The Day of 'Fun'

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I awake, hearing Cake snoring lightly next to me. I hadn't even known I had fallen asleep last night. Lost in my thoughts I must have just dozed off. I sit up, rubbing my eyes and look over at Cake. I would go over to the Candy Kingdom and tell Gumball that I agree to his proposal now, but Cake should probably be there. I let out a sigh of releif, still scared I'm making the wrong decision. Right as I go to lay back down I hear Cake stiring. Great.

"Morning Fionna!" she chirps happily. She hops down and crosses the room toward me. "Want me to whip you up some grub?" I shake my head, not feeling hungry.

"No, I just want to get ready and go." I say, and force a smile in her direction. She gives me a suspicious look before nodding and stretching down the ladder to the kitchen. I still sit on my bed, twisting a lock of hair around my finger.

"So your really going through with this?" Marshall suddenly appeares right in front of me, causing me to fall backwords. He smirks. "Did I scare ya?"

"No! Hero's don't get afraid." I say confidently, sitting back up. "But what are you doing here?" He shrugs, sitting on the bed next to me.

"Well, of course I had to see what your final decision on the proposal is! So when are ya going to tell old Gummy?"

"Right after Cake is ready." I say, pulling on my bunny hat and standing up.

"What?!" he shouts, making me flinch. "Fi, it's your last day not engaged. Your not going to go out and do anything crazy?" I shrug, not really knowing what I would do. As if reading my mind, he claims he knows just what I should do. "Well then good thing I came over because I know just the think to do on your last day!" he smirks, and I wonder what was going on in that little vampire head of his.

"You make it sound like I'm dying or something. My life won't even change that much." I shrug the bad feeling I still have about it off, trying to convince both Marshall and myself that it would be fine.

"Fi, do you not see? You will be married. Even if you and Gumball don't like each other, the kingdom is going to think you do. You're going to have to pretend you do. You won't be able to hang around any guys after that."

"That's not true! I-"

"No, hear me out here. If you hang around bad little guys like me the candy people are going to get the idea that your a bad little girl." he smirks a little, pinching my cheek, and I immediatly swat it away. "And who would want their queen to be a bad little girl, right? Or have a queen flirting with other princes?" he stands, floating off the ground a little again. I rest my head in my hand, trying to wrap my mind around this. He isn't wrong.

"So how about I take you out today? We can have some real fun!" he pats my head, and I look up at him, actually considering the offer.

"Hey Fionana, Lord Monocromicorn just showed up and- oh, Marshall, hi." Cake suddenly appears on the ladder.

"This is perfect! Cake, go hang with Lord! Fi and I are going to do some hanging out for the day." Marshall drapes his arm around my shoulders smirking wide. Cake looks from me to him and I just nod.

"Well, alright. You take good care of her or so help me-"

"I've got it Cake." Marshall says in a sugary sweet voice as Cake waves to me and heads out. I look over at Marshall, rolling my eyes.

"Marshall Lee, I never agreed to that." I protest, even though I probably would have agreed if he had given me a moment to answer.

"I saw you nod at Cake. You could have protested. Cried and screamed." he laughs.

"But you still would have made me go with you, wouldn't you?"

"You know me so well. Now let's go!" he says, smiling wide but I shake my head. "Oh, right, your not even dressed and ready are you? Well hurry up! This day is going to go fast you know? Because of all the fun were going to be having." he throws one grey arm around me, squeezing me in a half hug before floating down the ladder. I do as instructed, not taking long to throw on my usual dark blue skirt, light blue shirt, knee high socks and finally my bunny hat. I hurry down the ladder, which I felt like I was the only one to actually use, meeting Marshall. He sits on the old burgundy couch, legs crossed, looking pretty comfy on the non-comfy sofa.

"Ready all ready?" he asks, getting up in a flash.

"Well, you did tell me to hurry, and promise me a day of fun, so how could I not hurry?" I giggle as he floats his way over to me. To my surprise he scoops me up, carrying me bridal styles and flying me out of the tree house. "Marsh, you know I have feet right?" I say, half joking. I felt bad having him carry me like I was some princess. Then again, I guess I would be queen in just a short while....

"There's no time for walking." he says simply, smiling all the way to the Candy Kingdom.

"The Candy Kingdom? But you hate it there." I remark as we make our desent. He just shrugs, setting me down, yet he still floats at least a foot of the ground. Show off.

"As long as we don't see Gumwad I'll be fine. Now, shall we go my lady?" he looks straight at me, his eyes shining as he takes my hand to lead me off into who knows where. I smile and wave at nearly every candy person on the way, but they didn't seem to be thrilled to see my with the Vampire Prince. Some people even shrieked and ran from him, which I didn't understand. Sure, Marshall's a bit hard to get through to, but once you really know him he's a nice guy! It doesn't really help that Marshall glares at all the candy people.

"Can you at least try and be more friendly?" I ask, keeping a calm tone, trying not to make him any more mad than he already is.

"I am friendly! There all just running from me! I'm not even doing anything!"

"How about we just go somewhere else?" I suggest, but now he's focused on Cinnamon Roll who was giving him a scared look. No wonder, considering Marshall is shouting.

"What are you looking at?!" he hisses, and I grab his arm, forcing him to face me.

"Come on." I pull him away in the opposite direction. "We can go visit LSP, or Turtle Prince at the library, or see what Hot Dog Prince is doing?" I smile, and his bright red eyes focus back on me.

"Alright fine, maybe your right." he nods, and continues walking with me, right out the Candy Kingdom gates. I doesn't want to be in the Candy Kingdom today any how, considering that's where I would be living in a while. I don't want to admit it, but what Marshall had said earlier was kind of getting to me, about not being able to hang out with all of my guy friends, which is pretty much everyone except Cake and the Ice Queen, and I don't really count her as a friend, always making trouble and such. I, lost in my thoughts, am not paying attention while walking and walk straight into the pond in front of me, tripping and falling in. Although it isn't that deep, I'm not thrilled to be wet and muddy.

"Marshall Lee! Why didn't you stop me from falling?" He floats above the pond, smirking.

"I wanted to see if you would actually walk straight in. You know, all the places you suggested to go are that way." he points left of us and I mentally slap myself for being such a dumb butt. He bends down to help me up but how can I resist pulling him down with me. Okay, so he must have let me, because he is a vampire, so obviously he's stronger, but I still feel proud of myself. He makes a face, looking down at his now soaked skinny jeans and plaid shirt.

"Now I'm going to have to go home and change!" he pouts and I roll my eyes.

"You poor baby." I say sarcastically. Now for real this time, he pulls me up onto his back and flies us pretty fast into his home in the cave. Why anyone would build a house in a cave, I don't really know, but Marshall is confusing like that. Something I both like and dislike about him. Once in the house he sets me down and I take off my bunny hat, causing my long blonde hair to stick up everywhere. I smooth it down quickly, not wanting to look like some kind of troll.

"I'll be back in a sec. You can make yourself comfortable." he smiles before heading up to his room to change. I worry about sitting anywhere, because of my now wet and muddy clothing, so I just stand in the kitchen by the chair and wait, still thinking about what Marshall said earlier. If he was right, which half of me believes and the other half doesn't, this could be the last time I will get to hang with him. All those stupid moments he was making me angry or even just being creepy, or the moments that happen most of all, when we would have fun together, all taken for granted. I forget about my previous concerns about my wet bod and sit on the chair, resting my chin in my hands. What about LSP's parties, or Turtle Princes books, or Breakfast Princes meals. Gumball can't do any of those things. All Gumball can do is work in his stuffy old lab. I rub my eyes, keeping the tears in. Adventurers don't cry. They are never scared. But sitting here thinking of all the things I might not be able to do, I am scared, and worried for the future.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now