The Quiet Game

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I've never been so happy to be out of Lumpy Space. Actually that's a lie. I'm pretty sure nearly every time I'm there I am happy to leave. But the point is, I'm super happy to be out of there, and surely Gumball is too. LSP looks back and forth between us, clearly confused as to what he was dragged into. But he seems to shrug it off and get distracted by his next thought.
"So, that was it right? My work is done? And now I get my prize?" I nod, which makes him smile wide. "I'll meet you at the treehouse!" He calls out while he takes off toward my home. Cake will be confused when he gets there but oh well. I'll explain later. Gumball and I just stand there, me awkwardly staring at him and him awkwardly staring at the ground. I clear my throat.
"Well...I guess we should get going. Last time I checked, the Candy Kingdom was in a bit of a panic without you there." I say and start to walk forward. He follows my lead, walking beside me, but I get no response. I wait a second for him to give one, but he just walks silently staring off into the distance. "It took me a while to find you so I'm not sure how long ago that was. Hope they are a little better now." No response. I thought when I saved him he would at least apologize for treating me poorly and spreading rumors about me. You know, I sort of saved his life again so they least he could do was say he's sorry about that. But he just walks on! The nerve of him! He really is a jerk, how did I ever like him?! I'm consumed with anger but I don't let it show on the outside. If he wanted to play the quiet game then fine. I could play that game. We walk for an uncomfortable amount of minutes before I crack. I guess I can't play that game. "Aren't you going to thank me or anything?" Silence. He doesn't even flinch at my outright rude comment. Thank goodness were already at the gates of the Kingdom, otherwise I probably would be throwing myself on the ground right now for attention. We walk through the gates and into the kingdom where I expect to be candy people running around just like before, but again my expectations are not met. In this case that's a good thing though. The only sounds I hear are normal Candy Kingdom sounds of people chatting quietly and walking around, living their normal lives. As we walk further in a few wave to Gumball as if he was here the whole time.
"Geeze, I didn't think Marshall could really handle this place but I guess I was proven wrong." I mutter, more to myself than to anyone else. But Gumball picks it up.
"Marshall Lee? What do you mean?" Finally, some words. Not exactly the words I wanted to hear but whatever.
"Well, I had to leave to go find you, and Cake was resting, so Marshall stayed behind and tried to calm the Kingdom down. I didn't think it would work but..." I trail off, looking around at the normal, happy, sweet kingdom. I can tell by his face that he is outraged.
"There is no way that demon boy is running my kingdom like this! Cake must have come and taken over." I shrug, leaving him unsatisfied. He sighs, turns, and makes a beeline toward the palace. I quickly scramble after him, also wanting to know if Marshall was really this good of a leader. We get up to the palace and the banana guards welcome Gumball, again, as if he wasn't missing and they were never even in a panic. He ignores them are speed walks through the palace in search of Marshall Lee or Cake. He throws open his bedroom door and there, lying on the bed with his arms behind his head, is Marshall Lee.
"Oh, hey Fionna." Prince Gumball clears his throat. "Oh, sorry, and hello your Highness!" He dramatically floats up into the air and does a sarcastic bow.
"G- Get out of my room!" He shouts, seemingly too angry to really think of what to say.
"Aw, he's sad because I ran his kingdom better than he could. Or maybe he's sad because they didn't need you. I was a great replacement. At first obviously they were a little scared of me, but I handled it all. So don't worry man, everything is perfectly normal." The rage books inside of Gumball, and I really would rather not see him explode. I step forward and grab Marshall's hand, tugging him toward the exit of the room.
"Oookay, so everything is good. That's good! No panic! And the Prince is back so everything is really normal." I try and ease the tension, but I'm probably making it worse. We're now behind Gumball, but he doesn't turn around to face us when he speaks.
"Just get out." He mutters, anger and sadness in his voice. It tugs at my heartstrings even though I should hate him. Marshall makes a move forward to pick on him more, but I grip his arm tight so he knows I don't want him doing that. He gives me a look, and I do the same. My look wins. We silently turn and leave the room. Then the palace. Then the kingdom. Instead of floating, like he usually does, Marshall actually walks beside me. He slips his hand into mine and it surprises me so much that I nearly stop to look down at our hands. I had been lost in my thoughts about Gumball and the kingdom and then all of the sudden Marshall's hand was in mine. He slows down when I do, and follows my gaze down to our hands.
"What?" He asks. "You don't like to hold my hand? I thought you were in love with me." He teases, squeezing my hand and making a funny face at me.
"Your the one who said that thing first!" I blush and pull my hand away from his to shove him to the size lightly.
"You don't want to play that game with me, Fi. I'm a vampire, I'm like, a bazillion times stronger than you." He laughs, coming back over to me. I back away, getting the feeling that he's going to shove me back.
"That's not even a number." I tease. He ignores me and dashes forward, scooping me up and into his arms bridal style. I squeal and squirm, but he doesn't let go and keeps walking forward like normal. I decide not to protest, and cuddle my head into his chest, letting myself be carried. "So where are we going?" I ask.
"Where do you want to go?" He asks. I think for a moment. I know it's bad to ditch LSP and Cake at the treehouse, but they are one more thing I have to deal with that I'd like to put off.
"Can we go to your house?" I ask, looking up at him with childlike pleading eyes.
"Of course, babe." He pinched my cheek and we head off in the direction of his cave.

okay, so I'm writing an outline type thing for my next chapter and it MIGHT BE THE END OF THE BOOK!! But I don't want to end it yet ;-; it seems like I just started it. But as of right now if I can't think of any other ideas the next chapter could be the last. Thought I'd warn people in case anyone actually cares.
Much love!

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