Chapter 4

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Cora's P.O.V
I read for an hour when a knock came to the door and I looked up. "Enter." I saw an akuma servant enter and bow.

"Miss Cora supper is ready." The female spoke and left when I waved her off. I sighed softly looking towards Tyki's sleeping form and I got up and gently shook him.

"Tyki, Tyki it's time for supper." I spoke gently and moved as he woke yawning and giggled when he grabbed me and hugged me close to him. "Tyki you have to get up."

"Mmm but your just so comfy Cora; I don't want to get up...not when I have you so close to me." Tyki smiled playfully and I rolled my eyes as I got up.

I helped Tyki up and waited as he got ready for the supper and I giggled seeing him fixing his hair. "Need help?"

Tyki looked back surprised before he smiled and sat on the bed as I sat behind him and gently started getting his hair to where he liked it. I smiled softly when I finished after a bit. "All done Tyki."

"Thank you Cora it's perfect." Tyki grabbed what he needed and held his hand out to me and I shyly took it before slipping my boots on and followed him.

I was looking around memorizing the lay out of the hallways and room for future references. "How do you not get lost in this place? Where are we?"

"This is the ark it's hidden from the outside world by Earl and Road. They control how everything works in this ark from the weather, to doorways, akuma, the arks movement. Earl is making a new ark there are some problems with this one but I promise your safe Cora I won't let anything or anyone harm you." Tyki looked to me seriously as we got to a door and I could hear chatter. Tyki opened the door and the family fell silent as we walked inside.

I felt a little shyer as I followed Tyki he seated me between himself and Road who happily greeted me as I sat and I smiled softly.

"Hey who's the woman?" A dark haired Noah asked and I noticed that he was wearing make up and a dark jacket with white fur lining along the collar of the jacket and another blonde haired male was besides him.

The Earl spoke up from his spot at the head of the table. "This is Cora Nightrose starting from today she will be working and staying with the family. She has her own abilities that can help us when we need it."

Road spoke happily. "That's Devitt And Jasdero their the Noah of bonds, Skinn is the Noah of wrath, Tyki is Noah of Please and I'm the Noah of dreams."

I was listening and looked to who was who and then to the Earl. "And you make the Akuma; I'm sure you have supporters as well to get into places that the Noah or akuma can't like the Black Order."

Earl chuckled. "Yes your right I do have supporters; I have many of them. Tell me have you ever encountered any Akuma or supporters?"

"Akuma for sure; their strong yes but their blending in with the rest of humanity isn't all too good. One because of the person they kill it's like their puppets that are being controlled by a poor excuse of a puppeteer; two their need to kill usually gets them caught in daylight especially when it comes to exorcists." I looked up seeing the Earl in thought. "It doesn't help that with the exorcists working twice as hard the akuma are getting more riled. In the past month alone where we have been there has been a good dozen or so of exorcists."

Earl listened and he looked to Tyki. "I have an idea; take Cora with you she could be helpful with this next part Allen Walker needs to be eliminated. Cora I would like it if you could make sure he doesn't get interrupted there is a Black Orders HQ near the area."

I was shocked that I was already being sent out on a mission and nodded my head. "No problem with me Earl."

"Good; now Cora would you give a demonstration of your powers and what we have to be aware of?" Earl spoke curiously.

I looked to the family and sighed softly nodding my head. "No problem; just know I have a hard time using my powers all in the same time cause it drains me. The more I'm drained the longer it takes me to recover." I held out my hand and concentrated smirking as Devit and Jasdero has been fighting with Skinn and I made them land in their seats or more like Jasdero landed on Devitt.

I then summoned my lightening and used it to light candles in the room easily surprising the family. I looked when Tyki got up and froze when he cut the palm of his hand.

Road gasped as he did that and I motioned for her to stay put as I took Tyki's hand concentrating as I saw a glow come from my hands and easily healed the deep cut. Road was amazed as she saw me heal him. "How many times have you healed him Cora?"

I smiled playfully to Tyki Mikk. "Umm every time he came back wounded weather it was from a mission or from the work place."

"True but the one time you really felt bad was when I got hit by a foreman who was hitting on you and I might have hit him to keep the creep from touching Cora." Tyki day with Cora and he gave her water seeing how tired she looked from using her powers.

I yawned softly as supper was served and my stomach grumbled as I blushed and moved as the servants gave us our food. "Smells good."

"Well some of the servants are better then the next one when it comes to cooking." Sighing when Road passed out her homework trying to get us to do it.

"Really Road? Aren't you suppose to be doing your homework yourself?" Tyki spoke sounding lazy as he wrote the wrong numbers in her book as I watched and shook my head biting back a giggle.

"I know but my homework is due tomorrow; I'm sure that Cora had someone help her do her homework." Earl spoke.

I chuckled softly. "I'm mostly self taught by books and as I grew up I met people that taught me many things along the way. So I'm basically a jack of all trades; master of none."

Road was amazed as she listened. "But you know how to do medical things; did someone teach you?"

"Yes many people I travel as well; just like Tyki and our friends. So I would learn from doctors about things they didn't mind since women are just starting to make a name for themselves in the medical field. And I learn things when people come to me with wounds; I also have to learn how to make medicines and antidotes to help make people feel better."

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