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So that's how Marshall Lee the vampire king and I had met. We had a rough start, but the rest of the week serving him was actually a blast! Now I'm proud to say that Marshall is one of my best friends. I like to think I'm one of his best friends as well, but I know he would nver admit that I am. So I don't ask, I just assume. I mean, I don't know anyone else that Marshall hangs out with besides me! With me now living permanently at the Candy Castle and not being aloud to see him, it should make his life a little lonely now. I shake my head back and forth. This is my duty, I shouldn't be thinking about him. I choose to do this because it is the right thing to do. I enter the candy castle and everything seems as normal as usual. Guess no one really missed me. I bet Gumball didn't even know I was gone.

"Oh! My Queen! My Queen!" Peppermint maid comes rushing over to me. Maybe someone does care about me after all! "You and the King are required to be at tonights dinner. We have extrodinary chefs coming from all over Ahh serving you two today and they all can't wait to impress you!" Okay, so no, no one missed me.

"Alright, then I guess I'll see you then." I say and turn to proceed up the staircase.

"No, no, Miss! You have to go get fitted for your gown for the event! Didn't I tell you that those clothes you used to wear can't be worn by such royalty as yourself?" I sigh, closing my eyes and trying to calm myself.

"Fine then." I say calm and collectivley. She becons me to follow her and I do so, rubbing my temples the whole way. I've only been back a second and I'm already sick of the place. But this is my life now, and going to eat really great food with my new husband is going to be a good perk. I walk calmly toward my room, but inside I'm jumping up and down. Thank goodness Gumball is required to be at this dinner too! I finally get the chance to do things with his as if we are married. Once I get to my room I let out my excitement, jumping up and down a few times before hurrying over to my closet. I have to make this perfect. Finally a chance to get Gumball to remember how great I am. I flick through the many soft dresses in the closet, trying to decide which one would make me look completely gorgeous. There are so many dresses that it's so hard to choose! But I keep glancing back at a baby pink colored dress. I pull it out and walk over to the mirror, holding it in front of me. This is the kind of dress a beautiful queen would wear, so it's perfect. I slip off my clothes and on the silky soft dress. As usual, wearing a dress feels quite different, but this time I'm okay with the different feeling. The dress looks super fancy, but my face and hair looks utterly plain. I cock my head to the side, wishing I knew how to do makeup or hair. As if my mind was being read, Peppermint Maid knocks on the door before entering.

"Miss, you only have about a half an hour until the dinner." She says politely.

"Right. Erm, do you know anything about makeup? Or hair?" A wide smile spreads across her little face, and she shuts the door behind her.

"I know way too much about those things. Have a seat, your highness." I really am not used to being called that, but I take a seat on my bed, and she hops up on it with me. Getting behind me I feel her tugging on my hair, and I decide not to even ask what she's going to do. A good 25 minutes later my hair is in a pony tail for the first time ever, with a few bows in my hair as well. I actually look really good, and a little more mature with the eyeliner and foundation she used on me. "Now hurry, miss!" She takes my hand and pulls me out the door and down the stairs. I can't believe I didn't trip and fall down those stairs with her pulling me so quickly! My eyes widen when I enter the dinning room. It is all nicely set up, although only 2 spots were set so it looks a little strange on such a big table. I take my seat and Peppermint Maid casually stands next to my chair.

"Where's Gumball?"

"The prince should be here any moment. Would you like me to go check on him?" I nod, and can't help but smile while she leaves. I can smell the delicious smells coming from the kitchen, but can't pinpoint what food it may be coming from. I close my eyes and inhale the scent, excited to have whatever this is in my mouth in a few minutes. "Miss, The prince request that you start without him. He will be here as soon as he can though." Peppermint Maids voice causes my eyes to whip open again.

"Oh. Alright then." All I'm focused on is Gumball arriving. Every few minutes I look toward the big door that remain untouched. I don't care about the chef that shakes my hand as he introduces himself, or this elegant (probably expensive) food that he serves me. In fact, I don't even stop and think to taste it. The only thing on my mind right now is Gumball and where he could possibly be. By the end of the dinner I'm completly pissed off. I had gotten all dolled up for nothing. Then again, I'm the fool. I really thought he might put his work out of the way for something as trivial as a little dinner. This is my fault, and I shouldn't blame him for behavior that is already expected of him. Peppermind Maid tries to sothe me as I walk quickly and angrily to my room.

"Miss, he is just a busy a guy. You must forgive him. I'm sure he really wanted to be there and see you looking so lovely and all-"

"No he didn't." I grumble, stopping ruight outside my door. "He didn't marry me to see me all pretty in nice dresses and love me. He married me so I could do all this, this royal junk, while he sits in his lab and causes caos!" My oice gets louder as I talk, making her back away slowly. Before I make her feel worse or become even more scared of me, I go into my room, slambing the door behind me. I pace back and forth, needed a way to get all my feelings out. There is only one thing that has ever helped me do just that. So I rummage through my bag of belongings and find the phone Cake gave to me. 'Just hit 1 and it'll call me right up!' she had said. I hope it's as easy as that. I hit the number one on the keypad and hold the contraption up to my ear. It's quiet for only a moment before I hear the voice of my best friend on the other end.

"Baby? How are you? How's the prince? How's the FOOD??" I smile at her extreeme interest in the royal food.

"I just need to rant about junk."

"Boy junk?"

"Yeah..." And this is how all my feelings are emptied from my heart, leaving me feeling a heck of a lot better. I tell her about how he not oly ditched a required dinner tonight, but how he's been pretty much all around ignoring me. Then I tell her about what I had just said to Peppermint Maid. "I felt really bad, but it got me thinking. What if he really did only marry me to do all this royal biz while he plays around in that lab of his?"

"Hmm, honestly you've got a good point there, Fionna. But don't just assume. You've got to use your womanly charm to get it out of him. Make him admit his plan before you go all crazy over it. Make sense?"

"Yeah, makes sense. That doesn't make me less upset though." I sigh, sitting down on my bed and looking down at my pretty pink dress.

"You just need to- Hm? How did you get in here?" I look up from my dress, listening carefully to Cake. "Yes, why do you care? You can't just always come in here because you have nothing better to do!"

"Cake? What the math are you talking about?"

"Sorry hun, I've got to go. Call me tomorrow alright?" And with that the line goes silent again. And I am alone with my feelings. I set the phone down on the ground and lay back down on the bed, just closing my eyes and relaxing after a dissapointing night. I can't help wonder who Cake had been talking to on the phone. Could it have been Marshall? Or am I just thinking about Marshall Lee a little too much lately? I can't help but miss those wide eyes and sarcastic personality. I can imagine if he were here now, asking me things like-

"What the heck are you wearing?" My eyes snap open. Did I just imagine him so well that I actually heard his voice in my head? Nope, I'm not that good at imagining. I turn my head and see him, Marshall Lee, hovering in the window sill staring at me with an open mouth.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now