Closed Doors are Opened

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Diana's POV

I woke up with soft kisses on my face, I smiled a little and sighed in contentment,

" good morning my love" Elijha whispered In my ear, I raised my head and looked at him smiling at me,

" morning to you too, you need to get your ass up and get ready before you head to work late, i'll go make your coffee mean while you do your business" I said now strandling him, he smiled and nodded his head, I got off of him and got up and wore some shorts and a one of his shirts, he got up as well and went to the bathroom, before going down stairs I went to Amelia's room to check up on her, I opened the door softly, I peaked inside and saw her cuddling with her teddy bears sleeping peacefully, I smiled in contentment and closed the door and went down stairs to the kitchen and started making Elijha's coffee.

I heard footsteps discending the stairs and heard Elijha talking to I guess Jacob about their usual men stuff, the both of them are something else, the're literally brothers who pick on each other so much in a funny way.
I put the coffe in a flask for him so that when he gets to work it will still be hot, he walked over to me kissing me and grabbing the coffee,

" i'll see you tomorrow I guess?" he asked, I nodded smiling,

" hey Jacob!!" I said loudly for him to hear me through the phone and I heard him greet back, I laughed at him, I looked at Elijha and answered him,

" how about well stay at your place for the rest of the week" I suggested, he frowned and said,

" babe but that is only for three days it's not enough, how about seven days so that well make that a week?" he asked giving me his puppy eyes, I smiled at him rolled my eyes and sighed,

" fine fine you win we'll see tomorrow then I love you" I said as I pushed him out of the house, if he doesn't leave now he's definatly going to late.

" ok thanks baby love you too see you tomorrow!!" he rushed out of the house still on the phone with Jacob, I giggled at him and closed the door, it was still early so I decided to leave Amelia alone and let her rest, I started cleaning the house since I was already awake and doing nothing.

it was now 9:00 am and I decided to go do my morning routing then after i'll wake up Diana for breakfast.

after I was done with everything I went to Diana's room,

" it's time to wake up big girl" I said picking her up and hugged her small body to mine, she opened her eyes yawning then she looked and me before squealing happily before burring her head on my neck, I took her to the bathroom and stated a bath for her, I stripped her and placed her on the warm water, I placed some of the toys inside as well, I took my phone and played some songs singing along with them and started bathing her.

after beign done with bathing her I covered her with a her fluffy purple tower and went to her room and I placed her on the bed, I could see that bathing her made her sleppy cause she was yawning again, I shook my head giggling at how cute she was.
After lotioning her body and dressed her in a pink jumper we went down stairs towards the kitchen, I placed her on her high seat and quickly made something small for her to eat and a bottle of warm milk, after placing it in front of her to eat by her self I turned around and sang the song that was now playing on my phone that I placed on the counter, as I made my breakfast I heard the music in my phone stop playing and heard my ringing tone go through, I sighed and stopped what I was doing to pick up my phone thinking it was Elijha or Sharon but it was neither of them, I frowned at the unknown number and ignored it then went back to what I was doing,

I was now eaten my breakfast while looking over at my baby as she finished her food, she looked at me too and we starting laughing at ourselves, I heared my phone start ringing again and I frowned reaching for it and it was the same unknown number but I still ignored it, after awhile the person calling became persistent and I irritatedly picked up the phone and answered it,

"hello?" I said waiting for the persone on the line to answer which he or she didn't, my frown deepened, I could literally hear the person on the line breathing,

" look if you're not gonna say something don't you ever call this line again i'm about to cut the call now so bye" I said but as I was about to remove the phone from my ear the persone spoke,

" ok wait !!" the persone said, he was definitely a guy,

" so what is it? who are you and why are you calling this number?" I said irritated, I heard him chukle and sigh,

" God you sound the same, I miss you" he said, I frowned,

" what? how do you know me?" I said now sitting down on the couch,

" it hurts to hear that you don't even remember the love of your life Diana i'm disappointed" he said and everything in me froze, I could literally hear my heart beat in my ears, I felt a rush of pain and fear and I sat up quickly looking around,

" Liam?" i shakily voice out,

(For maybe those who doesn't remember who  Liam is, is Diana's ex that left her when she first found out he was pregnant)

" it's me baby i missed you did you miss me?" he asked chunkling, i shook my head disbelieving what i was hearing,

" how did you get my number?" i asked angrily,

" i have my ways there's nothing to be  worried about and  i want to see you"he said with determination,

" don't you dare ever call this number ever again Liam i have nothing to do with you" i said and cut the call, i rushed and picked up Amelia breathing heavily, i almost couldn't breath I quickly rushed upstairs and called Sharon,

"hello?" She answered tired,

"Sharon are you at home?" I asked in a rush,

" yes girl I did the night shift I was about to take a nap, do you need something?" She asked,

" I'm coming over, something happened and I don't want to be alone" I said grabbing my bag and car keys, I almost ran towards Amelia's room,

" what happened are you ok?" She asked now alert and concerned,

" I need to come over then I'll  tell you what happened " I said now rushing down stairs as my heart still was beating erratically,

" girl ok don't worry nothing will happen to you call Elijha and tell him where you are ok?" she said, I quickly got out of the house and went to my car and buckled up Amelia and drove off,

"Yes I'll do just that" I said before ending the call.

I parked my car in front of Jacob's house, I took my phone and called Elijah,

" hello" he said,

"Elijah something happened I don't even know how he got my number but when I was eating breakfast  suddenly someone started calling me repeatedly and i-"

" wait wait babe what are you talking about are you ok? What's wrong?" he said with worry lacing his tone, I don't know what came over me but everything really drowned on me and I started crying,

" I don't know who gave him my number Elijah and suddenly he said wants to see me, I'm just scared" I said with frustration as I sobbed,

" love please don't cry who is he that you're talking about?" He asked,

"My ex the sperm donor of Amelia" I said with a trembling voice wiping my tears, I waited for him to say something but he was silent, the thoughts that where going through my mind was worsening the situation,

"Say something " I whispered, I heard him intake of deep breath,

"How the fuck?- where are you?" He said,

" I got scared and I went to Jacob's house Sharon came back from work not long ago, I don'tknow I feel paranoid" i said,

" stay there till I finish patrolling I'll get out early and come and get you, nothing's gonna happen to you or our baby you guys are fine, just relax ok?" He said reassuringly, I nodded my head,

" ok I'll wait for you" i said getting out of the car and went to the back seat to get Amelia put of her seat,

" I love you Diana and i promise you nothing's going to happen ok?" He said and I heard him sigh,

" ok i love you bye"

"Bye my love" he said then ended the call, I sighed and walked to the front door with a sleeping Lia.

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