A Nasty Creature of the Nightosphere

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I don't know why, but we end up back at Marshall's place. If I had been thinking straight, I would wonder why we were here instead of the Candy Kingdom, but I'm not. All I'm thinking about is Cake being pregnant. Cake being a mom. Cake having kids. Little Cake babies. I sit on Marshall Lee's couch curled up in a little ball, knees to my chest and my arms around my knees.

"It's okay, they would never look for you here. Gumball hates me, so he blocks me out of his mind 90% of the time, just like I do to him." Marshall laughs, but I don't make even a tiny move. "Fionna? Don't you trust me to keep you safe?" He sounds a little hurt, so I actually reply this time.

"It's not that. Actually I'm not even sure why the banana guards are looking for me. I can't stop thinking about Cake and how she's....gonna have babies." I mumble, putting my head down after talking.

"Is that really a surprise?" He laughs once again. "Haven't her and Lord been dating a while. It's about time they start a family and another life!" Another life? ANOTHER LIFE?! He's right! Cake isn't going to want to Adventure, or even live with me after these babies are born! She's going to start a whole new family mother life without me. Then again, I guess I started a new life with Gumball without her didn't I. My whole life is falling apart, and I don't know what to do anymore.

"Maybe I should stay with Gumball." I mumble into my legs.

"What?!" Marshall shouts, outraged. "No! You can't stay with him! He only want you cause-"

"I know. I know all of that. Just, that way Cake doesn't feel bad when she leaves the treehouse to live with Lord and her new family." I peak my head up, trying not to show that I wanted to cry, but he some how knew anyway. He floats over to the couch, sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around my waist.

"You will always be her family Fi. And Gumbutt isn't the kind of new family or life you want. I'll get you out of the pink palace even if it gets me thrown in the prison for the rest of eternity." This makes me smile, knowing Marshall Lee is such a good friend when he needs to be, or when I need someone to reply on. "Even if Cake doesn't leave to live with her family or something, I'll always be around for ya." He gives my hip a light squeeze and I smile a little wider.

"Thank you, Marshall Lee." I peer over at him, and can see the slightest tint of pink on those grey cheeks. Out of instinct I put my head on his shoulder and just rest there for a second. A second where everything is calm, and it almost feels like this is where I'm suppose to be. Snuggled up with the vampire king, just enjoying being here. But like I said, a second isn't a long time. There's a small knock at the door, and Marshall jerks to life. In a split second he's at the door, hand on the door knob. He faces me, whispering instructions quickly.

"Go upstairs to my room and hide somewhere they won't look." He commands.

"Shouldn't I just sneak out the window?" He shakes his head.

"No! Don't leave, just hide." I agree and hurry up the stairs.

-----Marshall's P.O.V.-----

I open the door, immediately even more in a pissy mood than before. It wasn't the banana guards at all! It was Prince Gumwad himself. Great.

"What a pleasure!" I mock now in front of him. "The great Prince please enter my home! I am delighted to have you here!" I say all this in an overly sarcastic tone, and he knows it. Gumball glares at me, already annoyed with me. The feeling of annoyance is mutual.

"Honestly! Do you need to make fun of me every time you see me? I deserved respect." He crosses his arms, reminding me of a pouting child. What did Fionna see in the wad?

"Respect." I scoff. "What do you even do at the palace of yours?"

"I have many duties and daily requirements that many people don't know about for your information! Just the other day my schedule was full of dinners and meetings!" Dinners and meetings you didn't even attend, I want to say. I want to call him out on using Fionna right here and now! But I can't. That would show that I'm probably hiding her, plus that isn't part of the plan Im coming up with. "Anyway, I'm looking for Fionna." He says before walking right under my floating bod and into my house without my invitation. How sweet.

"Then why are you bothering me?"

"I have reason to believe she may be here." He mumbles, walking into my kitchen. I follow behind him, keeping myself calm and not suspicious.

"What reason? Probably because I'm hot and she wants a real man for a while." I give a little laugh, expecting Gumball to glare at me. He doesn't look at me though as he moves closer to the stairs.

"That's my wife and I'm sure she's satisfied with my level of attractiveness." He says simply and I bust out laughing. He continues upstairs and my nerves grow with each step. "Have you seen Fionna today?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. I don't want to help you." I hear him huff and laugh a little more. He walks right into my room and I feel like I'm going to explode with nerves. What if Fionna sucks at hiding and she's just sitting there?? I hear Gumball gasp and no it's all over. He turns sharply sound, staring straight at me with a look of pure disgust.

"What is this?!" He demands, and I peak over his shoulder to see where Fionna was, but I couldn't see her.

"Huh?" I mumble, pushing past him to enter my room.

"This mess! Can't you clean once in your life? Just because you are a nasty creature of the Nightosphere doesn't mean you have to be so unorganized and sloppy!" He gues tires around to my messy room, as I want to burst out laughing all over again at how uptight he is! But I'm focused on the rude thing he just called me, so I'm in no mood to laugh.

"What did you just call me?" I hiss, eyes glowing red.

"Just what you are." He stares right at me intensely. If we fought there was no way he would win. He has no guards or security to protect him. I could transform into my bat form and crush him right here right now. But that's not what Fionna would want. I have to respect her, because she is the one who deserves the respect and love.

"Get out of my house, Gumbutt." I growl, and he turns and walks down the stairs.

"Sorry to have bothered you. If you see my wife-" he emphasizes the word wife. "let me know." And with that he is out of my view. I hear my door shut and I try to calm down.

"Fi?" I say into the messy room. Her head pops up from underneath my bed, face all scrunched up.

"Really Marshall, you should clean your room." A smile spreads across my face, and I help her off the floor.

"Only if you help me." I give her hand a squeeze and she nods.

"Let's get to work!"

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now