I rolled my eyes at the both of them
"But I said it first!" Jay said as the two boys well more like Jay started playfully attacking Carlos.
"Boys! Boys! I am going to encourage you to use that energy on the tourney field" Fairy godmother said
"Uh, no that's okay whatever that is. We'll...we'll pass" Jay said
After a few more questions we all got up and left the classroom

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