Chapter 17

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Cora's P.O.V
I woke up from where I was laying and heard the guys snickering and a young male voice before I moved recognizing an exorcist and shook my head.

"Don't tell me my friends were playing strip poker again?" I smiled playfully.

The white haired male smiled. "Don't worry I'm playing them now." He had put his jacket in and I watched the game start curious of how this boy would win these poker games.

As I watched the game I smirked when I saw that Tyki and our two friends were cheating but were getting out cheated by the boy. It made me wonder if he had to do this in order to get by with living.

"You know this is the first time I have ever seen these three get stripped it's pretty amusing." I had a playful smirk on my face and giggled when Tyki leaned back against my legs and I gently moved my fingers through his hair.

"Your only finding this funny cause for once it's not you loosing to me." Tyki mumbled and I snickered as the guys lost another round and soon enough they were only down to their underwear.

I looked out the train and hummed softly. "Hey guys you may want to stop; we're here at our stop."

"Alright love we're done." Tyki got up grabbing his things as myself and Ezee both moved after waving bye to the exorcists and I helped Ezee off the train as I smirked at Tyki and the guys as myself and Ezee waited by the building and I hummed softly fixing my hair as I watched Tyki and the guys get their things.

I noticed that Tyki tossed Allen a packet of playing cards and I saw the mark on one as I looked to Tyki. As we went to head off the phone rang and I waited with Tyki who looked to me.

The guys sighed before the one with longer hair spoke. "Another one of your secret jobs you two?"

"Sadly; myself and Tyki might be gone a bit. Be safe you two and you as well Ezee." I smiled softly as our friends left for the job and I turned to Tyki smiling as we walked towards the bridge and as soon as we got into the shadow of the bridge we both changed my clothes changed to those that I wore at the ark making me look like I was rich.

In a way the story I was Earl's adopted daughter but was Tyki's girlfriend. I smiled seeing Earl and I snickered when Earl scolded Tyki about the way he was talking as he tossed Tyki his hat.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a pig by myself." Tyki spoke and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Well it has been a few hours since we last ate. Earl it's good to see you again so soon? Do you have a mission for us?" I spoke with a soft smile on my face.

Earl chuckled. "It's always good to see you my dear; did you get a decent rest last night?"

"As decent as I was going to get my lord." I giggled when Tyki had me take his arm and us three walked through Road's door.

I could hear a loud commotion and had a bad feeling as the door opened and I saw the mess and knew what had been happening.

"What happened here?" Earl spoke up as we walked in and I took a seat besides Tyki as I blushed when he held out my chair for me as I sat.

"Ah nothing." Devitt spoke gulping as he sat and Skinn agreed as he sat as well.

"As you see we have guests with us today." Earl spoke as he sat.

I sat back comfortably in my seat as we looked to Earl and I shook my head when Road gave us her homework. "Do your homework yourself Road; your not learning anything if we do it for you."

"Aww but Cora please I need my homework done for tomorrow." Road had a pouty face.

I chuckled and lightly flicked her forehead. "Sorry sweetie I can't do it for you but I can help you learn it."

"Could you please Cora." She smiled happily and I giggled when Tyki switched with me as I helped Road while listening to Earl.

"It's time for us to announce ourselves my family; we must find the heart of the innocence and destroy it along with all innocence that we can. We have already stopped one general correct Tyki, Cora and Road."

I smirked nodding my head. "Yes my lord; General Yeegar is out of action and thanks to Road his mind is broken and all innocence he had with him was destroyed by Tyki and Road."

"Well done; Cora and Tyki you have a mission together." Earl gave us a card and I looked to the playing card look a like and saw names on it.

I stopped seeing one and smirked. "Earl this boy Allen is closer then you think; since the general was stopped the Black Order must be looking for all their generals and bringing them back. There was a steady increase of exorcists lately as well; their main transportation is by train my lord. But they much like you have many connections; I believe you said we need to watch our for Cross but would he be able to find the ark or even get on it?"

"This man uses the magic like my skulls do as you have seen for yourself. That man can use that same magic we must all be on guard for he also has two innocence; Cora your able to summon a barrier along with healing I know you have control on that but how is your teleportation?"

I smiled and looked to Tyki and held out my hand as the apple in tray in front of me vanished and appeared in my hand. "I can use it much better even with bigger things; the more I use it and push it the better I will get. My barrier's do not even allow Tyki to even enter them and when I want I can form barriers around my enemies and fill it with lightening making a quick but painful way to the death of exorcists. I can form barriers around innocence without needing to touch it and give any Noah's a chance to destroy it."

Earl chuckled. "So you have been training whenever you get a chance. Good; I knew that you would be a good addition...this is why I want you with Tyki your able to give the aid he might require in the field. Tyki did you make sure if you get split that you and her can find one another?"

"Yes my lord I put a Teez on her and it can come off to show her the way and act as communication for her if need be." Tyki spoke as we both moved getting up. "Let's get to work then my dear; we have a long journey for awhile."

"Your not wrong the sooner we finish this the sooner we can return home." I sighed softly and looked to Road seeing the Earl helping her and smiled softly. "My lord; she should be doing her own homework if need be I can help her once in awhile."

"I'm thinking a tutor will be needed; go along Tyki and Cora, make sure that your both safe and return home." He looked up to us.

We both bowed and I followed Tyki out as we went to get ready to head out. I took Tyki's hand as we walked to our room and I sat down for a minute before we got what was required.

Once we were ready I took Tyki's hand and teleported us to the human world where no one saw us and winced a little as it did take more out of me when I moved more then myself; plus my showing to Earl and the family also helped to drain me as well.

"You alright love?" Tyki looked a little worried and I smiled softly.

"Yeah just a little drained from earlier and now; a little food and rest, I'll be back to full power later on."

"Alright let's get going and stick close; with it being night it's hard to say where the enemy may be. And I don't want you in danger or hurt." Tyki held me close as we headed out and I noticed that the town was silent and no disturbances were anywhere around or near us.

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