Making Gumball Happy

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Just for referance this is still in the past when Fionna and Marshall Lee first met, continuing from the next chapter. Just don't want anyone to be lost! -Gabby


No one, and I mean no one, threatens Prince Gumball and gets away with it around me. After vampire boy turns into the giant bat demon thing, hits Cake, and threatens me and the people I love (Not that I love Gumball or anything, well, like as a friend I mean that's all. Seriously. Unless he loves me too...) he stormed off. So now I tend to Cake's aid. Thank goodness she seems to be fine.

"No baby, don't worry about me. Just worry about this more house." her face crinkles into a worried mess, looking overher shoulder at the house she had been tossed into. A nice cat shaped hole was imprinted right into the roof of the candy home.

"Don't worry about that, Fionna." Gumball seems to appear out of nowhere. "I'll put our best construction crew on it as soon as possible. It surely was't your fault, Cake, so you shouldn't need to worry about it." he gives a litterally sweet smile at the both of us.

"Well I guess that's one less thing we have to worry about." Cake sighs, looking up at me. I can tell by her expression she is refering to us already having to worry about the terrible threats that were made toward us, well, mainly me.

"What do you mean?" Gumball eyes the both of us curiously, eyes full of concern. He is concerned about me! That makes my stomach flip a little.

"Well, The vampire boy kind of forced a bargain on Fionna." Cake admits hesitantly, looking at me to make sure it's okay that she's saying this. Of course I want Gumball to know! Then maybe he can stop this or at least be worried about me, maybe show some concern for my well fare! It would be so romantic.

"Well, Fi, what sort of bargain?" Gumball looks straight at me, pink eyes piercing my soul. How could I not like him? Cake doesn't understand our love.

"He agreed to stop terrorizing the candy people if I be his servant for a week! Isn't it ridiculous? I think I just need to beat him up and put him behind bars to-"

"No, Fionna, do as he says." He orders. This isn't romantic at all. "If we put him in prison he's just going to turn into his demon form and break out! You have to go through with the deal."

"That man is a blood sucking vampire and you want my sister to go in there just hoping that the vampire is trustworthy and will actually go through the deal without killing her!" Cake's voice gets louder and louder as she steps closer toward the Prince.

"Erm, well yes. It's the only way. I'm sure she understand, she is a hero after all." If he hadn't just called me a hero and given me the cutest of smiles I would be on Cakes side right now. But I'm not. I smile back at him, blushing a little, before nodding.

"Yeah, I totally understand. It's fine Cake, let's go home." Cake looks from me, to Gumball, and back again. Her face looks just as she probably feels, awestruck. I ignore her expression and turn on my heel, starting to walk away. She quickly scurries after me and I turn as I walk, toward Prince Gumball.

"Bye! See ya tomorrow!" I call out with a wide smile.

"Goodbye Fionna!" he waves with a smile not as huge as mine, but that doesn't matter one bit. All that matters is that those gummy pink cheeks were raised into that perfect smile of his just for me. No one else. That has to mean something.


I stretch my arms out after I sit up in bed, feeling refreshed and relaxed. Leaving the candy kingdom last night had me a little scared that when I arrived hoe there was going to be a giant bat vampire man boy sitting on my couch waiting to take me away to do his evil bidding. Cake had gone I first, inspecting the place just in case, but no creepy boy was anywhere to be found. And now it's the whole next day without being waken up in the middle of the night by him, or waking up in his creepy vampire place (where ever those demons live). I feel completely safe, rubbing my eyes to the tune of the beat Cake is humming downstairs. I really hope she's making my favorite breakfast ever. I roll out of bed, my socked feet hitting the floor with a thump an look over at Cakes hideous sleeping drawer. She never makes her bed, but today its awful! Oh, wait, she' still in it. Then who's humming downstairs? As I wonder this and turn to the ladder leading downstairs the humming gets louder. I step back closer to Cake, grabbing the nearest thing for protection against the vampire. A pillow. Oh joy I'm saved. But it appears I have nothing to worry about because up pops BMO, humming a little tune. I breathe a sigh of relief, dropping my safety pillow.

"BMO, you scared me!"

"Sorry Fionna. I was just coming up to tell you your boyfriend is waiting for you." Chirps BMO in an ever so happy tone. I stare straight at BMO, thoughts racing through my head. No way that creepy vampire would come to my house telling people he was my boyfriend. Right? I push past BMO, nearly falling down the ladder and scurrying toward the next ladder, but the sound of a clearing throat stops me. I slowly turn around, coming face to face with just who I don't want to see.

"Moring." A toothy grin exposes the fangs of the vampire from yesterday. "Nice pajamas." My cheeks instantly head up, but I feel as though I can't move. "Ready to be staying with me for a whole week?"

" do you know where I live?" I manage

  to stammer out.

"You're the most famous adventurer in all of Aaa! Everyone knows where to find you."

"Why did you tell BMO you're my boyfriend? You're not my boyfriend." I start to find my voice again. He can't just barge into my home expecting to run the show. I'm Fionna, I run the show.

"The little robot? It's cute by the way, all too willing to let me into your wonderful home." he smirks at me.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Because I like to have a little laugh once and a while unlike you." He seems to be starting to get annoyed at the way he's no longer running the conversation. "Can we stop with the 20 questions and get a move on? I've got much for you to do little servant girl." I glare at him as he floats above me, tickling my chin. I swat at his hand. "Go on and get dressed. I'll fly us over to my place." He gives my back a little push toward the ladder and I obey, going up the stairs. This would make Gumball happy. This would save the candy kingdom from his terror. And most importantly, this would make Gumball happy. I guess I'm going to find out where the demon lives after all.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now