Chapter 28: Reflection

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You and Armin continued to talk and eat your breakfast until it was time to go out on the sand. You went inside and grabbed your towel and then went out and set up in your usual spot with Armin. You laid down in the warm sun while Armin went closer to the water and took some pictures with his polaroid camera. You could tell that he thought the beach was really pretty and that he enjoyed it even though he didn't really get in the water much.

"Are you getting any good ones??" you shouted to him.

"Yeah! They're all turning out really great!" he shouted back with a big smile on his face.

You smiled and closed your eyes and enjoyed the sound of the waves softly crashing and the smell of the salty air. You didn't want the trip to end. You were dreading the next day when you had to leave, so you tried to enjoy every minute to the fullest extent.

After a while, you and Armin enjoyed some watermelon that he had brought with him down to the beach. As you were eating, you heard a familiar voice.

"Hey!" Eren said as he came over and took a seat beside you on your towel.

"Hey! Took you long enough to get out here." you joked as you turned to look at him. You were all three facing the ocean with the sun hitting your backs.

"I know I know I was just waiting so that I could have lunch at the house and then come down here. Speaking of lunch, have you guys eaten yet?" Eren asked.

"No but I think we're going to soon. We were getting hungry so we started eating a snack." you said as you brought the bowl of watermelon over and offered some to Eren.

"Oh no thanks I'm good. I had macaroni and cheese just a minute ago. But I was wondering if you guys were doing anything special today since it's the last day. Like, are you going shopping or to an aquarium or anything?"

"I think that before dinner we're going to a gift shop for souvenirs, but that will be at like 4:00 so we have a few hours out here still." you said.

"Oh gotcha. Oh umm I think your teacher is getting up." Eren said as he turned around and pointed at your teacher who was standing up.

"Ok class it's time for lunch! Everyone make your own sandwiches!!" she yelled.

"Y/n, you can stay here with Eren and I'll make you a sandwich. I already know what you want on it." Armin said as he stood up.

"Thank you so much you're the best!" you gratefully said to him.

"No problem." he said as he turned and went towards the houses.

Just as Armin was leaving, your teacher started coming down to where you and Eren were.

"Is there a reason you're here sir?" she asked Eren with a not so thrilled expression.

Eren stood up in front of her. "Oh I just met y/n here on the beach a few days ago. You might remember me, but I just wanted to visit with her for a little bit before you all left. Is it okay if I talk to her for a little longer?"

"Fine. But as soon as we get ready to leave, that means that you have to go back to wherever you came from if you're still here at that point, which I hope you aren't." she said as she pursed her lips and turned around and left with everyone else except for you and Eren.

Eren sat back down beside you and you both tried to hide your laughs. "She totally bought the innocent act. I'm just glad she actually let me stay." Eren said as he kept laughing.

"I knowww I actually can't believe she let you sit here. She's super strict so this is really lucky." you giggled.

"Anyways, I noticed that you covered the hickeys. Sorry about that." he said as he put his hand on the back of his neck.

"No it's fine it wasn't hard to cover them. I actually smiled when I saw them. They're like souvenirs from my trips to your place." you joked.

"Interesting choice of souvenirs. Have you told Armin about all the stuff we've done?" he asked.

"I only tell him that we hang out and watch movies and talk and stuff. I haven't told him about any other details." you said.

"I don't care if he knows or not so you can tell him whatever you want. I don't mind."

"He's probably already figured it out by now. I don't think I even need to say it." you smirked.

"Yeahhh you're probably right." he said as he rested his his thumb on his bottom lip and smiled.

"You know, it's weird being able to talk to you during the day like this. I'm excited for when we can do things together without having to hide." you said.

"Tell me about it. I'm excited too. We can go over plans once you get home."

"Sounds good to me." you said as you leaned over and softly kissed his lips.

"Oh! Uhh do you want me to leave your sandwich here and eat up at the house?? I'm fine doing that." Armin said as he had panic written all over his face. He had come back to your spot right as you kissed Eren.

"Armin it's okay! It wasn't like we were doing anything crazy. You're eating down here with me." you laughed as you reassured him that he was fine to sit with you.

"I think I'm gonna go back up to the house. You guys are eating and then leaving in a few hours and I want you to be able to enjoy your time together on the beach. I'll see you around." Eren said as he stood up.

"You can stay if you want to. We don't mind." you said as you looked up at him.

"No I want you to be able to enjoy each other alone for the rest of the day. Besides, it's not like this is the last time we'll be seeing each other. I just wanted to stop over and see you for a minute." he said in a quieter voice.

"Alright alright. See you later then." you said.

"Bye Eren!" Armin called.

"Bye!" Eren yelled as he was walking away.

You and Armin enjoyed your lunch and continued to lay in the sun for the rest of your time on the beach.

At 4:00, your teacher announced that everyone needed to get ready to go to a gift shop and then to a restaurant. You headed up to the house and took a shower and got ready. You put on the same outfit that you had worn to the party. You smiled as you put it on because you remembered the good time that you had there with everyone, well, except for the one creep. You also reapplied some coverage on the purple marks on your skin.

You arrived at the gift shop and picked out a small magnet. Armin got a matching one. You then went to the restaurant which was similar to the one that you had gone to when Armin told you that he liked you. You had a grilled chicken salad and ate with Armin like usual.

You got back to the houses at sunset. You went outside and sat on the deck and admired the beautiful colors of the sky over the sparkling ocean. This had really been a great trip, not because of the things that your group did, but because of the wonderful people you had met and the amazing memories that you made. You felt your eyes get a little bit watery as you reflected on everything. You would never forget your senior trip.

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