My Problem Is Out Of My Life

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I hear the ladder squeak under a weight and know that Cake is coming to check on Ice Queen and I. I lay on the bed in a little ball and don't open my eyes to see if it is Cake or not. I already know it is. The noise stops, but I don't hear any voice asking me if I'm alright. I want to open my eyes now, but I'm so tired after all these events that my eyelids are weighed down. They fly open easily though when I feel arms around my waist. I look down and see the grey colored arms wrapped tightly around my waist and calm down.
"Marshall, what are you doing?" I ask.
"You look so comfortable and relaxed. I want to relax too."
"We just got done relaxing at your house." I point out, even though I too want more relaxation.
"And it was fun to be alone together and just chill. I want more of that." The way he puts it makes my cheeks heat up and a smile appear on my face.
"Me too." I whisper, not even sure if he hears me, and I let my eyes fall shut again.
"Fionna! Where did that Ice Queen go?" Cake shouts, and my eyes whip open once again. Marshall's arms slide out from under me and he sits up on the bed as if we were not just cuddling. I stay in my balled up position as I give a quick explanation.
"Oh, yeah, she left. Everything's fine now." Cake makes a dumb face, clearly not accepting of my quick answer. But when I don't supply a longer answer she sighs and stretches up into the room. She lays on the bed next to me.
"Well, thank goodness. I'm kind of glad she came in and scared all those people. Now we don't have to deal with them right now. Maybe we can come up with a way to deal with them before they get back." She doesn't really sound hopeful, just tired. And who could blame her? We are all tired. Tired physically, and tired mentally of all this drama with Gumball. I clench my fists just thinking about him, and Marshall notices. Cake has her eyes shut, laying in the other side of me, so Marshall puts his hand on my back and softly rubs. I smile, relaxing. I'm not sure how long we lay there, but it feels like I fall asleep really quick. I wish this sleep could be one of those super refreshing, no dream kind of sleeps; that's the kind I really need right now. But instead my sleep is filled with a nightmare sort of dream. The me of a few months ago wouldn't have thought of it as a nightmare though. In the dream/ nightmare Gumball and I were hand in hand, skipping through every kingdom greeting the citizens. All the citizens were overjoyed to see us both so in love. It made them go and fall in love. Then everyone had a big wedding together and no one was unhappy! Until Marshall flew into the scene. For some reason he was yelling at Gumball, accusing him of stealing me and hurting me. The Fionna of my dream was very confused because she loved Gumball, so she stood aside and watched the boys fight until Marshall lunged at her with puckered lips. But instead of kissing that Fionna he starts shouting in her face.
"Huh?" I, real life Fionna now, mumble in my sleep, flipping onto my side. Even though I know that was a dream I still hear the yelling! I groan, letting my eyes flicker open and my brain comprehend what's going on. That noise wasn't just from my dream! Someone is pounding on our door yelling! Cake snores next to me, not disturbed by the yelling; but Marshall sits straight up when I do. I hop off the bed, making my way down to the front door with Marshall at my heels. When I open the door I'm surprised to see Cinnamon Bun at the door calling for me. I would figure he would hate me more than anyone, being one of Gumballs closest candy people (even if he is a little slow). "Cinnamon Bun?" I voice my confusion. "What are you doing here? You woke me up."
"I'm sorry, Fionna." He doesn't sound mad at me at all. "It's urgent though! Prince Gumball has been kidnapped!"
"Kidnapped?!" I gasp, but then realize I already knew this. Ice Queen straight up told me she was going to take him away from me. That means it's really done. Gumball is gone. Cinnamon Bun nods.
"The Ice Queen took him and I didn't know what to do! So I knew I should come to you guys!"
"Oh. Um, right. I guess we'll look further into it." I mumble, starting to close the door.
"Ice Queen?" I hear Cakes voice come from behind me and turn around to face her. "Fionna!" She shouts, hurrying toward me. "Ice Queen was just here, you must have known about this! How could you just let her do something so cruel??" Of course her assumptions are correct, but I can't tell her that I wanted Gumball to get kidnapped! So I shake my head.
"She didn't say anything about that when she was here. I didn't know!" Cake shakes her head right back at me.
"Yes you did, Fionna. Why would you let her-"
"I didn't!" I protest, but Cake isn't giving up so easily. She knows me too well. She knows how I would feel if Ice Queen offered to take my problem out of my life. I sigh, not proud to admit the truth. "Fine. She told me she was going to take him away from me. So I couldn't 'hurt him' anymore. And I said okay." It's silent for a moment while this really hits everyone's heads.
"Nice thinking, Fi! Getting that nut case out of your life is just what you needed to do!" Marshall cheers and pats me on the back. I smile a little at his encouragement. Maybe I should have told him sooner.
"I can't believe you're encouraging this! That is the wrong thing to do and she knows it! I hope you feel guilty Fionna." Cake reprimands. But the thing is, I don't feel bad about it. I feel free.
"Gumball is the cause of these problems; so getting rid of him is the solution. It's simple!"
"Putting people in danger is wrong, no matter who it is or what they have done."
"Shut up you dumb cat and let her make her own choices!" Cake and I both gasp.
"Fine then. Fionna if that's how you feel then okay. But I feel that that is the wrong thing to do, so I'm going to go out there and help the person in need." She glares at me as if I was the person who called her a stupid cat. She turns to Cinnamon Bun and starts to walk toward the door. Right before she's out she turns to face me. "You're sure?" I look toward Marshall, then back to her and shake my head. I got rid of my problem. What I did was good. She nods and finally heads out the door to bring my problem back.

-Authors Note-
I just really quickly wanna thank anyone who comments, votes, or just silently reads this story. This has been my most successful story so far and it really makes me so happy so thank you for supporting it! I'll try to update as often as I can ^_^

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