Attack on the Treehouse

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The banana guards quickly arrive in the scene, Marshall still looking back and forth for Gumball. Obviously he hadn't come to the conclusion that Gumball fled for his life, but I already had. The banana guards charge at him, but they are no match for Marshall's power. With one sweep of his hand he pushes them all out of the way. Then his hand comes for me. I know he would never want to hurt me, but when your filled with the rage of demonic blood who knows what you realize you're doing? So my heart pounds in a chest and I shut my eyes tight. I can feel his hand close around me, and my hair whips in the wind as he pulls me off the ground. Once I'm sure that I won't be eaten I open my eyes. Marshall and I are now nearing the edge of the kingdom. Than goodness he had given up on attacking Gumball. I'm a lot calmer now that we are out of the kingdom, but I have a feeling he high stress has only begun. The whole Candy Kingdom thinks I'm a butt! I love them all and have saved them countless times from evil! If I had hated them I would have let them die by now! How do I fix this? How can I possibly make the believe me instead of their own creator and ruler? I'm so lost in my thoughts that I don't realize we've reached Marshall's house until he starts to shrink in size. He sets me on the ground and I watch as his big bat ears shrink down to his regular ears and his eyes get less demonic. As soon as he is back to his regular form he wraps his arms around me way too tightly.
"Marshall! You're hurting me." I feel his grip loosen but he doesn't let go.
"I'm sorry Fi, I shouldn't have changed back there. I probably caused more trouble for you. I'm sorry." I shake my head, even though it's hard to do while pressed up against his shoulder.
"No, it's fine. Don't worry about it. I know you were trying to help me." I say as he releases me finally.
"I just got angry at Gumball and couldn't control myself I guess. But hey, at least they didn't arrest me again."
"He expected it." I mutter under my breath.
"Gumball; he knew you were gonna freak and change into your...other....form. So he must had hit somewhere safe right after I left. Why else would he not have been there?" Marshall's eyes widen in realization and I can see the anger building in them all over again. "Work on calming down." I take his hand, trying to help. He takes a deep breath in and out, then meets my gaze again.
"Right. Sorry. Let's just go." Marshall keeps our hands together and pulls me up into his porch and unlocks the door with his free hand. Once the door is open he pulls me inside a little harder than normal (probably because of the anger, but he was doing good at trying to keep calm) and I shut the door behind myself. I really wonder why Marshall decided to take me here instead of the treehouse, though. The banana guards aren't going to come for me anymore, I'm free. There's no reason for me to not go home. Asking to go home at a time like this would make things more complicated though, and the last thing either of us needs is complication. So I decide to just leave it for now and ask about heading home a little later. For now I could enjoy time with one of my best friends without any restrictions for the first time in a while.
"So, what do you have to eat around here?" I ask cheerfully, trying to ignore the things that just happened. Get our mind off of that for now and just enjoy the moment we have now. I pull my hand away from his to skip into the kitchen and raid his cabinets and fridge.
"Not much. We can go out and get something if you'd like." He leans into the counter, watching me rummage through the assorted red food items.
"Yeah, that would probably be best. We can head up to the market and get some dinner!" I shut the fridge and turn toward him. My smile makes him smile, which is exactly what I wanted it to do.
Soon we are sitting on the couch eating and laughing together. The market didn't have much, so I ended up with a healthy dinner of French fries and a burger. Marshall stuck with his usually red diet with things he had here, but he still enjoyed it just as much as I enjoyed my own food.
"Happy now?" I nod, even though the situation was still the biggest thing in my mind. "Good. Please, try not to worry so much, Fi." Marshall sighs.
"I should say the same to you. Even though you try to act all chill and cool, there's no way you can not be thinking about it."
"Honestly, I'm thinking about you more than anything." My cheeks heat up a little. What did he mean? "This is partially my fault and I know everything leading up to this has been hard on you and this makes things worse. You don't deserve this shit." He mumbled, obviously not super pumped to explain his feelings. I admire the way he did so even when I didn't ask him to. He just knew I would want him to. He knows me well. I take a break from eating to lean over and put my head on Marshall's shoulder.
"Thank you, Marshall Lee." He turns his head down words to look at me, and I turn mine up so our eyes meet. "For caring about me." He smiles, a genuine smile I don't see very often, and my heart flutters. Wait, my heart flutters? My cheeks are pink? And he's leaning run slowly and I'm not stopping him! His lips gently touch mine and I shut my eyes immediately. His lips on mine made my face get redder and my lips tingle and my heart race. But it only lasts a second because Cake's voice makes me pull away. "Cake?"
"Cake! I hear her!" I stand up, looking around the room quickly. When I don't see her here I run toward the window to look outside.
"Marshall Lee!! Fiona!!" Cake is outside!! I bolt out the door and turn toward her. When she sees me she outstretched her arms and I run right into them. "Baby, what did you do?"
"W-what do you mean?" I ask, scared that Cake had heard what Gumball said and believed him.
"There's a bunch of angry citizens from all kingdoms outside the treehouse saying they want you. They almost tore me apart to get to you! Their attacking the treehouse as we speak!"

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now