I'm Under Arrest?!

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One clean room later, Marshall and I lay on his nicely made bed thinking, again. It honesty seems like Marshall is more into coming up with a plan and getting me out of this marriage than I am.

"What if you have a heart attack because of so much stress and work. Then he will realize what he's doing to you and admit it, then apologize and let you out!" He cheers triumphantly, throwing his arms into the air.

"I can't just have a heart attack!" I laugh lightly.

"Fake it, he will never know."

"Right, I'm sure his team of doctors won't notice that I actually didn't have a heart attack." I say sarcastically, leaning over to punch him in the arm.

"No need to be so harsh, it was an idea." He jokes, sitting up and looking down at me. He gently toys with my hair, which is sprawled out all over his bed under me. If it was anyone else doing it I would slap their hand away, but the way Marshall is doing it is kind of sweet. It's rare that this sweet caring side of him comes out, but lately I've been seeing more and more of it. It's nice not to be getting teased by him.

"When do you think I should go back?" I ask as he continues to twirl my blonde hair around.

"Probably soon. Maybe we can sneak you in and you can pretend you just got lost." I shake my head, dismissing that idea.

"I don't like lying, Marshall." He gives a big sigh.

"I know. Why do you have to be such a good little girl?" He teases and I shrug.

"It's just who I am." Marshall nods.

"And I like it, believe it or not." He mumbles, and I turn to look at him. His face looks casual, but I think I see a hint of a blush and smile. Maybe it's just my imagination fooling me though. Do I want Marshall to like me? Of course I do, he's my friend. But, what if he LIKES me. I sit up and shake my head, scattering the weird thoughts.
"Well, I should probably head back to the candy castle. Maybe I can make it look like I just got lost or something. Then they won't be mad at me for leaving." I stand up, making Marshall sit up on the bed, leaning back on his hands.
"No, just stay here."
"And go back when?" He just shrugs, so laid back and not caring. I roll my eyes.
"I can't just stay here and hide out forever! As much as I'd love too, I had a choice in the matter. I married him."
"You would stay here if you could?" Hope fills his voice, and I'm not really sure why. He looks at me with the wide eyes of a child. Well, as child like as demon vampire eyes can look.
"Yeah, it beats doing junk at the castle and not getting to even see my husband." A look of disgust crosses his face when I say husband.
"He won't be your husband for long, Fi. Don't worry." He floats over and traces my jawline. I can't help but blush a little.
"Right, okay. Just take me back to the Candy Castle please." I ask when he pulls his hand away. He seems to snap out of this trace he's in and looks away from me.
"Kay, let's get a move on then." On Marshall's back I'm able to reach the candy kingdom in a matter of a few minutes. I resist the urge to toy with his hair while I'm facing it the whole time, but I figure that would probably be weird. Marshall takes me to the window of my bedroom. Luckily it's wide open. He flies in and I climb off his back. Steadying myself on the floor I look to Marshall, his eyes locked on something behind me. I ignore that though.
"Thanks a bunch, Marshall. Seriously don't know what I'd do without you. I do wonder what the guards would have done with-" Marshall's hand slides over my mouth, stopping me mid-sentence. He tilts his head in the direction of my bed, so I turn to look. I gasp, but it is unheard because of Marshall's hand still clasped on my mouth. Gumball sat on the bed, glaring at the both of us. It's quiet, even after Marshall Lee takes his hand back and I'm free to speak. Of course, Marshall is the one to break the silence.
"How's it going?" Marshall asks, his voice oozing with the fact that he didn't actually care. "I bet it's pretty funked up without your little arran girl to do your chores." Gumball's glare gets more intense, and he stands up, crossing the room to us.
"I've been worried sick about my wife! What do you think, you can just take her out whenever you please? Didn't I make the rules clear last time you showed your face around here?" Usually I would expect Marshall to smirk down at Gumball, but he didn't keep that cool vibe right now. He revealed his feelings perfectly through his expression.
"You don't care about her at all! You're using her and I know it! I don't care what you say, I'm going to keep seeing Fionna whenever I want. You may rule this kingdom but you can't rule me!" Marshall lets out a laugh, a cackling evil kind of laugh. I know that laugh, the kind of laugh that he always seems to laugh before he transforms into his giant bat monster form. As soon as I realize this I fling myself at him as fast as I can, as I first quick reaction. Marshall and I tumble over, onto the floor.
"Marshall! Don't, don't do it! Calm down!" I shout, panicked. The evil look in his eyes seems to fade, as he watches me flail on him.
"Alright, alright, chill."
"Fionna get off of him, now!" Gumball commands in a firm voice. I can't help but listen to him, getting up and standing in front of Gumball. "I want an explanation. Where were you?" He didn't seem too care all that much about my well being...
"Well, I just went to hang out with my friend, Marshall." I shrug, hoping he would think it wasn't a big deal like I did.
"So you left here? Of your own free will."
"Yeah, I guess so." I clarify, not wanting Marshall to get thrown in the dungeon. Gumball sighs, his whole expression changing now.
"Guards!" He calls out, and I'm panicking once again.
"No! No, don't!" I shout, shielding Marshall with my bod, like that would help. Banana guards enter the room, despite my protests and head right for Marshall and I. Gumball steps aside so that they can make their way toward us. To my surprise they don't head right for Marshall. Marshall sits behind me on the floor safe and sound not being touched at all. I, on the other hand, is who they go for. Suddenly I'm being grabbed from all angles, as if I'm some dangerous criminal who's going to try to run away from them. "W-what's happening?" I ask, but I'm ignored, and being pulled out of the room. The last thing I see is Marshall, shooting off the ground and toward Gumball with a look of rage in those demon eyes.

Adventure Time with Fionna and Gumball? (FioLee)Where stories live. Discover now