Being Used

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Once Marshall leaves my bedroom I am left alone with Gumball. Part of me is upset that he's her tonight, but the other part of me is happy. Why did tonight have to be the night he actually come to his room? He ruined the moment Marshall and I were having. But isn't that a good thing? After all, I can't kiss Marshall when I'm married to Gumball! That's just....not right. But the fact that he's actually here, hopefully going to spend the night with me for the first time, and he called me pretty, that makes me happy. I suppose Marshall called me pretty first though. And he clearly had meant it. The way his red tinted eyes scanned over me, soaking in every detail as he told me I looked beautiful makes me nervous, but smile to myself.

"Fiona, why must you insist that I let him go free? Don't you remember the trouble he has caused our kingdom?" He called it out kingdom! My heart skips a beat and I turn to face him. It's hard to explain to Gumball because he hates Marshall, but I try my best anyway.

"Well, first of all, he's my friend. And second of all, I feel like the bad stud is just an act. You know? Like, he feels like he has to be bad because he's the vampire king or something." Or maybe to try and get my attention? No. That's crazy. "He just wants every body to think he's a bad little boy, but he's a softie inside." I smile, but Gumball looks at me as if I've lost my mind.

"I just don't think he could be that complicated. He's a creature of the night, and can't be trusted so easily." I sigh, accepting that Gumball and Marshall Lee are probably never going to get along. Gumball takes a deep breath in and out and I can hear his soft footsteps sound as he makes his way over to me. All of the sudden he wraps his long pink arms around me, encasing me in a hug. "I'm sorry I missed the dinner and haven't been spending time with you. Just let me know when, and we can go out and do something together. Sound fun?"

"Mmhmm." I mumbled into his shoulder, awkwardly inching my arms around him as well. I say awkwardly because honestly this whole hug is very awkward. Gumball is very stuff in my arms, not bending down to hug me, or squeezing me tight enough. I'm relieved when he steps back, taking his arms with him.

"I'll be right back. How about you get changed."

"Okay." I say as he grabs some pajamas out of the many drawers of clothing and proceeds toward the bathroom. Once the bathroom door is securely shut, and follow in his steps and grab my own pajamas out of the drawers. The silky soft material feels so nice after being in an uncomfortable dress. The dress had web worth it though, since it got me two compliments! I search around until I find makeup remover and quickly scrub off the stuff. Once that is done I brush out my hair, watching myself in the mirror. Gumball is going to come out any minute and see me like this, completely different from what I just looked like a few minutes ago. I sort of wish I could just stay in the dress, so he would always think I'm pretty. But there's no time for that, because the bathroom door opens and a yawning prince comes out.

"I can't tell you how excited I am to sleep in my own bed or once." He tells me, making a beeline for the bed. He flops down and burries himself under the mound of blankets, leaving a space next to him that I would fill. I insight brushing my hair and look at myself in the mirror a little longer. I've wanted Gunball to sleep in the same bed with me since we got married, but now that its actually happening I'm super nervous. But I can't stand here staring at myself forever. So I set the brush down and walk over to the bed, casually slipping in next to Gumball. I wonder if he's going to want to cuddle, but the thought of cuddling brings back memories of just a while ago when Marshall and I were cuddled together right here. I look over at Gumball while I'm pulling the blankets over me and find that he's already sleeping! I resist the urge to laugh, looking at the sleeping figure of the boy. His mouth hung open slightly, and every so often a snore would come out. I smile and quickly lean forward, tapping him to make sure he's really asleep. He doesn't respond, so I know I'm safe to lean over and put a quick kiss on his cheek before laying my heads down and instantly falling asleep.


The first thing I'm thinking about when I wake up is Gumball saying we can do something fun together. I shoot out of bed, making the still sleeping Gumball roll over, and get dressed. I tie my hair back with a pretty pale pink bow to match my simple pale pink dress, and go without makeup this time. Makeup just isn't my thing. Once I'm all ready I shake Gumball lightly, trying to politely awake him. He mumbles in his sleep before his eyes slowly open.


"Gumball, do you think today's the day we can do something fun together? Like you said last night?" I immediately cut to the chase, to excited to wait until he fully wakes up. He sits up, rubbing his eyes and thinking to himself.

"I don't think today is a good day." He mumbles to my disappointment.

"Well, why not? I'm already dressed. It can just be something quick like a walk."

"Like I said last night, I've almost finished in my lab and I'm really anticipating the results so if you don't mind, maybe tomorrow." I see him being sweet was just an effect of being tired last night, because today he's back to pushing me off.

"Okay." I respond blandly, watching him get up and out of bed.

"How about I see if Tree Trunks will make you a strawberry pie and bring it over for your break at 12?" He says as he searches through the closet and pulls out the same little suit thing he wears every day.

"Break? Break from what?"


I now collapse on my bed at 7pm, completely beat. When Gumball left this morning that was the last time I saw him. All day he has been in his lab while I've been running around signing papers and solving problems and talking to important people. Once again I get all the royal biz dumped on me. I feel like I could fall asleep right now, and its not even that late! Right when I'm starting to drift off, my eyes shutting and my brain turning off, a noise makes me sit straight up. The bang of the window hitting the wall when Marshall Lee pushes it open. I forgot he said he would come back tonight!

"Marshall you know if Gumball comes in here your butt is going in jail, right?"

"Yeah I know. Doesn't mean I care." He snickers, floating over and sitting down next to me. "Tired?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah. I had even more royal junk to do today. From 9 in the morning to now with a thirty minute pie break in between. At least Tree Trunks makes an amazing pie." Marshall scoffs, ad crosses his arms. He floats over in front of me.

"You know what I think? I think he's using you. That wad just married you so you would take care of all the junk he didn't want to do." When Marshall says this shake my head, not wanting to think Gumball would have such poor intentions. But when it registers in my mind, I realize he may be right. I'm being used!

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now