Gumball, my Husband

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As soon as Marshall re-enters the dungeon, I am released, which makes me suspicious about the whole thing. Traveling back into the castle as normal also gives me a weird feeling, the banana guards didn't even escort me anywhere! They just told me to go to my room and that Prince Gumball would explain to me the rest of it. Half of me wants to run right out of the castle, get away from this insane situation and just go back to Adventuring with Cake as normal. But I know even if I did have the guts to run away I couldn't just go back to my old life. So I suck it up, and proceed up the stairs to the bedroom I call my own now. As soon as I open the door I see Gumball, my husband, sitting on the bed all composed. Before I can even shut the door behind myself he commands me like the king he is.
"Come sit." He says patting the vacant seat next to him on the bed. I must obey after shutting the door, and take my seat, trying to look as calm as he did right now. I wait a moment for him to speak, but he does no such thing. So I am forced to prompt him, which sucks because I bet that's what he wants me to do.

"So, what the lump is going on?"

"Fionna, no need to be so harsh, hun." he places his hand over mine on the bed. I look over at him, confused, but he continues as if this is normal. "Now, I know you think I'm using you, that vampire put those thoughts in your head."

"Don't talk bad about my friend!" I protest, still not happy about being thrown in the dungeon and this whole situation.

"Yes, sorry. Anyways, I don't want you to think that at all. That's not what I'm doing, I care about you and you are my wife now. I guess I just forgot what having a wife was suppose to be like. I promise that I'll make that up to you, and from now on I'll be more like a husband." This surprises me so much, I feel like I'm going to fall off the bed! What is with this?! I was so sure he was just using me; that he had no interest in acting like a real married couple. But here he was telling me he was going to be the husband I wanted since the day we got married. My life is so CONFUSING! I just stare at him with shock. "That's what you want, isn't it?" He gives my hand a squeeze, which makes my heart beat a little faster.

"Y-yeah. But what's with this? Why all of the sudden-?"

"I didn't mean to make it seem like I was using you, and didn't realize it. Now that I realize it I feel awful Fi, and I need to change that so you don't think so poorly of me." He sighs, and I look over at him, taking in his sorrowful expression and black eye from Marshall. He looked so sincere, theres no way he could be making this up. No way he could be faking these feelings. And who was I kidding, I know Gumball. I knew all along inside that he wasn't ever using me. He's too sweet and nice....and cute. Even now with the busted eye he still looked so cute.

"Of course, thank you." I give his hand a squeeze back. "I don't know how I could have thought that you would actually use my like that. I mean, I've known you for so long and you are my friend. I guess I was just being dumb." I laugh, keeping the mood light. But then remember Marshall. "One more thing though, when does Marshall get released?" His expression gets less happy at the mention of the vampire he hates.

"About that, you see, Marshall has agreed to take your place in prison."


"Shh, Fionna, not so loud. I need something to tell the kingdom, they are all so confused. So I will simply tell them that Marshall kidnapped you, and you saw all those people in trouble and couldn't resist helping the innocent in trouble. That's why you were out of the kingdom with him, fighting monsters and the like. It's the perfect explanation, and Marshall agreed completely to it. So you can't tell me that I'm forcing him into anything." He had a good point, and a good explanation.

"Okay, fine. For the good of the kingdom. But I want to see him. When ever I wish."

"When ever you have free time, that is fine. But I don't want anyone but the banana guards knowing that you see him regularly because-"

"I know, I know hanging out with sketchy vampire king's who kidnap me seems suspicious and may scare my loyal subjects." I mock him, saying all this in a manly voice like his own. He smirks over at me and nods.

"Exactly." He stand up and moves in front of me, kissing me on the forehead. "Now, since we had this eventful day, I say we lay around and watch a movie. How's that sound?" Part of me was worried about Marshall, and I wanted to go visit him. But the other part of me was so excited for this. For finally being a wife to Gumball, and being able to cuddle up with him and watch a movie.

"Sounds prefect." I agree, and hop up. I select my prettiest pair of pajamas and move toward the bathroom while he pick out a movie. I change, wash my face, brush my teeth, and make sure I look okay before exiting the bathroom and letting him use it to change. I lay back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling and waiting for him. Marshall has completely slipped my mind by now. All I'm thinking about are Gumball and I cuddling. He returns, dressed in his pajamas and starts the movie before coming and sitting next to me on the bed. It's some romance junk, and usually I would hate this. I'm more of an action movie girl, which makes sense because that's basically my life. Well, used to be my life. But today I'm ready for a romance movie to set the mood! He lays close to me, so close Im pretty much forced to lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder while staring at the TV screen. But I'm more focused on how close we are then the movie. This makes me think of Marshal; the time him and I were in this exact same position for only a few minutes. Oddly, that felt more comfortable than this. This just felt awkward. But I stay like this with him for pretty much the extent of the movie, to see if it got more comfortable, or if he would move at all. Be he didn't, he just felt like a stiff board under me, even with his arm around my waist, it didn't squeeze me or make me comfortable. It just felt awkward, and I'm relieved when the movie is ended and he moves to shut the TV off. I lay on my back, letting my eyes shut. When I open my eyes Gumball had already shut off the light, so it didn't really make a difference. I felt him slide into bed next to me, and his hand touch my cheek. Instinctively I turn to look at him. It's hard to see him in the dark, but I can make out the general shape of his face.
"Goodnight Fionna." He says, and all of the sudden his lips are on mine. At first I'm too shocked to do anything, but the my brain catches up and I close my eyes, kissing my husband back. My first REAL kiss with him as my husband. Of course we kissed at the wedding, but it was a quick peck, more for show than anything else. This was meaningful, and lasted a bit longer than that. But then he pulls away and it's over. He rolls over and gets comfortable to fall asleep, but I lay there wide eyed and heart pounding, thinking about what just happened. It was the perfect moment, the perfect romantic setting and everything, so why didn't it feel like I expected it to feel? It felt, again, awkward. Not like I was kissing the love of my life and boy I've had a crush on for years. Like I was kissing Hot Dog Prince or someone like that. Ick, kissing Hot Dog Prince wasn't something I wish to think about. But that's what it felt like! I lay staring into the darkness for a long time until I finally fall asleep, even dreaming about the kiss.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now