Chapter 3

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Cora's P.O.V
I thought about what Tyki was saying and remembered whenever he would come back he looked exhausted and stressed and those days I would do whatever I could to make him happy and once in awhile I would massage his shoulders to help him relax more.

"Those days that you would come back; you were doing missions for the Earl before hand. But why would you want to be around normal low life humans for damn long there is nothing special..." Gasping in surprise when Tyki hugged me close and I felt how tense he was.

"Your all so damn special to me Cora; and when I found out that you have told me that you ran from both my family and the Black Order because you care about people. You help any one that you can and I know when you found that body in the alley it broke your heart. Cora I just want to keep you safe; you could run for as long as you wanted but if the Black Order has found you...who knows what they would have done to you." Tyki spoke he needed her to understand the danger that she could be in. "Here the most we would need is medical help we don't have that Cora...please. You can travel back and fourth with me to the guys whenever you want and once you know how to get to the ark you can travel at free will."

Tyki watched as Cora was lost in thought and he saw her head bent down but her hands were fisted in the sheets. Tyki thought of how he could keep her safe but was surprised when he felt Cora hug him but by the shaking he felt and then breaths she was taking in let him know she was crying.

"Cora? How long were you alone before you joined us." Tyki gently rubbed her back and looked up when a knock came and Earl along with Road peeked inside before they stepped in as he was trying to calm Cora.

"M-maybe around tw-twelve or thirteen...when m-my powers were...f-found out I r-ran." I was doing my best to talk all Tyki could do now was listen the same way I had always listened to him when he would come home from missions.

Road and Earl stood by the door silently listening and saw how protective Tyki was being and Road smiled watching her uncle and looked to the Earl knowing he was happy to see Tyki found someone to hold onto his humanity for.

Tyki noticed the smile on Road's face and playfully rolled his eyes. "You will never have to run again Cora; I'll protect you with everything I am and want to be I promise."

I was calmer as I wiped my tears away but my eyes were red and puffy from me crying and Tyki smiled softly. "If I join then I will not hurt any innocent humans am I understood?"

Earl listened. "That can be arranged; if you don't want to go on those kinds of missions then would you be willing to tend to the Noah that do need medical attention usually after a battle?"

I looked over as I leaned back from Tyki and saw the male move so I could see both the Earl and Road. "Yes I can work with that; I suppose you want to know what I can all do?"

"No Tyki has already filled me in; the akuma will not bother you Cora that I do promise. Welcome to the family my dear." Earl was happy to have someone to tend to the wounded.

Road smiled happily as she came over and gave Cora a hug surprising Cora. "It's going to be great having you here Cora."

I smiled softly as Road backed up. "Thank you Road." I looked to the Earl. "Your alright with me travelling with Tyki whenever he's in his white form?"

"Yes I'm alright with that; just be alert and cautious my dear danger is always around and I do not want to see anything happen to you either. But for now why don't you take a bath and relax I'll have a servant bring you clothes and we can all have a supper together." Earl spoke leaving no room for argument.

I watched as Earl and Road left happily and blushed seeing Tyki had moved to lean against the headboard of the bed having his smoke and a boyish smile on his face. "Don't even say it."

Tyki chuckled. "What that you were blushing when Road hugged you? Or the flabbergasted look on your face when Earl didn't make any room for argument wether or not that you would be joining us for supper."

"He's different for sure; but something tells me that's not what he really looks like." I looked to Tyki curiously.

Tyki chuckled and gently hugged me close to him. "Perhaps in time your question will be answered but for now just wait patiently."

Tyki's P.O.V
This was something Tyki likes about Cora she was always curious about the smallest of things. Cora has questions all the time and she had a want to learn things.

Tyki helped Cora up and supported her till she found her strength. "Follow me." He led her to his personal bathroom and opened the door for her. "Everything you need is in here; if you need anything else let me or one of the servants know."

"I-I'll be alright Tyki." Cora was blushing softly but he could tell she was amazed with the room.

"I'll go have Road bring you some clothes." Tyki started leaving and got stopped when he felt Cora stop him and looked to her.

"I-I can teleport my own clothes to me I'm alright with that Tyki. I'll be out in a bit." Cora looked to Tyki and he pecked her forehead softly before he left gently closing the door and sighed walking to his balcony to have his smoke.

Cora's P.O.V
The bathroom was amazing as I looked around and walked over to the bathtub and ran myself a bath as I thought about everything that had transpired in the past day and sighed softly.

Once I was ready I got into the hot water with bubbles and relaxed thinking about all that I had learned about Tyki and sighed softly. "What have I just agreed too?"

As I bathed I used my powers to teleport clean clothes for supper and smiled softly thinking that maybe it wouldn't be bad to not have to run.

I enjoyed the bath for a little while as I cleaned up and got out getting dried and dressed before I dried my hair and did it again.

When I walked out of the bathroom I stopped seeing Tyki must have laid down for a bit on his bed and he had fallen asleep. I wondered how much he had slept since he had started doing his missions.

I walked over and gently covered him with a blanket seeing that supper shouldn't be for another hour or so and I went and sat on a chair in his room summoning my medical book and started reading again keeping my mind off of everything that had happened in the past day.

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