Love spell

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(Hailey's POV)
Me and Mal sat on our beds flipping through our spell books as Evie sat doing homework and Carlos sat on the floor at the edge of my bed petting his new dog Dude. Jay entered the room with his new Tourney jersey.
"Yo yo yo" Jay said posing
"Hey!" Carlos said to him
"H, did you're plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?"
"Do you think me and Mal would be going through every single spell in our books if we hadn't completely struck out!" I said angrily
"Oh, someone's in a bad mood" Jay said looking at me then Mal.
"My mom is counting on me! I can't let her down!" Mal said.
"We can do this...if we stick together" Jay said
"And we won't go back until we do. Because we're rotten" I started
"To the core" the others joined in.
"Oh yeah, I found out that Fairy godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go. I have nothing to wear of course" Evie said and we all looked at her in shock "what?" She said but before anyone could answer there was a knock on the door
"Hold that thought" I said getting up and answering the door and saw Ben.
"Hey, Hailey. I didn't see you guys today. I was just wondering you had any questions or anything...that you needed" Ben said
"Not that I know of." I said looking back at the others to make sure they didn't need anything.
"Okay. All right. Well if uh you need anything, just uh-" Ben said
"Oh wait! Um is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?" I asked.
"Yeah the whole School goes" he answered.
"That is beyond exciting. Do you think that it's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy godmother just so we could soak up all that goodness" I said and waited for his response.
"I wish you could. Up front it's just me, my folks and my girlfriend" he said
"And your girlfriend?" I asked
"Yeah I'm sorry"
"Okay thanks bye!" I said closing the door on him. "I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend...and I need a love spell" I said Carlos grabbed my spell book and tossed it to me.
(In the kitchen)
"All right it says that we still need one tear, and I never cry" I said
"Yeah same" Mal agreed
"Let's just chop up some onions" Carlos said
"No!" Mal said
"It's says we need a tear of human sadness and this love potion gets the best reviews so we have to follow it exactly" I said
"A tears a tear" Jay said
"That's not true Jay. They both have antibodies and enzymes, but and emotional tear has more protein based hormones then a reflex tear" Evie said
"Listen to you" I said I always knew she was smarter then she lead on.
"I knew that" Jay said
"No you didn't" Carlos said
"Yeah I did" Jay argued.
"There you are Hailey!" Lonnie said and I covered up my spell book with a napkin "I was looking for you! You know all the girls want you to do their hair. Midnight snack huh? What you guys making?" Lonnie said
"Nothing special just cookies" I said before she took a dip in the batter "oh no!!" I said
"What? I'm not gonna double dip" Lonnie said
"Feel anything?" Evie said
"Yeah like's missing something?" I said
"Hey there" Jay said with a flirty tone
"Could use some chips" Lonnie said ignoring him.
"Chips?" He said as Lonnie got out a tiny bowl
"And those are?" I asked
"Chocolate chips. Just the most important food group. Wait, didn't your moms ever make you guys like chocolate chip cookies?" Lonnie said and we all looked at her with confusion "Like when your feeling sad, and they're fresh out of the oven, with a big old glass of milk, and she makes you laugh and puts everything into perspective and..." Lonnie trailed on before looking at all who were mostly looking down or thinking "why are you all looking at me like that?" She asked
"It's just different where we come from" Mal said. I knew how bad her mom was and I felt bad for her and the others I was the only with an actual good parent on the isle besides maybe a few more. I put my hand on Mal's back and I just mouth 'it's okay' to her she's always been like a sister to me.
"Well yeah I know. I just thought...even villains love their kids" she said and everyone else looked kinda sad "oh....How awful" Lonnie said as a tear started rolling down her cheek. Mal Reached over wiping the tear and flicking it into the batter.
"Yeah, well big bummer, but we have to get these in the oven, so thank you so much for coming by. Really, really have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow!" Mal said pushing Lonnie out
"Evil dreams" I said to her
"Good night" Lonnie said leaving.
"See you tomorrow" I said
"Alright boys cookie sheet, Evie oven!" Mal said
"Yes ma'am" Evie said going to preheat the oven. I just looked at them I knew they still were thinking about what Lonnie had said but they choose to pay no attention. I felt...guilty like I've taken this amazing life with my dad away from everyone else and I could've helped even though I couldn't. There was nothing I could do to help them.
"You good, H?" Jay asked and I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Yeah, totally. I was just thinking about how happy my dad's gonna be to get off the island" I said giving him a small smile. He just nodded and went back to the others.

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