Chapter 8

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Cora's P.O.V
I sighed relaxing on my bed after my bath and as I laid on my bed I thought of my past and how I was raised as an orphan that I never got to know of my parents. I must have laid there for an hour when a knock came to my door and I smiled softly. "Enter Tyki."

I looked when I saw Tyki enter with a small smile on his face and I giggled getting up and sat back against my pillows cross legged as Tyki kicked off his shoes and sat on the other end of my bed taking out his cards.

"Thank you for explaining earlier to the rest about why I wanted to be alone. I-I hope that it didn't bother you or them either." I looked to Tyki and gasped giggling when I saw he had a teez flying around.

"Don't worry about it Cora; they understood we all do. When you want to relax that's fine your doing your job and your family to us; we don't want you to push yourself so hard either." Tyki shuffled and dealt the cards as we were doing BlackJack.

"I know I just don't want to be a burden to anyone if I can help it." I looked to my cards as we started playing and had him give me one card as I watched him both of us just mostly playing for fun which I liked.

Tyki looked to me seriously. "Cora you have never and will never be a burden; I never want to hear those words coming from you. In all the time I have known work hard from dawn to dusk and sometimes when needed to will get up in the middle of the night to help someone no matter what it is. I've seen you work till your ready to drop and I can admire that and I know your a hard working person and now the family here has seen it as well. Yes your a human care for everyone that even means being like a sister to everyone."

I blushed darkly at Tyki's words as I did my best to try and fight it back and heard Tyki chuckle as he flipped the cards before we played our hands and I smirked taking the first round out of five rounds. We kept playing like that both of us were tied winning two rounds each and were playing our fifth round and I chuckled when Tyki won.

Tyki smirked when he won neither of us cheated since it was impossible to in BlackJack but Tyki got to choose what I would do and I could guarantee that he would be making me either rest or cuddle with him. I knew Tyki didn't like the rest of his family here knowing that he liked cuddling with me when it was just us; it started not long after I first met him and I smiled softly as I thought back to the day.

I had been tossing and turning most of the night unable to sleep after I had been working all day and Tyki would be getting back late from another one of his secret missions but I didn't want to wake the trio that was sound asleep not far from where I was.

I had snuck outside after slipping my jacket and boots on I had gone outside to look at the night sky not really paying attention to my surroundings until I heard footsteps and looked when I saw Tyki coming back looking exhausted.

Tyki looked surprised when he saw me awake and I shrugged as I was sitting on a log outside the building and moved over so he could sit besides me.

"How come your still awake Cora? It's the middle of the night and it's cold out here." Tyki hugged me close and smiled softly when I had cuddled into his warmth not realizing how cold I really was until I had cuddled close.

"Sorry it was just a long day today; I've been trying to sleep not even a warm bath or my candles helped me tonight. So I came outside hoping that maybe I could relax I just never realized just how cold out it was." I looked to Tyki tiredly.

Tyki smiled sadly and he got up and he held out a hand and I took it getting up as we walked in and snuck around the sleeping trio to our beds and I sighed removing my jacket and boots and went and stoked the fire a little to keep the hut warm since tonight was fairly cool then again we were in fall time so it was expected to be getting cold.

As I got back to my bed I felt Tyki yank me to his bed causing me to blush darker then a tomato. "Wh-What are you doing Tyki?"

"You said that you were struggling with sleeping and with us both being cold right now I think us cuddling will benefit us both. We'll stay warm but it should help you to sleep as well Cora; I don't want you to be tired tomorrow for work." Tyki smiled softly as he covered us with an old blanket that he had on his bed.

I cuddled into Tyki and had to admit to myself that it felt nice the heat coming from him but the fact that I wasn't alone tonight. It had been the best sleep that I had in a long time cuddled into Tyki.
*End of Flashback*

I jumped when Tyki snapped his fingers in front of my face and I saw him playfully smiling when he made me jump.

"Welcome back Cora; what were you thinking about?" Tyki smiled playfully.

I shook my head smiling softly. "To the night not long after I joined you and the others; when you found me outside looking at the night sky and it had been cold."

"Heh how can I forget? That was the first time that you and I cuddled. You had slept so peacefully it was cute how darkly you blushed that night. It was funnier the next morning when the other two were teasing us you couldn't stop blushing." Tyki smile playfully as he had put the cards away and he moved as we laid down and Tyki pulled me close so we could cuddle.

I rolled over so I could face Tyki and I could smell the cigarette smoke along with his cologne I hated to admit it but those scents relaxed me since it meant that I was safe and with Tyki.

I noticed that Tyki had relaxed and when I looked up I saw that he had already fallen asleep that I smiled softly and covered us over before adjusting myself enough so that I could be comfy along with Tyki.

Once I was comfy enough the Teez that had been fluttering around landed on the top of my headboard and I rolled my eyes knowing that Tyki had the Teez and usually he would leave one with me when he was gone on missions lately especially when the Earl told us to be on the look out for Cross Marian.

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