Chapter 9

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Cora's P.O.V
The next morning I yawned as I stretched feeling warm and I opened my eyes tiredly and noticed that my blankets were tucked around me as I sat up and looked Seeing a note from Tyki saying he had gotten up early to get ready for the day and that I would see him at breakfast.

I smiled as I got up and went to take a quick shower before I got ready for my day humming softly as I got ready. I always felt relaxed once I had showered and my lavender candles were currently burning making my room smell nice.

A knock came to my door as I was blowing out the last candle. "Enter." I spoke as I opened a window to let the fresh air in.

"Morning Cora how did you sleep?" Road spoke as she walked into my room looking around. "Wow your room is so tidy like Tyki's."

I chuckled softly. "Yeah it has to be; and I slept good last night. So what brings you to my room this morning?"

"Earl has a mission for you and I; Tyki and the twins have already left for theirs and we're going to a town where time always rewinds to the same day." Road smiled a little evil smile.

I got my gear on me as I listened and frowned. "Innocence?" Looking to Road as she nodded her head happily.

"We believe so; no doubt the exorcists are already on their way there or are already there either way we've been asked to go after it. The barrier will effect me but it shouldn't effect you since your not a Noah only a normal person."

"Normal huh? Whatever you say let's get this over with." Hoping that we didn't have to fight but either way I had a job to do as well as I followed Road through the ark door to the town and looked around when I noticed the umbrella talking to her and sighed softly. "Did you take him again without permission? You do know this can effect this golem as well."

"Oh Cora he'll be fine." Road entered the barrier and as she figured it badly burnt her I easily followed and helped her with a quick heal thankfully but felt my energy drop some. "Split up?"

"Might as well; we have to be quick about this. Please be careful Cora." Road took off and I wore a jacket with a hood that would hide my face and I walked into the town looking around and on alert for exorcists it finders.

I dispatched two akuma as I noticed Road had done the same. I walked down side walks and ducked into an alley hiding in the shadows when I saw two figured wearing cloaks with the badges of exorcists and I tensed seeing one was a pale skinned female with long green hair, long sleeved top with a skirt and knee high boots. The other was a pale skinned male, silver hair, about the girls heights but his left eye I could see a star above it along with a mark going down and knew it was cursed.

I hid as the two took off sensing the akuma I dispatched and I moved and climbed a fire ladder and onto a roof seeing Road floating nearby and signalled to her to join me and saw her come over quickly.

"What did you find Cora?" She walked over twirling the umbrella golem on her left hand.

"Two exorcists take a look." Pointing to the duo that just took out the two level two akuma of mine and heard Road giggle. "Their the only two I have seen throughout this town so I can probably safely assume it's only them we have to watch out for."

"Your right; have you had any sightings of the innocence or anyone out of the normal?"

I looked to Road seriously and judging by the smirk on her face I knew she already found who or what our target was. "Not yet; but I assume you already know."

"Indeed I do Cora; take a look." Pointing out a woman who's brunette hair was up in a bun, wearing a floor length black dress and over all looked like she hadn't slept in days. "She had a connection to the innocence but it's not in her."

"Then it's something that she has a deep connection too; we follow her then we'll find it as well. I think it's better if I go scouting for now; Once night comes we'll strike. I want to also follow those exorcists and make sure that their not going to have any other of their friends coming here while we're after the innocence." I spoke seriously as I leaned the ledge of the building and looked down to the busy town below us.

Road smirked as she nodded her head. "Yes; I'll keep the exorcists busy you go ahead and follow her and see what you can find Cora."

I sighed softly. "Got it." Leaving the roof after Road left and teleported myself into an alley and watched the woman when I saw that the exorcists were talking to my target and I sneered as I followed them quietly.

Tyki's P.O.V
Tyki sighed as he was taking a break from hunting exorcists he remembered when he was with Road and Earl when Road said that she would be taking Cora with her for another mission.

Tyki heard footsteps near him and he smirked as he found another exorcist to kill and he thought of how to keep Cora safe when he looked to one of his Teez that flew out of the man and held his hand out to the level three. "I think I'll have one of you's stay with Cora at all times as protection."

He watched as the Teez flew off his hand and towards the sky as he saw the way they shined in the moonlight and chuckled as he headed back to the ark and grabbed a book off of one of his shelves and removed his jacket since he had to wait before he reported to the Earl who was currently busy.

Tyki sighed as he sat on the chair in his room relaxing and sighed softly as he thought of the night when he was cuddling Cora and chuckled softly to himself as he had woken up this morning where he found Cora cuddled into him clinging to him but she was warm and so was he.

He was happy that Cora had managed to get a good nights sleep with him but then he thought back to what she told him about when they first cuddled and he chuckled. "That's my girl."

Tyki looked to his door when an akuma servant told him that the Earl was ready to see him and he sighed getting up and got his jacket and top hat back on and he walked to the meeting room where he found the Earl.

"Ah Tyki Welcome back; I take it things went well." Earl spoke as he was knitting in his chair.

Tyki chuckled softly removing his top hat. "Yes sir; how are Cora and Road doing with their mission?"

"Nothing yet; Road will report in once their done. Don't worry Tyki-pon they will be alright I assume that Cora keeps training when she is here." Earl looked to Tyki.

"Yes she does; she's improved greatly I'm sure she won't fail you or us." Tyki bowed before he gave his report on his mission.

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