I Hate Your Trouble Causing Butt

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I assure you, the spell wore off. But standing here, right in front of the castle, where I needed to be, I was contimplating turning around. I was realy thinking about ditching my duties and going back to the tree house. Actually, I'm lying to myself. Where I really would go if I turned around right now is Marshall Lee's house in the cave. And by house in a cave I litterally mean a house built inside of a cave. Not a house that is a cave or one made out of a cave, I mean what I said. It sounds a little creepy, like their might be bats in there and it would be all damp and breezy, but no. The only bat there is Marshall when he gets really angry and turns into that big bat monster demon thingie, which I've only seen happen once when we first met. And the house is fairly cozy. If I had a house like that I would probably never leave. It's kind of silly that I think this, considering I now live in a palace. Shouldn't that be all anyone ever wants? To live in a great big palace? Honestly, right now, as I'm considering turning around and leaving, I think living in a house like Marshall's or mine is what I would prefer. If I had a choice that is. Maybe one day I can sneak out of the castle and go to Marshall's. Just for a night. WAIT! I DON'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT. It would only be to get that sense of a cozy home and not a giant castle. Not because I like him or anything like that. Seriously. It's kind of funny that I would consider crashing at his place now, considering what we were like when we first met. Well, what I was like anyway. Hating his trouble causing butt.


"Fionna, baby, why can't I just stretch us to the Candy Kingdom?" Cake whines, running along side me. He pants of exaustion were so loud I couldn't even hear mysef think.

"Glob, Cake. I told you aready! This is what real Adventurers do! Run toward trouble, without fear, the wind blowing throuh their hair!" I smile, narrarating what's happing right now.

"Fionna, first of all, you have a hat on. There is no wind blowing through your hair that way." I frown and slow my pace a little. "And second of all, if that's what a real adventurer is, then count me ooooouuuuttttt." she laughs a little as she stretches her skinny legs to an incrediable legth and simply takes a few steps to get to the Candy Kingdom. I can see her shrink down in the distance as I make my way up to the gates. The banana guards don't hesitate to let me in and I'm by Cakes side in an instant.

"Cake.....your so......lazy." I pant, bending over an puttin my hands on my knees. Maybe next time I would let her stretch me over to the adventure too. Cake simply laughs at my exaustion. Thanks for the support.

"Oh good you're here! This monster has been attacking the kingdom for weeks now! I've had the banana guards chasing the monster away, but lately they can't manage to! And today is by far the worst of it all. He actually started peeling one of my guards!" Prince Gumball looks left and rigt as he talks, as if he's scared this monster is going to come down and peel him too.

"Oh Glob. Well is he okay?" I ask, looking left and right as well. No sign of any monster causing terror yet.

"Yes, don't worry. Doctor Prince is taking care of the guard now. You two should probably look around, I just saw him arou-"

"Stop it! Stop it that's mine!" A girly shriek sounds, and I immediatly go into adveture mode. It seems Cake does too because at the same time we are both running toward the shouts of protest.

"Hey you! Give Ms. Cupcake her purse back!" I call out to the mystrious floating guy who hovers above Ms. Cupcake. The guy hisses and turns to face me, but his face turns from angry, to a smirk quickly.

"Aw, is this little girl going to fight me? How cute is that!" His face, which had a grey tint to it, gets right up close to my human face. He actually looked a little human, but he couldn't be with that face and the face that he was floating. I aim to punch his smirking face, but he hovers out of reach just in time. "She thinks she's tough. Even cuter. You want this?" He holds up Ms. Cupcake's purse. "Come and get it dear."

"All I want-" I jump up to try and get the bag from him while I talk. "-is for you to get the math outta here!" I'm already tired of playing this silly jumping game he has me paying, so I stop to catch my breath. He laughs a little, exposing the sharp teeth that tell me what he is. The fact that he's a vampire does frighten me, but a hero doesn't just give up.

"Is that what the little girl wants?" I scowl at him calling me a little girl. "Well, I'll make you a deal. You can come over to my place for a week and be my slave, and I'll stop scaring all these candy folks." I petend to consider the idea while Cake stretches her arm out and snatches the bag out of the vampires hand. He instantly turns and hisses at her.

"Fionna doesn't need to do anything. Now you get out of here you vampire!" she shouts, only making him angrier.

"This isn't about you, kitty. You need to stay out-" suddenly his body starts to change and morph into a different shape. I watch as he gets bigger and bigger until he is giant bat with large pointy ears and lets longer than Cake's had been to stretch her here. "-of other people's buisness!" his hand comes down and slaps Cake, sending her flying into a house. "And you!" I try and pretend I'm not afraid as he turns to face me. "You will be my slave starting tomorrow or else I will suck the blood out of everyone you know, starting with that prince!"

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now