Going and Being A Hero

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Candy people everywhere. And when I say everywhere I really mean everywhere. I'm being pushed around every two seconds by a different candy person who's running around like the town is on fire. But what is wrong is nothing as serious as the town being on fire; Gumball just isn't here. That apparently is cause for panic, because that's what they are all doing. As I walk through the Candy Kingdom, hand in hand with Marshall, I hear various conversations. Some of the citizens seem to want to go save Gumball themselves. Others are suspicious that I am the one who took Gumball away from them. And then there are the ones who are just straight up running around and yelling for help. I hurry up to the candy castle and speak to the first banana guard I see.
"What's going on? Why is everyone running around like crazy?" I ask. The guard shrugs.
"I heard Cinnamon Bun say that Gumball was kidnapped, so I told the town and they started freaking out." He says this so casually, as if it's normal and no big deal.
"Why would you tell the whole-" I begin to scold him, but remember that the candy people aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer and decide it's not all his fault. I sigh and feel Marshall squeeze my hand encouragingly. "Okay, it's fine. We just need to get them under control and calm before they explode. Let me into the castle and I'll make an announcement telling them-"
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you. The Candy People don't like you. They won't listen to you. Plus, they asked Gumball to ban you from the city." He explains.
"I'm banned from the city?!" I gasp, horrified that Gumball would do that to me.
"No, no, he didn't grant that request. He just banned you from the castle instead." I breathe a sigh of relief.
"Okay. Okay. Then...uhh...maybe I can just talk to them individually? It may take a while but it's better than nothing. Hey! Excuse me!" I pull away from Marshall and the guard and run toward the nearest candy person walking down the street. "Tell everyone not to worry, Cake and I are going to get Gumball back as soon as possible. We have everything under control." I give him a smile, but that seems to make the person more nervous. In fact, he starts screaming at me.
"Get away! You probably kidnapped him with the Ice Queen! You didn't like him anyways!" He shouts, breaking my heart. "You don't want to help us. I'd rather take help from him!" I follow the pointed finger of the candy person toward Marshall, completely baffled. Yeah right. There's no way the Candy Kingdom would rather have Marshall try and help them over me.
"That is a complete lie! When you first met him he terrorized you." I hear a grunt from Marshall, not happy about me bringing that up.
"Well you kidnapped our king." Okay he has a point. But there is no way I am admitting to partially helping in a way. I feel beaten. How am I suppose to help people who don't want my help? Helping people is what a hero does. I am a hero, right?
"You'd rather have me help? Fine then. You're getting it kid." Marshall speaks to the candy person, and I'm kind of scared he's being sarcastic and is going to terrorize them again. "Fionna, I want you to leave."
"They don't want you here, and if you think about it there's nothing you can do about that right now. You just have to go and find the Gumwad, okay?" I can hear in his voice that he doesn't want me to leave, or find Gumball, but he knows it's what I have to do and deep down I know that too.
"Okay. But what about-"
"The Kingdom would rather have me, so that's what I'll give them." He winks at me, before floating off between houses quickly before I can argue or ask questions. So I start on my mission, heading out of the Kingdom confidently. But the thing is, I have no idea where to look. Cake had just been to the Ice Kingdom, so I probably shouldn't go back there until a little later. Where else would Ice Queen take Gumball? I have no idea. I guess being in the mindset of still not wanting to talk to him isn't helping either though. Even though I know it's the right thing to do and I know I have to go find him right now a small part of me just doesn't want to save him. That's part of a heroes job though. Doing what's right even if it's tough. So I guess I'll just have to start with Kingdoms the Queen has been before. I begin toward the Hot Dog Kingdom. I don't have very many memories in the Hot Dog Kingdom, but the one that stands out to me most is when I had to save the Prince from those nasty battle cubes. But I know Ice Queen has been there because I have saved the Prince from her before. I guess the reason why I don't visit here very often would be because Hot Dog Prince is a little obvious about his crush on me; and it's not that I don't like him, he's a great person! It's just that I don't like him as any more than a friend. Plus he smells like old hot dog water, and that isn't really appealing to me. But I bare through the smell and find Hot Dog Prince as soon as I enter the kingdom.
"Hot Dog Prince! I have something important to ask you. Have you seen Ice Queen or Prince Gumball any where around here?"
"Oh! Fionna, it seems like I haven't seen you in so long! Well, I didn't see them, but maybe you could stay and they may come by." He smiles up at me and I politely smile back.
"Uh, thanks, but I have a mission to accomplish. See you later!" I shout as I head out before he can protest. Okay, so no Hot Dog Kingdom. The closest place to me that the Queen has been is the Wildberry Kingdom, so I guess that's my next stop. Wildberry Prince and I have been though quite a lot with the Ice Queen and other villains. He is really sweet, I guess that's why everyone wants to kidnap him maybe? He's been taken by the Ice Queen quite a lot of different times. He also nearly got murdered, but of course Cake and I totally saved her. Well, okay, Cake more than me, but I helped too! When I get to the Kingdom I do the same as in the Hot Dog Kingdom; go straight for the Prince.
"Wildberry Prince! It's good to see you, how have you been doing?" As soon as I catch sight of him I smile. Unlike the Hot Dog Prince, I would actually like to spend more time with Wildberry.
"Oh! Fionna! I've been doing absolutely great, thank you for asking. What brings you here?" He seems kind of nervous, or maybe cautious.
"Well, just hero junk. Gumball has been taken by the Ice Queen and I'm trying to fix it." He gives me a weird look and hesitates before speaking.
"Why would you want to do that? I thought you...well...didn't like him?" Oh right. Gumball told the world that I hate him and used him and all that garbage. Of course he's cautious toward me! He probably thinks I'm going to marry him and use him to or some crazy biz. Ugh.
"That's a long story, but let me summarize it for you; I do not hate him. I didn't use him or anything like that's, I promise you." He still looks a little skeptical, but nods and seems to relax a little.
"Well, okay."
"Anyways, have you seen either of them? Gumball or Ice Queen?" He shakes his head though.
"No I haven't, I'm sorry."
"Well, to other kingdoms I go then. See you late WB." I start to walk back toward the exit of the castle, giving a wave.
"Do come back and visit some time! With Cake too!" He waves and with that I'm out of the Kingdom and back to the drawing board. Dang it, if I keep doing this it's going to take years. I need a better strategy. I need to think like the Ice Queen. I sit, deciding here's no use walking if I have no destination yet. Now, if I were trying to hide my beloved Prince who doesn't love me back and thinks I'm crazy where would I do it? Probably somewhere that he couldn't run away from me. Somewhere that no one would really look. Somewhere hidden, and none escape able. That's when it clicks in my mind. A place that just may fit that description. I jump up instantly and start running toward the perfect place to hide a price.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now